title: Meet Jason Feed - The New Web Feed & Syndication Guy
- The Future of Online News - The Future of Facebook & Co
- Triva Quiz - What's RSS?
- Content Modeling is Easy
- Jason Fried? I know that guy.
- League Quick Starter Sample - Mauritius Premier League
- Content Modeling is Hard
- Meet Jason Feed - A New Feed Format in JSON - feed.json
- Rules for Standard Makers - Evolve or Die ;-) - Break Things - Many Worlds Possible
- Why (another) feed format? - JSON is the new XML ;-)
- Add JSON Feed to Your Site
- JSON Feed in Action
- JSON Feed Viewer
- RSS or Atom to JSON Feed
- Build Your Own News Web Component w/ React
- Bonus
- JSON Feed Podcast Example
- JSON Feed - Who's Who - Meet Brent Simmons n Manton Reece
- Let's "fix" JSON - What's wrong or missing in JSON 1.0?
- SON Feed? JSON5 Feed? HJSON Feed?
How do you read your news?
- On your computer?
- On your mobile phone?
- In your browser?
- In an app?
How many websites do you read?
- One (just Facebook ;-) or Krone)
- Two or three
- More than ten
- More than a hundred
Q: What's RSS?
- (A) RDF Site Summary
- (B) Rich Site Summary
- (C) Really Simple Syndication
RDF = Resource Description Framework
(Source: twitter.com/jasonfried/status/865767227416612864)
"author": { "name": "Jason Fried" },
"content_text: "JSON Feed? I know that guy.",
"date_published": "2017-05-19T20:12:00-00:00",
"url": "https://twitter.com/jasonfried/status/865767227416612864"
- No title.
- No hypertext (markup language) - just plain (vanilla) text.
title: "football.db - League Quick Starter Sample - Mauritius Premier League - Create Your Own Repo/League(s) from Scratch"
Added a new [quick starter sample](https://github.com/sportkit/mu-mauritius)
using the Mauritius Premier League to get you started creating
your own leagues/cups/etc. from scratch.
You can test drive the quick starter sample with a single command e.g.:
$ sportdb build
To start from scratch follow these six steps:
- Step 1: Add all leagues
- Step 2: Add all clubs
- Step 3: Add all match fixtures and results
- Step 4: Add the league season "front matter" settings
- Step 5: Add a setups file list (also known as manifest)
- Step 6: Add a datafile build script - That's it. Done.
Using a file structure like:
(Source: openfootball.github.io/2015/08/30/league-quick-starter )
"title": "football.db - League Quick Starter Sample - Mauritius Premier League - Create Your Own Repo/League(s) from Scratch",
"content_html": "<p>Added a new <a href=\"https://github.com/sportkit/mu-mauritius\">quick starter sample</a> \nusing the Mauritius Premier League to get you started creating \nyour own leagues/cups/etc. from scratch.</p>\n\n<p>You can test drive the quick starter sample with a single command e.g.:</p>\n\n<pre class=\"highlight\"><code>$ sportdb build \n</code></pre>\n\n<p>To start from scratch follow these six steps:</p>\n\n<ul>\n <li>Step 1: Add all leagues</li>\n...",
"url": "http://openfootball.github.io/2015/08/30/league-quick-starter.html",
"date_published": "2015-08-30T00:00:00+00:00"
See openfootball.github.io/feed.json
What about summary vs full content?
- Is the content a summary or full content?
What about plain (vanilla) text vs hypertext (markup language)?
- How about hypertext in the title or in the summary?
- How can you tell if the content is plain (vanilla) text or hypertext?
What about more than one author?
- How to add the author's email or website or avatar?
- What about contributors? Is a contributor an author?
What about ids?
- Is the url the id?
- What about global unique ids (guid) or about unique resource names (urn)?
More jsonfeed.org »
"version": "https://jsonfeed.org/version/1",
"title": "Jason Fried's Microblog",
"home_page_url": "https://micro.blog/jasonfried/",
"feed_url": "https://micro.blog/jasonfried/feed.json",
"author": {
"name": "Jason Fried",
"url": "https://micro.blog/jasonfried/",
"avatar": "https://micro.blog/jasonfried/avatar.png"
"items": [
"id": "865767227416612864",
"url": "https://micro.blog/jasonfried/status/865767227416612864",
"content_text": "JSON Feed? I know that guy.",
"date_published": "2017-05-19T20:12:00-00:00"
Standards - Standards - Standards
(Source: xkcd.com/1179)
One (format) to rule them all. All your base are belong to us. JavaScript is eating the world ;-)
(Source: xkcd.com/927)
Manifesto: Rules for standards-makers by Dave Winer - Inventor and Promotor of RSS (0.92, 0.93, 2.0)
One "frozen" format to rule them all (Hint: RSS). Really!?
Lots of great insightful advice, however, what's missing? what's wrong?
Evolve or Die ;-) "Living" standards are the new "everything frozen - we're done forever". See HTML as an example. Or the English (or German or any) language including programming languages e.g. JavaScript ;-)
So let's celebrate there are many worlds and many ways to do it ;-) and don't be afraid to break things to try new "keep it simpler" ways e.g. web journal log entry => web journal log => web log => blog.
=> Let's welcome and celebrate JSON Feed! Finally, feeds in JSON ;-)
Q: What about plain (vanilla) text vs hypertext (markup language)?
Use content_text
for text
and content_html
for hypertext.
