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sfy-buoy (small friendly buoy)


  • sfy - library of firmware, portable to different platforms + tool for unpacking SD-card files.
  • sfy-artemis - main function targeted for the Artemis.
  • target-test - unit tests for Artemis.

usually flashing of the device etc. will be run from this directory.

Building for deployment

$ cd sfy-artemis
$ BUOYPR=xxxx:your-notehub-account BUOYSN=WAVEBUGXX DEFMT_LOG=debug cargo build --release --features deploy

the deploy feature sets the panic-handler to reset the device. You can deploy using the USB bootloader:

$ make deploy

Dependencies when building and flashing using the sparkfun bootloader

  • apt install gcc-arm-none-eabi binutils-arm-none-eabi clang libclang-dev
  • cargo install cargo-binutils
  • rustup target add thumbv7em-none-eabihf
  • rustup component add llvm-tools-preview

Hardware debugger

With the Artemis the JLink EDU debugger works fairly well, install the debug-server and tools.

Debugging the Notecard

The notecard outputs debug information on the USB-TTY (using e.g. picocom with baud rate: 115200). Type trace + Enter to get much more information. If you want to get debug information without powering the whole system through the USB-port you have to attach a FTDI-RS232 adapter to AUXRX/AUXTX and pull AUXEN up.

Feature flags and environment variables


  • defmt-serial (experimental): logs defmt-messages over serial rather than RTT. So that you can read messages without a hardware-debugger. See make defmt-serial.

  • continuous: transmits data continuously, at the cost of more power and no functional GPS. Mostly for demonstration purposes.

  • 20Hz: set output sample rate of waves to 20Hz, rather than 52hz.

  • deploy: turns on asm::wfi in main loop over busy wait.

  • storage: store data on SD card.

  • fir: recommended and sometimes needed: run IMU faster and filter kalman-output down to output rate.

  • surf: increase accel and gyro range to expect greater forces impacted by breaking waves.

  • ice: increase sensitivity (opposite of surf), expect low movement and low forces. typically used for ice deployments.

  • lowaccel: increase accel and gyro range to expect greater forces impacted by breaking waves.

  • raw: store raw data on SD-card (experimental)

  • host-tests: used to disable code that doesn't compile on host, for running host unit tests. Best used through make host-test.

Environment variables

  • BUOYSN: the name of the buoy as it appears on the data server.

  • BUOYPR: the product name used for the modem. determines which account the data is sent to on

  • SFY_EXT_SIM_APN: Enable external SIM and specify APN.

  • GPS_PERIOD: Sample interval for GPS (default 60 seconds).

  • GPS_HEARTBEAT: Minimum GPS interval when no motion detected. Positive value is hours, negative is minutes.

  • SYNC_PERIOD: Maximum time between syncs (default 20 minutes).

  • DEFMT_LOG: defmt log levels, leave empty to compile out.


  1. On Ubuntu 22 the package brltty claims the Artemis USB device and the tty device disappears, remove it if you don't need it.