Clone this repository or download the compose.yaml
and .env.example
Rename the .env.example
to .env
and edit it to include your Discord bot token, application id and guild id.
Create your map.json
Use the command docker compose up -d
to start the bot in the background! Remove the -d
to see logs and messages
You can stop the bot using docker comppose down
while inside the same folder as the other files
Download the binary for your system and run with the disered arguments
Your discord bot token from the discord dev console
Your discord app ID from the discord dev console
The guild id for the server
A json file mapping a button label to a role name
- You can only have a maximum of 5 rows per command and 5 buttons per row (so a total of 25 roles per command) (Discord limitation)
- Command names should follow this
JS style regex (Discord limitation)- You can test with
in a JS runtime such as your browsers console
- You can test with
Inside your map.json file you'll use this schema:
"first-command-name": {
"Description": "Description for your first command",
"Message": "Message that will be sent with every invocation of this command",
"Buttons": [
"Role":"role name in your server",
"Label": "Text written in this button",
"Style": "red"
"Role":"Another role",
"Label": "Different label",
"Style": "grey"
"Role":"A role in a different row!",
"Label": "Label in a different row!",
"Style": "blurple"
"second-command": {
"Decription": "Description of your second-command",
"Message": "A massage to be sent with the second-command",
"Buttons": [
"Role":"Different command",
"Label": "Role in a diffferent command",
"Style": "red"
"Label": "Role deez nuts",
"Style": "blurple"