diff --git a/tutorials.md.in b/tutorials.md.in
index 5d1bd43da2..25281c08c5 100644
--- a/tutorials.md.in
+++ b/tutorials.md.in
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ Ignition @IGN_DESIGNATION_CAP@ library and how to use the library effectively.
* \subpage levels "Levels": Load entities on demand in large environments
* \subpage distributedsimulation "Distributed Simulation": Spread simulation across several processes
* \subpage migrationplugins "Migration from Gazebo-classic: plugins": Walk through the differences between writing plugins for Gazebo-classic and Ignition Gazebo
+* \subpage ardupilot "Migration Case Study": Migrating the ArduPilot ModelPlugin from Classic Gazebo to Ignition Gazebo.
* \subpage resources "Finding resources": The different ways in which Ignition looks for files
* \subpage log "Logging": Record and play back time series of world state.
* \subpage battery "Battery": Keep track of battery charge on robot models
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index 0000000000..113bfc6a10
Binary files /dev/null and b/tutorials/files/ardupilot_diagram.png differ
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+\page ardupilot
+# Case study: migrating the ArduPilot ModelPlugin from Classic Gazebo to Ignition Gazebo
+A variety of changes are required when migrating a plugin from Gazebo Classic
+("Gazebo") to Ignition Gazebo ("Ignition"). In this tutorial we offer as a case
+study the migration of one particular `ModelPlugin`,
+[ardupilot_gazebo](https://github.com/khancyr/ardupilot_gazebo). We hope that
+this example provides useful tips to others who are migrating their existing
+plugins from Gazebo to Ignition.
+The complete, migrated version of the `ardupilot_gazebo` plugin covered in this tutorial
+can be found in [this fork](https://github.com/gerkey/ardupilot_gazebo/tree/ignition).
+## Background
+The `ardupilot_gazebo` plugin is used with Gazebo to assist with simulating
+unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs, aka drones). For more information on how to use
+it, check the [ArduPilot
+As context to understand what we're migrating, here's a system diagram for how
+the ArduPilot Gazebo plugin works is used:
+*UAV icon credit: By Julian Herzog, CC BY 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=60965475*
+For each UAV model in simulation, there is one instance of ArduPilotPlugin
+loaded into the simulation process. That plugin uses internal simulation APIs
+to retrieve the UAV's current state, which it sends to an external ArduPilot
+process via a custom UDP protocol (it's called Flight Dynamics Model, or FDM).
+The ArduPilot process in turn makes the vehicle state available via the MAVLink
+protocol to other processes, such as QGroundControl (QGC). The user can issue
+commands in QGC like "take off" or "goto waypoint", which are sent via MAVLink
+to ArduPilot, which computes motor commands and sends them to the plugin, which
+passes them onto the vehicle via internal simulation APIs.
+To be clear, this structure is pre-existing and widely used in UAV simulation.
+Our contribution in this tutorial is port the plugin from Gazebo to Ignition,
+preserving the rest of the setup.
+## Structure of the migration
+Migration of this plugin involves modifications to multiple parts of the associated code:
+1. The plugin header file, `ArduPilotPlugin.hh`
+1. The plugin source file, `ArduPilotPlugin.cc`
+1. The plugin's CMake build recipe, `CMakeLists.txt`
+1. The custom model in which the plugin is used
+We'll take them each in turn in the following sections.
+## Plugin header file (ArduPilotPlugin.hh)
+### Headers
+The old code includes these Gazebo-related headers:
+// OLD
+In the new code, we still need ``, because the underlying [SDFormat
+library](http://sdformat.org/) is used by both Gazebo and Ignition. But in place of the `` headers, we'll pull in one from Ignition:
+// NEW
+### Class declaration
+In the old code, the plugin class `ArduPilotPlugin` is declared in the `gazebo` namespace:
+// OLD
+namespace gazebo
+In the new code we declare the class in the `ignition::gazebo::systems` namespace:
+// NEW
+namespace ignition
+namespace gazebo
+namespace systems
+In the old code, the plugin class inherits from `ModelPlugin`:
+// OLD
+class GAZEBO_VISIBLE ArduPilotPlugin : public ModelPlugin
+In the new code, we use multiple inheritance to declare that our plugin will
+act as a *system* (in the entity-component-system, or ECS, pattern used by
+Ignition), and further which interfaces of a system it will use (we also update
+the symbol visibility macro):
+// NEW
+ public ignition::gazebo::System,
+ public ignition::gazebo::ISystemConfigure,
+ public ignition::gazebo::ISystemPostUpdate,
+ public ignition::gazebo::ISystemPreUpdate
+With this declaration we're indicating that our plugin will supply implementation of the `Configure()`, `PreUpdate()`, and `PostUpdate()` methods.