No artificial intelligence (AI) needed ;-)
Q: What about summary vs full content?
Use summary
for summaries
and content_text
or content_html
for full content.
Note: "Full" content might just be:
"content_text": "Me!"
JSON is the new XML ;-) Easier. Free. Simpler.
RSS and Atom feed formats in XML. No "official" JSON versions (§).
Goals. After making feeds easier to read and write, our second goal is to provide a format that's self-documenting and difficult to do wrong.
(Source: jsonfeed.org/version/1)
(§) Breaking News May/30 - Dave Winer (re)started rss in json, see scripting.com/rss.xml, for an example.
More than "just" JSON versions of RSS or Atom.
(I) Made simpler e.g.:
- Everything is plain text and only
is for hypertext e.g.summary
, etc. always plain text. - No
required justcontent_text
(e.g. used for microposts) orcontent_html
(II) Many (practical) optional additions e.g.:
- Multiple attachments.
- Modern needs such as avatar images, feed icons and favicons, and banner and featured images. Feed readers should not have to search and scrape to guess at these things.
- A simple way to add extensions.
Feed format sounds boring!? How about:
A Univeral Server-less Head-less Microservice Content Management HTTP JSON API.
Easy. Free. Simple.
WordPress JSON Feed Plugin. Yes! Jeykyll. Yes! Hugo. Yes! And many more.
See the JSON Feed Code Page:
JSON Feed Viewer by Maxime Vaillancourt
Browse through fresh feeds, or enter a feed.
Open Source, see github.com/maximevaillancourt/json-feed-viewer)
- uses Node.js with Express and Pug (formerly Jade) templates
feed2json.org by Andrew Chilton
Convert RSS or Atom feed to JSON Feed
Open Source, see github.com/appsattic/feed2json.org
- uses Node.js with Express and feedparser (for RSS/Atom)
See the Feeds News Reader Sample in Action.
Step 1: Fetch the JSON feed
componentDidMount() {
const FEED_URL = 'https://openfootball.github.io/feed.json';
fetch( FEED_URL )
.then( res => res.json() )
.then( json => {
this.setState( { feed: json } );
(Source: github.com/playhtml/feeds/react/src/NewsApp.js)
Step 2: Diplay the JSON feed in HTML
export default class Feed extends React.Component {
render() {
// show json feed formatted w/ html template
const feed = this.props.feed;
if (!feed) return <div>Loading...</div>;
<div className="list">
{ feed.items.map( item => (
<div style={{{
padding: 10,
margin: 10,
background: 'white',
boxShadow: '0 1px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.5)'
<a href="{item._url}">{item.title}</a>
<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{{__html: item.content_html}} />
)) }
} // render
} // class Feed
That's it.
(Source: github.com/playhtml/feeds/react/src/Feed.js)
Yes, works "out-of-the-box" for podcasts too. Use attachments for audio recordings (media files).
"version": "https://jsonfeed.org/version/1",
"user_comment": "This is a podcast feed. You can add this feed to your podcast client using the following URL: http://therecord.co/feed.json",
"title": "The Record",
"home_page_url": "http://therecord.co/",
"feed_url": "http://therecord.co/feed.json",
"items": [
"id": "http://therecord.co/chris-parrish",
"title": "Special #1 - Chris Parrish",
"url": "http://therecord.co/chris-parrish",
"content_text": "Chris has worked at Adobe and as a founder of Rogue Sheep, which won an Apple Design Award for Postage. Chris’s new company is Aged & Distilled with Guy English — which shipped Napkin, a Mac app for visual collaboration. Chris is also the co-host of The Record. He lives on Bainbridge Island, a quick ferry ride from Seattle.",
"content_html": "Chris has worked at <a href=\"http://adobe.com/\">Adobe</a> and as a founder of Rogue Sheep, which won an Apple Design Award for Postage. Chris’s new company is Aged & Distilled with Guy English — which shipped <a href=\"http://aged-and-distilled.com/napkin/\">Napkin</a>, a Mac app for visual collaboration. Chris is also the co-host of The Record. He lives on <a href=\"http://www.ci.bainbridge-isl.wa.us/\">Bainbridge Island</a>, a quick ferry ride from Seattle.",
"summary": "Brent interviews Chris Parrish, co-host of The Record and one-half of Aged & Distilled.",
"date_published": "2014-05-09T14:04:00-07:00",
"attachments": [
"url": "http://therecord.co/downloads/The-Record-sp1e1-ChrisParrish.m4a",
"mime_type": "audio/x-m4a",
"size_in_bytes": 89970236,
"duration_in_seconds": 6629
Brent Simmons? - I know this guy!
Manton Reece? - I know that guy!
Brent Simmons built the NetNewsWire more than 10+ years ago; was first (most popular) news reader for Apple Mac OS X.
Blogs at inessential.com with feed.json ;-)
Manton Reece builds micro.blog - a timeline and publishing platform for the open web. Also built the WordPress JSON Feed plugin ;-)
Blogs at manton.org with feed.json ;-)
- Add comments.
- Allow object keys without quotes.
- Add multi-line strings.
- Allow trailing commas or make commas optional.
- And much much more.
New (working) JSON format proposals include:
- SON (Simple Object Notation)
- HJSON (Human JSON)
- and others
Why not evolve JSON? Keep it frozen, forever, really?
SON Feed? JSON5 Feed? HJSON Feed? Anyone?