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File metadata and controls

365 lines (270 loc) · 10.1 KB

REP: XXX Title: Layout of ROS Industrial manufacturer support repositories Author: G.A. vd. Hoorn <[email protected]> Status: Draft Type: Process Content-Type: text/x-rst Created: 15-Nov-2013


This document proposes a number of conventions for package naming and layout within the context of robot manufacturer supporting repositories in ROS Industrial. In addition, rules for naming externally visible symbols and artefacts within those packages are given.




Manufacturer Support Repository
The (version controlled) storage location which holds all packages belonging to a manufacturer metapackage.
Manufacturer Metapackage
ROS-I metapackage grouping all driver, robot support and other packages for one particular manufacturer.
Driver Package
ROS-I package containing all nodes required to implement support for the ROS-Industrial Driver Specification [1]. A manufacturer support repository may contain multiple driver packages, for instance when multiple incompatible controller models can be used with different robot models from the same manufacturer.
Robot Support Package
ROS-I package containing all files needed to support a specific robot model (configuration files, meshes, urdfs and launch files). A single support package may support multiple robot models from the same family, by storing the union of all required files.
Robot Type
Mostly used to describe its kinematic structure, applicability to certain use cases. Examples: SCARA or serial manipulator.
Robot Family (series)
A set of manipulators all deriving from a common base model or set of functional characteristics.
Robot Model (variant?)
One particular model of manipulator, member of a family, but completely defined by its model number. Examples are the Fanuc LR Mate 200iC/5H, the Motoman SIA50D, Adept Viper S650.



All ROS-I packages shall follow normal ROS naming guidelines, as set forth in [2] and [3]. Package names, file and directory names as well as xacro macros follow these conventions. In summary: start with a letter, no capitals, no special characters and underscores in stead of spaces. This also holds for file extensions: only lowercase is acceptable.

ROS-I specific examples: the Fanuc M-430iA/2F becomes m430ia2f. The Motoman HP20D/F becomes hp20df.

Underscores should be used sparingly, but may be inserted to improve readability of an identifier. Example: Adept Viper S650 could become viper_s650, instead of vipers650.

Manufacturer prefix


Single package per family


Package Layout



This package shall be identical to all other ROS Catkin metapackages [4]. The package name should be equal to the name of the support repository, but should always contain the name of the manufacterer. All other packages in the stack should be listed as <run_depends> of the metapackage.

 ├── CMakeLists.txt
 └── package.xml

Resource Package

Shall contain any artefacts (urdf, xacro, meshes, text files) that are of use to other packages within the repository. This package is a good place to store colour and material definitions common to robot types within the repository, shared (workcell) meshes (such as models of fixtures, turn tables, pedestals) and textures.

Meshes must be seperated into collision and visual grade variants. Xacros and urdfs should reference the appropriate files in respective <collision> and <visual> tags. Acceptable file types for meshes are those supported by RViz (ie: binary .stl, .dae and Ogre .mesh).

├── meshes
│   ├── X
│   │   ├── collision
│   │   └── visual
│   ├── Y
│   │   └── ..
│   └── ..
├── urdf
│   ├── common_colours.xacro
│   ├── common_materials.xacro
│   └── ..
├── ..
├── CMakeLists.txt
└── package.xml

Driver Package

This package shall contain nodes required for interfacing with supported manipulators. If required, it may also contain code that is to be run on the controller of the manipulator. In case the default industrial_robot_client nodes are insufficient, this package should also contain specialised (subclassed) versions.

In addition, this package should contain the base launchfiles for starting all ROS-I required nodes, with any required robot specific parameters.

If sufficiently different, controller-specific prefixes could be used. Example: motoman_fs100_driver.

