- Unzip password protected file #484
- Md5 support for dumped files #489
- Improve elasticsearch details #462
- Add info for uploaded dumps #488
- HEX viewer #495
- Manage custom plugins #245
- YARA rules management #28
- Manage results with more than 10k rows #3
- Added docker-compose for swarm #252 with documentation #257
- Improved search #271
- Use multi-stage builds #242
- Pre built images available on ghcr for a faster deployment
- Yara management
- Symbols support check for linux/mac
- Symbols download helper for missing ones
- Improved dask logging
- Added Bookmarks
- Added MISP export
- Clear cache when worker start (useful in swarm mode)
- Added page autorefresh control
- API: dump workflow can be done from api
- Volatility: support for new file interface
- execute Volatility 3 plugins and show results in table
- plugins parameters support
- custom template for timeliner, pstree
- compare multiple plugin results in tabular format
- compare 2 plugin results in json diff
- automatic scan dump files with clamav and virustotal
- automatic parsing of hives with regipy