+In the old code, the `Load()` method is called once for each instance of the
+plugin that is loaded, allowing for startup configuration, like pulling
+parameters out of the plugin's SDF configuration:
+// OLD
+virtual void Load(physics::ModelPtr _model, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf);
+In the new code, we use `Configure()` for the same purpose (if a different signature):
+// NEW
+void Configure(const ignition::gazebo::Entity &_entity,
+ const std::shared_ptr &_sdf,
+ ignition::gazebo::EntityComponentManager &_ecm,
+ ignition::gazebo::EventManager &_eventMgr);
+Similarly, the old code provides `OnUpdate()`, which is called once per time step while simulation is running:
+// OLD
+void OnUpdate();
+In the new code, this method is replaced by two methods, `PreUpdate()` and
+// NEW
+void PreUpdate(const ignition::gazebo::UpdateInfo &_info,
+ ignition::gazebo::EntityComponentManager &_ecm);
+void PostUpdate(const ignition::gazebo::UpdateInfo &_info,
+ const ignition::gazebo::EntityComponentManager &_ecm);
+As the names suggest, the former is called before each time step, while the
+latter is called after each time step. Note the subtle difference in signature:
+`PreUpdate()` takes a non-`const` reference to the `EntityComponentManager`,
+while `PostUpdate()` takes a `const` reference to it. We'll make any changes to
+the state of simulation (e.g., setting torques on joints) in `PreUpdate()` and
+we'll read out results from simulation (e.g., getting the pose of a link) in
+The remaining changes in the header are just bookkeeping, to allow us to have
+access to the right objects with the right types in other class methods. These three helpers:
+// OLD
+void ApplyMotorForces(const double _dt);
+void SendState();
+bool InitArduPilotSockets(sdf::ElementPtr _sdf);
+// NEW
+void ApplyMotorForces(const double _dt,
+ ignition::gazebo::EntityComponentManager &_ecm);
+void SendState(double _simTime,
+ const ignition::gazebo::EntityComponentManager &_ecm);
+bool InitArduPilotSockets(const std::shared_ptr &_sdf);
+## Plugin source file (ArduPilotPlugin.cc)
+### Headers
+The old code includes these Gazebo-related headers:
+// OLD
+Like we did in `ArduPilotPlugin.hh`, we'll keep ``. The others are
+replaced with Ignition equivalents, and where possible we narrow the inclusion
+to exactly what we need. We start by enumerating those *components* (part of the
+ECS pattern used by Ignition) that we're using:
+// NEW
+To better understand the ECS pattern as it is used in Ignition, it's helpful to
+learn about the EntityComponentManager (ECM), which is responsible for managing
+the ECS graph. A great resource to understand the logic under the hood of the
+ECM is the `SdfEntityCreator` class
+This class is responsible for mapping the content of an SDF file to the
+entities and components that form the graph handled by the ECM. For example, If
+you wonder which components can be accessed by default from the plugin, this
+class is the best entry point.
+Next we include the parts of `ign-gazebo` itself that we're using:
+// NEW
+We need a few things from `ign-math`:
+// NEW
+To use the `IGNITION_ADD_PLUGIN()` and `IGNITION_ADD_PLUGIN_ALIAS()` macros, we
+need a header from `ign-plugin`:
+// NEW
+Because we'll be subscribing to data published by a sensor, we need a header from `ign-transport`:
+// NEW
+And we keep the SDFormat header:
+// NEW
+### Class members
+Now let's get into the class member declarations. The `PID` class has moved from `common`:
+// OLD
+common::PID pid;
+to `ignition::math`:
+// NEW
+ignition::math::PID pid;
+In the old code we store a `physics::JointPtr` for each propeller joint we're controlling:
+// OLD
+physics::JointPtr joint;
+In the new code we store an `ignition::gazebo::Entity` instead:
+// NEW
+ignition::gazebo::Entity joint;
+In the old code we store an `event::ConnectionPtr` to manage periodic calls to the `OnUpdate()` method:
+// OLD
+event::ConnectionPtr updateConnection;
+There's no equivalent class member in the new code. Instead we declared our
+intent to have this class's update methods called via its inheritance.
