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3b77f39 · May 5, 2023


28 lines (25 loc) · 2.34 KB

File metadata and controls

28 lines (25 loc) · 2.34 KB



Name Type Description Notes
contract string Futures contract [optional] [default to undefined]
last string Last trading price [optional] [default to undefined]
changePercentage string Change percentage. [optional] [default to undefined]
totalSize string Contract total size [optional] [default to undefined]
low24h string Lowest trading price in recent 24h [optional] [default to undefined]
high24h string Highest trading price in recent 24h [optional] [default to undefined]
volume24h string Trade size in recent 24h [optional] [default to undefined]
volume24hBtc string Trade volumes in recent 24h in BTC(deprecated, use `volume_24h_base`, `volume_24h_quote`, `volume_24h_settle` instead) [optional] [default to undefined]
volume24hUsd string Trade volumes in recent 24h in USD(deprecated, use `volume_24h_base`, `volume_24h_quote`, `volume_24h_settle` instead) [optional] [default to undefined]
volume24hBase string Trade volume in recent 24h, in base currency [optional] [default to undefined]
volume24hQuote string Trade volume in recent 24h, in quote currency [optional] [default to undefined]
volume24hSettle string Trade volume in recent 24h, in settle currency [optional] [default to undefined]
markPrice string Recent mark price [optional] [default to undefined]
fundingRate string Funding rate [optional] [default to undefined]
fundingRateIndicative string Indicative Funding rate in next period [optional] [default to undefined]
indexPrice string Index price [optional] [default to undefined]
quantoBaseRate string Exchange rate of base currency and settlement currency in Quanto contract. Does not exists in contracts of other types [optional] [default to undefined]
basisRate string Basis rate [optional] [default to undefined]
basisValue string Basis value [optional] [default to undefined]
lowestAsk string Recent lowest ask [optional] [default to undefined]
highestBid string Recent highest bid [optional] [default to undefined]