diff --git a/garden-service/src/task-graph.ts b/garden-service/src/task-graph.ts
index 925237e2fd..6865e0ae3f 100644
--- a/garden-service/src/task-graph.ts
+++ b/garden-service/src/task-graph.ts
@@ -49,6 +49,13 @@ export class TaskGraph {
   private roots: TaskNodeMap
   private index: TaskNodeMap
   private inProgress: TaskNodeMap
+  /**
+   * latestTasks[key] is the most recently requested task (via process) for that key.
+   * We use this table to ensure that the last requested task version is used as
+   * we deduplicate tasks by key.
+   */
+  private latestTasks: { [key: string]: BaseTask }
   private pendingKeys: Set<string>
   private logEntryMap: LogEntryMap
@@ -66,6 +73,7 @@ export class TaskGraph {
     this.roots = new TaskNodeMap()
     this.index = new TaskNodeMap()
     this.inProgress = new TaskNodeMap()
+    this.latestTasks = {}
     this.pendingKeys = new Set()
     this.taskDependencyCache = {}
     this.resultCache = new ResultCache()
@@ -74,6 +82,10 @@ export class TaskGraph {
   async process(tasks: BaseTask[]): Promise<TaskResults> {
+    for (const t of tasks) {
+      this.latestTasks[t.getKey()] = t
+    }
     // We want at most one pending (i.e. not in-progress) task for a given key at any given time,
     // so we deduplicate here.
     const tasksToProcess = tasks.filter(t => !this.pendingKeys.has(t.getKey()))
@@ -153,7 +165,7 @@ export class TaskGraph {
   private async processTasksInternal(tasks: BaseTask[], resultKeys: string[]): Promise<TaskResults> {
     for (const task of tasks) {
-      await this.addTask(task)
+      await this.addTask(this.latestTasks[task.getKey()])
diff --git a/garden-service/test/unit/src/task-graph.ts b/garden-service/test/unit/src/task-graph.ts
index 92e6235afc..4a9ef2212f 100644
--- a/garden-service/test/unit/src/task-graph.ts
+++ b/garden-service/test/unit/src/task-graph.ts
@@ -323,34 +323,39 @@ describe("task-graph", () => {
       const garden = await getGarden()
       const graph = new TaskGraph(garden, garden.log)
-      let processCount = 0
+      const processedVersions: string[] = []
       const { promise: t1StartedPromise, resolver: t1StartedResolver } = defer()
       const { promise: t1DonePromise, resolver: t1DoneResolver } = defer()
       const t1 = new TestTask(garden, "a", false, {
         versionString: "1",
+        uid: "1",
         callback: async () => {
+          processedVersions.push("1")
           await t1DonePromise
-          processCount++
-      const repeatedCallback = async () => { processCount++ }
-      const t2 = new TestTask(garden, "a", false, { versionString: "2", callback: repeatedCallback })
-      const t3 = new TestTask(garden, "a", false, { versionString: "3", callback: repeatedCallback })
+      const repeatedCallback = (version: string) => {
+        return async () => {
+          processedVersions.push(version)
+        }
+      }
+      const t2 = new TestTask(garden, "a", false, { uid: "2", versionString: "2", callback: repeatedCallback("2") })
+      const t3 = new TestTask(garden, "a", false, { uid: "3", versionString: "3", callback: repeatedCallback("3") })
       const firstProcess = graph.process([t1])
-      // We make sure t1 is being processed before adding t2 and t3. This way, one of them
-      // (but not both) should be scheduled after t1 finishes, resulting in a processCount of 2.
+      // We make sure t1 is being processed before adding t2 and t3. Since t3 is added after t2,
+      // only t1 and t3 should be processed (since t2 and t3 have the same key, "a").
       await t1StartedPromise
       const secondProcess = graph.process([t2])
       const thirdProcess = graph.process([t3])
       await Bluebird.all([firstProcess, secondProcess, thirdProcess])
-      expect(processCount).to.eq(2)
+      expect(processedVersions).to.eql(["1", "3"])
     it("should recursively cancel a task's dependants when it throws an error", async () => {