+In the old code we store a `physics::ModelPtr` for the model we're acting on:
+// OLD
+physics::ModelPtr model;
+In the new code we instead store references to the model, the entity underlying
+the model, and the entity underyling one of the links in the model:
+// NEW
+ignition::gazebo::Entity entity{ignition::gazebo::kNullEntity};
+ignition::gazebo::Model model{ignition::gazebo::kNullEntity};
+ignition::gazebo::Entity modelLink{ignition::gazebo::kNullEntity};
+The old code uses a custom time class:
+// OLD
+gazebo::common::Time lastControllerUpdateTime;
+while the new code uses `std::chrono`:
+// NEW
+std::chrono::steady_clock::duration lastControllerUpdateTime{0};
+In this plugin we need to read data from an IMU sensor attached to the UAV. In
+the old code we store a pointer to the sensor:
+// OLD
+sensors::ImuSensorPtr imuSensor;
+In the new code, instead of accessing the sensor object directly we must
+subscribe to a topic published by the sensor (you might be tempted to try
+retrieving the sensor data via components attached to the IMU entity, but that
+won't work because the logic to produce the data lives in the IMU system and
+its output can only be consumed via subscription). So we need a few more
+variables to track the state of subscription, data receipt via subscription,
+and so on:
+// NEW
+std::string imuName;
+bool imuInitialized;
+ignition::transport::Node node;
+ignition::msgs::IMU imuMsg;
+bool imuMsgValid;
+std::mutex imuMsgMutex;
+We also need a callback function that will be invoked upon receipt of newly
+published data from the IMU sensor. The callback just latches the latest
+message in a mutex-controlled fashion:
+// NEW
+void imuCb(const ignition::msgs::IMU &_msg)
+ std::lock_guard lock(this->imuMsgMutex);
+ imuMsg = _msg;
+ imuMsgValid = true;
+### Console logging
+Throughout the code, we replace the following output streams from the old code:
+// OLD
+gzdbg << ... ;
+gzlog << ... ;
+gzwarn << ... ;
+gzerr << ... ;
+with their Ignition equivalents:
+// NEW
+igndbg << ... ;
+ignlog << ... ;
+ignwarn << ... ;
+ignerr << ... ;
+**Suggestion**: Perhaps the old versions could stick around and be deprecated
+instead of removed?
+### Plugin interface: Configure()
+Recall that `Configure()` replaces `Load()`.
+In the old code, we store the model pointer and name:
+// OLD
+this->dataPtr->model = _model;
+this->dataPtr->modelName = this->dataPtr->model->GetName();
+In the new code, we store the entity, model, and name a bit differently:
+// NEW
+this->dataPtr->entity = _entity;
+this->dataPtr->model = ignition::gazebo::Model(_entity);
+this->dataPtr->modelName = this->dataPtr->model.Name(_ecm);
+Also in the new code we need to make sure of the existence of the specific
+*components* that we need. In our case, we're going to access the `WorldPose`
+and `WorldLinearVelocity` components of the *entity* representing one of the
+UAV model's links. The data in those components will be periodically updated by
+the physics *system* (I think). But the physics system will not necessarily
+create the components, so before accessing them later in our code, we need to
+ensure that the components exist:
+// NEW
+if(!_ecm.EntityHasComponentType(this->dataPtr->modelLink, components::WorldPose::typeId))
+ _ecm.CreateComponent(this->dataPtr->modelLink, ignition::gazebo::components::WorldPose());
+if(!_ecm.EntityHasComponentType(this->dataPtr->modelLink, components::WorldLinearVelocity::typeId))
+ _ecm.CreateComponent(this->dataPtr->modelLink, ignition::gazebo::components::WorldLinearVelocity());
+We'll see this pattern elsewhere in the new code: check for a component's
+existence, create it if necessary, then proceed with using it.
+**Suggestion**: Perhaps we could add syntactic sugar to encapsulate the
+check-and-create-if-necessary step? Or alternatively could we guarantee at
+startup that systems create all of the components they can use? Either way it
+would also be helpful to document which *components* a given *system* will read
+from and write to, as they represent the system's API. As present it's easy for
+a user to create and interact with a component that no system actually uses.