├── include
│   └── ..
├── launch
│   ├── motion_(streaming|download)_interface.launch
│   ├── robot_interface_(streaming|download).launch
│   ├── robot_state.launch
│   └── ..
├── src
│   └── ..
├── ..
├── CMakeLists.txt
└── package.xml

Support Package

These packages add support for a family of manipulators. Support packages shall contain configuration files, launchfiles, meshes (collision and visual), urdfs and any other needed files -- for all supported models.

Additionally, the support package may provide functionality (in the form of custom(ised) nodes or plugins) that is too specialised to be included in the industrial_robot_client or any of the repositories' driver packages. Examples could be filtering or transform nodes that process incoming data from a controller before passing it on to other ROS-I components (analogous to a Windows filter driver).

In all cases, the external interface (topics and services) of support packages which include such extensions must implement at least the ROS-Industrial Driver Specification [1].

├── config
│   ├── joint_names_MODEL_B1.yaml
│   └── ..
├── launch
│   ├── load_MODEL_B1.launch
│   ├── robot_interface_(streaming|download)_MODEL_B1.launch
│   ├── robot_state_visualize_MODEL_B1.launch
│   ├── test_MODEL_B1.launch
│   └── ..
├── meshes
│   ├── MODEL_B1
│   │   ├── collision
│   │   │   ├── link_1.stl
│   │   │   ├── link_2.stl
│   │   │   └── ..
│   │   └── visual
│   │       ├── link_1.stl
│   │       └── ..
│   ├── MODEL_B2
│   │   └── ..
│   └─── ..
├── urdf
│   ├── MODEL_B1.urdf
│   ├── MODEL_B1.xacro
│   ├── MODEL_B1_macro.xacro
│   └── ..
├── CMakeLists.txt
└── package.xml

Arm Navigation Package

This package shall provide a ROS Arm Navigation compatible motion planning interface for a specific robot model. Due to the nature of these packages, only a single model is supported by each package.

NB: Arm Navigation is deprecated in ROS Groovy, and removed in ROS Hydro. This section is included in this REP for retrospective standardisation of existing packages.

MoveIt! Configuration Package

Just keep normal MoveIt! setup assistant output, but follow ROS-I naming conventions for package. As MoveIt! configurations are specific to a robot model (and even per robot configuration), they are separate packages, one per model.

TODO: should name of robot also be prefixed? In order to be able to work with multiple moveit configs simultaneously?

├── config
│   └── ..
├── launch
│   └── ..
├── CMakeLists.txt
└── package.xml

Note: any MoveIt! plugins should go in a separate package and should not be integrated into the MoveIt! package itself.

MoveIt! Plugins Package

Package should contain all MoveIt! plugins (kinematics, controller managers, etc) for a robot family. Should also be used to store type specific MoveIt! filters.

Idea is similar to the single-support-package-per-family rule.

Inspired by the moveit_pr2 package.

├── MFG_MODEL_B1_kinematics
│   ├── include
│   ├── src
│   ├── CMakeLists.txt
│   ├── .._plugin_description.xml
│   └── ..
├── MFG_MODEL_B2_kinematics
│   ├── include
│   ├── src
│   ├── CMakeLists.txt
│   ├── .._plugin_description.xml
│   └── ..
├── MFG_MODEL_B2_filters
│   ├── include
│   ├── src
│   ├── CMakeLists.txt
│   ├── .._plugin_description.xml
│   └── ..
├── CMakeLists.txt
└── package.xml

Other Package


Entity Naming

Xacro Macros

Follow other rules: mfg_prefix underscore model_name.

URDF Robot Names

similar to Xacro macro.

References and Footnotes

[1](1, 2) ROS-Industrial Robot Driver Specification (DRAFT). Date retrieved 2013-11-15. Online:
[2]ROS Patterns - Conventions - Naming ROS Resources, ROS Wiki. Date retrieved 2013-11-15. Online:
[3]Names, ROS Wiki. Date retrieved 2013-11-15. Online:
[4]Catkin - Metapackages, ROS Wiki. Date retrieved 2013-11-15. Online:


This document has been placed in the public domain.