第 18 章 动画 Animation 18.1 Defining Keyframes 18.2 Setting Up Keyframe Animations Naming Your Animation 18.3 Keyframe Selectors Omitting from and to Values Repeating Keyframe Properties Animatable Properties Nonanimatable Properties That Aren’t Ignored Scripting @keyframes Animations 18.4 Animating Elements Naming Animations Defining Animation Lengths Declaring Animation Iterations Setting an Animation Direction Delaying Animations Animation Events Changing the Internal Timing of Animations Setting the Animation Play State Animation Fill Modes 18.5 Bringing It All Together 18.6 Animation, Specificity, and Precedence Order Specificity and !important Animation Order Animation Iteration and display: none; Animation and the UI Thread 18.7 Seizure and Vestibular Disorders 18.8 Animation Events and Prefixing animationstart animationend animationiteration 18.9 Printing Animations