+We also clone the `const sdf::Element` that we've passed so that we can call
+non-`const` methods on it:
+// NEW
+sdf::ElementPtr sdfClone = _sdf->Clone();
+In the old code we retrieve a pointer to each joint that we're controlling:
+// OLD
+control.joint = _model->GetJoint(control.jointName);
+In the new code we retrieve the entity that represents the joint:
+// NEW
+control.joint = this->dataPtr->model.JointByName(_ecm, control.jointName);
+The accessor methods for members in the `PID` class have changed. The old code uses a `Get` prefix, e.g.:
+// OLD
+param = controlSDF->Get("vel_p_gain", control.pid.GetPGain()).first;
+param = controlSDF->Get("vel_i_gain", control.pid.GetIGain()).first;
+param = controlSDF->Get("vel_d_gain", control.pid.GetDGain()).first;
+In the new code, the `Get` prefix is gone:
+// NEW
+param = controlSDF->Get("vel_p_gain", control.pid.PGain()).first;
+param = controlSDF->Get("vel_i_gain", control.pid.IGain()).first;
+param = controlSDF->Get("vel_d_gain", control.pid.DGain()).first;
+**Suggestion**: Perhaps the old methods could stick around and be deprecated
+instead of removed?
+The old code does a bunch of lookups to get a pointer to the IMU sensor. In the
+new code, we just store the name of the sensors from the user-supplied SDF
+// NEW
+this->dataPtr->imuName = _sdf->Get("imuName", static_cast("imu_sensor")).first;
+and we do the equivalent lookup later, in `PreUpdate()`, which we'll cover next.
+### Plugin interface: OnUpdate() -> PreUpdate() + PostUpdate()
+The old code does the following each time step in its `OnUpdate()` method:
+// OLD
+const gazebo::common::Time curTime =
+ this->dataPtr->model->GetWorld()->SimTime();
+if (curTime > this->dataPtr->lastControllerUpdateTime)
+ this->ReceiveMotorCommand();
+ if (this->dataPtr->arduPilotOnline)
+ {
+ this->ApplyMotorForces((curTime -
+ this->dataPtr->lastControllerUpdateTime).Double());
+ this->SendState();
+ }
+this->dataPtr->lastControllerUpdateTime = curTime;
+As mentioned above, in the new code we're splitting that work into two halves:
+the "write" part should happen in `PreUpdate()` and the "read" part should
+happen in `PostUpdate()`.
+In `PreUpdate()` we receive new commands from the external ArduPilot process
+and write the resulting forces to propeller joints in simulation:
+// NEW
+if (_info.simTime > this->dataPtr->lastControllerUpdateTime)
+ this->ReceiveMotorCommand();
+ if (this->dataPtr->arduPilotOnline)
+ {
+ this->ApplyMotorForces(std::chrono::duration_cast >(_info.simTime -
+ this->dataPtr->lastControllerUpdateTime).count(), _ecm);
+ }
+Then in `PostUpdate()` we read the latest state (e.g., IMU sensor data, UAV
+pose and velocity) from simulation and send it out to ArduPilot:
+// NEW
+if (_info.simTime > this->dataPtr->lastControllerUpdateTime)
+ if (this->dataPtr->arduPilotOnline)
+ {
+ this->SendState(std::chrono::duration_cast >(_info.simTime).count(),
+ _ecm);
+ }
+this->dataPtr->lastControllerUpdateTime = _info.simTime;
+Note the differences in both methods with regard to time-handling: (i) the
+current simulation time is passed in as part of an
+`ignition::gazebo::UpdateInfo` object; and (ii) we operate on time values using
+#### One-time initialization in PreUpdate(): subscribing to sensor data
+Though it's not part of the regular update loop, we subscribe to the IMU sensor
+data in `PreUpdate()` because the information that we need for that
+subscription isn't available when we're in `Configure()`.
+**Suggestion**: Perhaps it should be possible to compute topics names for
+subscription inside `Configure()`?
+That one-time subscription logic looks like this, starting with determination
+of the right topic name and ending with registering our previously defined
+`imuCb()` method as the callback to receive new IMU data:
+// NEW
+ // Set unconditionally because we're only going to try this once.
