Rustbox is a Rust implementation of termbox.
Currently, this is just a wrapper of the C library by nsf, though my plan is to convert it to be a pure Rust implementation and remove the requirement on the C library.
The original implementation of this was inspired by Aaron Pribadi, so big props to him for the original work.
NOTE This is under development, and the APIs may change as I figure out more how Rust works and as the language itself changes
In your Cargo.toml
add the following:
rustbox = "*"
You can also use the current git version by instead adding:
git = ""
Then, in your src/
extern crate rustbox;
use std::error::Error;
use std::default::Default;
use rustbox::{Color, RustBox};
use rustbox::Key;
fn main() {
let rustbox = match RustBox::init(Default::default()) {
Result::Ok(v) => v,
Result::Err(e) => panic!("{}", e),
rustbox.print(1, 1, rustbox::RB_BOLD, Color::White, Color::Black, "Hello, world!");
rustbox.print(1, 3, rustbox::RB_BOLD, Color::White, Color::Black,
"Press 'q' to quit.");
loop {
match rustbox.poll_event(false) {
Ok(rustbox::Event::KeyEvent(key)) => {
match key {
Key::Char('q') => { break; }
_ => { }
Err(e) => panic!("{}", e.description()),
_ => { }
NOTE: this example can also be run with cargo run --example hello-world