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zphysics v0.1.0 - Build package, C API and bindings for Jolt Physics

Jolt Physics is a fast and modern physics library written in C++.

This project aims to provide high-performance, consistent and roboust C API and Zig API for Jolt.

For a simple sample applications please see here.

Getting started

Copy zphysics to a subdirectory of your project and add the following to your build.zig.zon .dependencies:

    .zphysics = .{ .path = "libs/zphysics" },

Then in your build.zig add:

pub fn build(b: *std.Build) void {
    const exe = b.addExecutable(.{ ... });

    const zphysics = b.dependency("zphysics", .{
        .use_double_precision = false,
        .enable_cross_platform_determinism = true,
    exe.root_module.addImport("zphysics", zphysics.module("root"));

Now in your code you may import and use zphysics:

const zphy = @import("zphysics");

pub fn main() !void {
    try zphy.init(allocator, .{});
    defer zphy.deinit();

    // Create physics system
    const physics_system = try zphy.PhysicsSystem.create(
        ... // layer interfaces - please see sample application
            .max_bodies = 1024,
            .num_body_mutexes = 0,
            .max_body_pairs = 1024,
            .max_contact_constraints = 1024,
    defer physics_system.destroy();

    // Create shape
    const body_interface = physics_system.getBodyInterfaceMut();

    const shape_settings = try zphy.BoxShapeSettings.create(.{ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 });
    defer shape_settings.release();

    const shape = try shape_settings.createShape();
    defer shape.release();

    // Create body
    const body_id = try body_interface.createAndAddBody(.{
        .position = .{ 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0 },
        .rotation = .{ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 },
        .shape = shape,
        .motion_type = .dynamic,
        .object_layer = object_layers.non_moving,
    }, .activate);
    defer body_interface.removeAndDestroyBody(body_id);


    // Perform ray cast
        const query = physics_system.getNarrowPhaseQuery();

        var result = query.castRay(.{ .origin = .{ 0, 10, 0, 1 }, .direction = .{ 0, -20, 0, 0 } }, .{});
        if (result.has_hit) {
            // result.hit.body_id
            // result.hit.fraction
            // result.hit.sub_shape_id

    // Main loop
    while (...) {
        physics_system.update(1.0 / 60.0, .{});

        // Draw all bodies
        const bodies = physics_system.getBodiesUnsafe();
        for (bodies) |body| {
            if (!zphy.isValidBodyPointer(body)) continue;

            const object_to_world = object_to_world: {
                const position = zm.loadArr4(body.position);
                const rotation = zm.loadArr4(body.rotation);
                var xform = zm.matFromQuat(rotation);
                xform[3] = position;
                xform[3][3] = 1.0;
                break :object_to_world xform;

            // Issue a draw call

Usage in a shared library

The joltc artifact can be built as a shared library by specifying the shared build option:

    const zphysics = b.dependency("zphysics", .{
        .shared = true,

If your zig module uses zphysics and is itself part of a shared library that is reloaded at runtime, then some additional steps are required:

  • Before unloading the shared library, call preUnload to export the internal global state
  • After reloading the shared library, call postReload to import the internal state and update allocator vtables

If you use registerTrace or registerAssertFailed, these must also be called again to update their function pointers.