+ this->dataPtr->imuInitialized = true;
+ std::string imuTopicName;
+ _ecm.Each(
+ [&](const ignition::gazebo::Entity &_imu_entity,
+ const ignition::gazebo::components::Imu * /*_imu*/,
+ const ignition::gazebo::components::Name *_name)->bool
+ {
+ if(_name->Data() == this->dataPtr->imuName)
+ {
+ // The parent of the imu is imu_link
+ ignition::gazebo::Entity parent = _ecm.ParentEntity(_imu_entity);
+ this->dataPtr->modelLink = parent;
+ if(parent != ignition::gazebo::kNullEntity)
+ {
+ // The grandparent of the imu is the quad itself, which is where this plugin is attached
+ ignition::gazebo::Entity gparent = _ecm.ParentEntity(parent);
+ if(gparent != ignition::gazebo::kNullEntity)
+ {
+ ignition::gazebo::Model gparent_model(gparent);
+ if(gparent_model.Name(_ecm) == this->dataPtr->modelName)
+ {
+ imuTopicName = ignition::gazebo::scopedName(_imu_entity, _ecm) + "/imu";
+ igndbg << "Computed IMU topic to be: " << imuTopicName << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ });
+ if(imuTopicName.empty())
+ {
+ ignerr << "[" << this->dataPtr->modelName << "] "
+ << "imu_sensor [" << this->dataPtr->imuName
+ << "] not found, abort ArduPilot plugin." << "\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ this->dataPtr->node.Subscribe(imuTopicName, &ignition::gazebo::systems::ArduPilotPluginPrivate::imuCb, this->dataPtr.get());
+**Suggestion**: There should be an easier way to compute the name of the topic
+on which a given sensor's data will be published.
+### Writing to simulation
+Based on commands received from ArduPilot, new forces are applied to the
+propeller joints in `ApplyMotorForces()`, using the joints' current velocities
+as feedback. In the old code that's done by calling `GetVelocity()` and
+`SetForce()` on each joint `i`:
+// OLD
+const double vel = this->dataPtr->controls[i].joint->GetVelocity(0);
+// ...do some feedback control math to compute force from vel...
+this->dataPtr->controls[i].joint->SetForce(0, force);
+In the new code, for each joint `i` we read from the `JointVelocity` component
+attached to the corresponding entity, and we write to the `JointForceCmd`
+component attached to the same entity (creating it first in case it doesn't yet
+// NEW
+ignition::gazebo::components::JointForceCmd* jfcComp =
+ _ecm.Component(this->dataPtr->controls[i].joint);
+if (jfcComp == nullptr)
+ jfcComp = _ecm.Component(
+ _ecm.CreateComponent(this->dataPtr->controls[i].joint,
+ ignition::gazebo::components::JointForceCmd({0})));
+ignition::gazebo::components::JointVelocity* vComp =
+ _ecm.Component(this->dataPtr->controls[i].joint);
+const double vel = vComp->Data()[0];
+// ...do some feedback control math to compute force from vel...
+jfcComp->Data()[0] = force;
+A similar pattern is used for the case of setting a velocity on a joint;
+instead of calling `SetVelocity()` on the joint, we write to the
+`JointVelocityCmd` component of the joint entity.
+### Reading from simulation
+To prepare the data that will be sent to ArduPilot, in `SendState()` we need to
+read some information from simulation, specifically: linear acceleration and
+angular velocity from the IMU, and the UAV's pose and linear velocity in the
+world frame.
