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Migrating your configuration for Bonsai

Bonsai is the codename for Garden 0.13.

In Garden Bonsai, actions replace modules as the recommended way to describe components in your your Garden projects. The top-level project configuration is mostly unchanged.

But fear not: Bonsai is mostly backwards compatible with the old configuration! There are very few breaking changes that require editing any existing module-based configuration files - your projects should mostly just work when updating Garden.

On the other hand, the new configuration format is easier to read and write, provides much more flexibility, and adds some completely new functionality. We encourage you to incrementally convert your module configs to actions when you feel the time is right in your project.

If you'd like to learn more about actions before proceeding, check out the actions guide (which describes actions in depth).

Breaking changes first

Here is the list of breaking changes from Garden Acorn (0.12) to Bonsai (0.13). This lets you use your old module configs with minimal changes.

  • The cert-manager integration has been removed. New documentation has been created in the ext dns and cert manager example
  • dev-mode has been renamed to sync (and is now referred to as sync mode), both in configuration as well as in CLI command options.
  • The garden delete command has been renamed to garden cleanup.
  • garden delete env has been renamed to garden cleanup namespace, with an alias of garden cleanup ns
  • Changes to project configuration:
    • The dotIgnoreFiles field has been renamed to dotIgnoreFile and only supports one file. The old dotIgnoreFiles field is still supported with a deprecation warning. Now it supports only 1 filename defined in the array, otherwise an error will be thrown.
    • The modules.* field has been renamed to scan.*. The old syntax is still supported with a deprecation warning.
    • Removed default environments (this might require you to explicitly specify a plugin name or two in your project config that were previously inferred implicitly).
  • Template variable names will use camelCase everywhere, no more snake_case or kebab-case: tracking issue
  • The deprecated hot-reload mode has been removed: Use sync instead.
    • Sync mode is faster, more reliable and more full-featured than the old hot reload mode, so we feel confident that you'll be happy with the upgrade.
  • The deprecated cluster-docker build mode has been removed. Please use cluster-buildkit or kaniko instead.
  • Dropped support for deploying an in-cluster registry
  • Dropped support for the following providers:
    • google-app-engine
    • google-cloud-functions
    • local-google-cloud-functions
    • maven-container (superseded by the the jib-container plugin)
    • npm-package (the exec provider is a good replacement there)
    • openfaas

Note before continuing

It is possible to use both module and action configs in the same project. This should make it easier to convert projects piece by piece.

Internally, Garden converts modules into actions:

  • The build step of a module (if any) becomes a Build action.
  • Services become Deploy actions.
  • Tests become Test actions.
  • Tasks become Run actions.

This means that converting your project to the actions config can be performed gradually by starting from the end of the dependency tree.

The general flow of the Garden runtime is as follows:

  • Modules are resolved
  • Modules are converted to actions
  • Actions are resolved

However, there are some caveats:

  • Modules cannot depend on actions
  • Modules cannot reference actions
  • Actions can reference and depend on modules, by referencing the actions that are generated from modules.

Opt in to the new format

Here are a couple of examples of converting module configs to action configs.

The added granularity and flexibility should make it easier to configure complex projects, and significantly reduce the number of unnecessary rebuilds.

This is a short tutorial, you can find the full reference documentation for Actions here


# Before: one YAML document

# The top-level Module config is changed a bit
kind: Module
type: container
name: api
description: The backend for the voting UI

# The services section is converted into a Deploy action
  - name: api
    args: [python,]
      - name: http
        protocol: TCP
        containerPort: 80
        path: /api
        port: http
      - path: /
        hostname: "api.${var.baseHostname}"
        port: http
      - redis

# The tests are converted into Test actions
  - name: unit
    args: [echo, ok]
  - name: integ
    args: [python, /app/]
    timeout: 200
      - api
# After: sections with YAML document separators ---

# Now we have a more explicit Build action
kind: Build
type: container
name: api
description: The backend container for the voting UI

# The Deploy action has some top-level settings
kind: Deploy
type: container
name: api
description: The backend deployment for the voting UI
# Uses the container created by the Build action above
build: api
# Dependencies has been moved from the services to here,
# and they can now be much more granular:
# refer to specific Build, Deploy, Run, and Test actions
dependencies: [deploy.redis]

