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zyBooks Ch 1.1 - 1.6
Data structures, such as an array, a linked list, or a binary tree, are used to organize data. There are operations associated with data structures such as accessing or inserting or removing data.
An algorithm is a sequence of steps used to perform a calculation. Specifi algorithms have been developed to address computational problems in various domains such as biologoy or e-commerce. NP-complete are problems for which it is not known if an efficient algorithms exists. An example of NP-complete problem is the Cliques problem.
Big O Notation, or efficiency, is used to classify algorithms based on how resources (space and time )requirements grow depending on the size of the input.
To determine an alogoritmn’s Big O notation, we need to make a fes assumptions:
- Every statement is considered to take the same amount of time to run
- To measure the run time of a method, we add up the sum of the statements that belong to this method.
- To measure the Big O a loop, multiply the number of statements in the loop times how many times the loop runs.
- To measure the Big O of a nested loop, we multiply the number o
Assume the following:
- Any single Java statement takes the same amount of time to run.
- A method call's runtime is measured by the total of the statements inside the method's body.
- A loop's runtime, if the loop repeats N times, is N times the runtime of the statements in its body.
- The Big O complexity of a nested loop is O(N^2)
- The highest order term determines the Big O. For example, if we have
- N^2 + 5N + 35, the Big O complexity would be N^2 (we are only concerned with the highest order term.
- Divide and conquer approach algorithm such as binary search have a complexity of O(Log 2 N)
How Big O is affected based on changes on doubling the value of N: Big O Complexity Classes:
- O(1) constant. Time not dependent on N
- O(log2 N) logarithmic Time increase in a logarithmic fashion (not much)
- O(N) linear Time increases linearly as N increases
- O(N2) quadratic Time quadruples as N doubles as N doubles
- O(N3) cubic Time multiplied by 8
- O(2N) exponential time increases greatly
zyBooks Ch 1.1 - 1.6 Participation Activities
Upon successful completion of the material, students wll be able to:
- Identify basic data structures and choose the appropriate data structures depending on data types and operations performed.
- Describe what an algorithm and a computational problem is.
- Find the best algorithms for solving common computational problems.
- Define what NP-complete problems are.
- Describe common operations used with data structures such as inserting, removing or searching for data.
- Work with common Abstract Data Types(ADTs) without knowing implementation details.
- Be familiar with algorithm efficiency, runtime complexity and best and worst cases.