+In the old code, we get the IMU data by calling methods on the sensor object
+and copying the result into the packet that we're going to send to ArduPilot:
+// OLD
+const ignition::math::Vector3d linearAccel =
+ this->dataPtr->imuSensor->LinearAcceleration();
+pkt.imuLinearAccelerationXYZ[0] = linearAccel.X();
+pkt.imuLinearAccelerationXYZ[1] = linearAccel.Y();
+pkt.imuLinearAccelerationXYZ[2] = linearAccel.Z();
+const ignition::math::Vector3d angularVel =
+ this->dataPtr->imuSensor->AngularVelocity();
+pkt.imuAngularVelocityRPY[0] = angularVel.X();
+pkt.imuAngularVelocityRPY[1] = angularVel.Y();
+pkt.imuAngularVelocityRPY[2] = angularVel.Z();
+In the new code, as previously mentioned, these data are accessed by
+subscribing to the sensor via ign-transport. In that subscription we registered
+a callback that just copies the latest IMU message to `imuMsg` and sets the
+flag `imuMsgValid`, using `imuMsgMutex` to exclude concurrent access to those
+variables. So we access the latest IMU sensor by copying and reading from that
+// NEW
+ignition::msgs::IMU imuMsg;
+ std::lock_guard lock(this->dataPtr->imuMsgMutex);
+ if(!this->dataPtr->imuMsgValid)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ imuMsg = this->dataPtr->imuMsg;
+pkt.imuLinearAccelerationXYZ[0] = imuMsg.linear_acceleration().x();
+pkt.imuLinearAccelerationXYZ[1] = imuMsg.linear_acceleration().y();
+pkt.imuLinearAccelerationXYZ[2] = imuMsg.linear_acceleration().z();
+pkt.imuAngularVelocityRPY[0] = imuMsg.angular_velocity().x();
+pkt.imuAngularVelocityRPY[1] = imuMsg.angular_velocity().y();
+pkt.imuAngularVelocityRPY[2] = imuMsg.angular_velocity().z();
+In the old code, we access the UAV's pose linear velocity in the world frame by
+calling `WorldPose()` and `WorldLinearVelocity()`, respectively, on the model
+// OLD
+const ignition::math::Pose3d gazeboXYZToModelXForwardZDown =
+ this->modelXYZToAirplaneXForwardZDown +
+ this->dataPtr->model->WorldPose();
+const ignition::math::Vector3d velGazeboWorldFrame =
+ this->dataPtr->model->GetLink()->WorldLinearVel();
+In the new code we instead read from the `WorldPose` and `WorldLinearVelocity`
+components attached to the entity representing one of the UAV model's links:
+// NEW
+const ignition::gazebo::components::WorldPose* pComp =
+ _ecm.Component(this->dataPtr->modelLink);
+const ignition::math::Pose3d gazeboXYZToModelXForwardZDown =
+ this->modelXYZToAirplaneXForwardZDown +
+ pComp->Data();
+const ignition::gazebo::components::WorldLinearVelocity* vComp =
+ _ecm.Component(this->dataPtr->modelLink);
+const ignition::math::Vector3d velGazeboWorldFrame = vComp->Data();
+### Registering the plugin
+In the old code we register our plugin via the macro `GZ_REGISTER_PLUGIN()`:
+// OLD
+In the new code we instead use two macros: `IGNITION_ADD_PLUGIN()` and `IGNITION_ADD_PLUGIN_ALIAS()`:
+// NEW
+ ignition::gazebo::System,
+ ignition::gazebo::systems::ArduPilotPlugin::ISystemConfigure,
+ ignition::gazebo::systems::ArduPilotPlugin::ISystemPostUpdate,
+ ignition::gazebo::systems::ArduPilotPlugin::ISystemPreUpdate)
+## Build recipe: `CMakeLists.txt`
+Compared to the code changes, the updates in the CMake configuration are pretty
+minor and primarily result from the fact that the formerly monolithic Gazebo
+project is now a set of Ignition libraries.
+In the old code we retrieve all the required build configuration by finding the Gazebo package:
+# OLD
+find_package(gazebo REQUIRED)
+In the new code we explicitly reference each Ignition package that we use:
+# NEW
+find_package(sdformat9 REQUIRED)
+find_package(ignition-common3-all REQUIRED)
+find_package(ignition-gazebo3-all REQUIRED)
+find_package(ignition-math6-all REQUIRED)
+find_package(ignition-msgs5-all REQUIRED)
+find_package(ignition-physics2-all REQUIRED)
+find_package(ignition-sensors3-all REQUIRED)
+find_package(ignition-transport8-all REQUIRED)
+In the old code we need only refer to the build configuration retrieved from the Gazebo package:
+ include
+Whereas in the new code we refer to build configuration from each Ignition package:
+ include
+ )
+ )
+## The model
+The old UAV is defined in two parts: (i) the `iris_with_standoffs` model, which
+defines the vehicle structure; and (ii) the `iris_with_ardupilot` model, which
+includes the extends the `iris_with_standoffs` model by adding plugins needed to
+fly it.
+Because model inclusion is not (yet?) supported, the new model just combines
+the additional plugin configuration from `iris_with_ardupilot` into
+`iris_with_standoffs`. Along the way a few changes are made, as follows.
+The `