# But most of the previous service can be pasted under spec
  args: [python,]
    - name: http
      protocol: TCP
      containerPort: 80
      path: /api
      port: http
    - path: /
      hostname: "api.${var.baseHostname}"
      port: http

kind: Test
type: container
name: api-unit
build: api
  args: [echo, ok]

kind: Test
type: container
name: api-integ
build: api
dependencies: [deploy.api]
timeout: 200
  args: [python, /app/]


kind: Module
type: container
name: postgres
description: Postgres container for storing voting results
image: postgres:12

# Module services -> Deploy spec
  - name: db
      - name: data
        containerPath: /db-data
      - name: db
        containerPort: 5432
      POSTGRES_DATABASE: ${var.postgres-database}
      POSTGRES_USERNAME: ${var.postgres-username}
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: ${var.postgres-password}
      command: [psql, -w, -U, "${var.postgres-username}", -d, "${var.postgres-database}", -c, "SELECT 1"]

# Module tasks -> separate dedicated Run actions
  - name: db-init
    command: [/bin/sh, -c]
        "sleep 15 && psql -w --host=db --port=5432 -d $PGDATABASE -c 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS votes (id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE, vote VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, created_at timestamp default NULL)'",
    dependencies: [db]
    env: &env
      PGDATABASE: ${var.postgres-database}
      PGUSER: ${var.postgres-username}
      PGPASSWORD: ${var.postgres-password}
  - name: db-clear
    command: [/bin/sh, -c]
    args: ["psql -w --host=db --port=5432 -d $PGDATABASE -c 'TRUNCATE votes'"]
    dependencies: [db]
      <<: *env
kind: Deploy
type: container
name: db
description: Postgres container for storing voting results

# Module services -> Deploy spec
  # When specifying an image instead of a Build,
  # do so in the spec section
  image: postgres:12
    - name: data
      containerPath: /db-data
    - name: db
      containerPort: 5432
    POSTGRES_DATABASE: ${var.postgres-database}
    POSTGRES_USERNAME: ${var.postgres-username}
    POSTGRES_PASSWORD: ${var.postgres-password}
    command: [psql, -w, -U, "${var.postgres-username}", -d, "${var.postgres-database}", -c, "SELECT 1"]

# Dedicated Run actions - note that these can now be depended on
# in any other configuration, as run.db-init and run.db-clear

kind: Run
type: container
name: db-init
dependencies: [deploy.db]
  image: postgres:12
      "sleep 15 && psql -w --host=db --port=5432 -d $PGDATABASE -c 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS votes (id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE, vote VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, created_at timestamp default NULL)'",
    PGDATABASE: ${var.postgres-database}
    PGUSER: ${var.postgres-username}
    PGPASSWORD: ${var.postgres-password}

kind: Run
type: container
name: db-clear
dependencies: [deploy.db]
  image: postgres:12
  command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "psql -w --host=db --port=5432 -d $PGDATABASE -c 'TRUNCATE votes'"]
    PGDATABASE: ${var.postgres-database}
    PGUSER: ${var.postgres-username}
    PGPASSWORD: ${var.postgres-password}


ind: Module
description: The worker that collects votes and stores results in a postgres table
type: container
name: worker
  - name: worker
      - redis
      - db-init
      PGDATABASE: ${var.postgres-database}
      PGUSER: ${var.postgres-username}
      PGPASSWORD: ${var.postgres-password}
kind: Build
type: container
name: worker

kind: Deploy
type: container
name: worker
description: The worker that collects votes and stores results in a postgres table
build: worker
# Note the much more granular dependency control!
  - deploy.redis
  - run.db-init
    PGDATABASE: ${var.postgres-database}
    PGUSER: ${var.postgres-username}
    PGPASSWORD: ${var.postgres-password}

Mixed use of Garden Acorn (0.12) and Bonsai (0.13)

For backwards compatibility, Garden Bonsai will default to apiVersion: in your project configuration (kind: Project).

Using apiVersion: enables teams to gradually move to Bonsai, one team member at a time, because members can already choose to use Bonsai, while still being able to use Acorn (0.12) when necessary.

As soon as your project is using Actions, apiVersion: becomes mandatory in the project configuration.. From that point on, team members can no longer use Acorn (0.12) as it does not recognize apiVersion: Therefore team members are forced to update to Bonsai (0.13).

When using Garden Cloud, features like triggered workflows or 1-Click Preview Environments, Garden Cloud will use Bonsai (0.13) with apiVersion: or Acorn (0.12) with apiVersion: See also the Garden Cloud workflows documentation.