Simple note taking app for neovim that can be attached to buffers, or can be made global.
v1.0.0 Add support for destroying weaver either global or the one attached to active buffer.
: Destroy weaver that is currently attached to active buffer, or pass g
to destroy global weaver.
This is a simple note taking plugin that creates temporary buffers that can be attached to separate buffers or create a single global buffer. Initially, I designed the plugin for myself, but I will be spending some time to update and modify it for others, refer TODO section for more.
- neovim >= 0.7.0
- plenary.nvim (you can add it as a dependency while installing)
Using packer.nvim
use {
requires = {"nvim-lua/plenary.nvim"},
config = true,
Using lazy.nvim
return {
dependencies = {
config = function()
Using LazyVim
return {
dependencies = {
config = true,
: Open a weaver attached to current buffer. This will remember the contents as long as the session is maintained and cannot be used in any other buffer. -
: Close weaver that is attached to current buffer. -
:Weaver g
: Same as first command but with "g" passed as argument. This will create a global weaver that is not attached to any current nvim buffers and can be opened with any buffer in the session. -
:CloseWeaver g
: Close global weaver. -
: A toggle command to open/close weaver. Passg
as argument to toggle global weaver. -
: Destroy weaver that is currently attached to active buffer, or passg
to destroy global weaver.
- Make UI better (maybe custom popup?)
- Better code quality
- Formatting and highlighting for weaver contents (markdown support?)