Archived as I now use Nix to configure neovim.
My personal Neovim (nvim) setup. It's wasn't where I wanted it just yet, but it's a good starting point for anyone who wants more out of it. There's a learning curve, but I encourage you to explore.
On first-time startup, nvim will install lazy and the included plugins.
All plugin configurations are in the plugins directory
- nvim-tree to browse files in a sidepane.
- lualine for a customizable statusline that shows mode, filename, encoding, git status, and more!
- which-key for tracking key shortcuts and managing your own! It's likely you won't like what I have, so definitely play with this.
- telescope for fuzzy searching in directories. Useful when you don't know the location of a file.
- nvim-autopairs to make pairs of certain characters and highlight them. An absolute must-have.
- indent-blankline for indent guides.
- nvim-treesitter allows for an easier interface with nvim's treesitter and includes a variety of features. Refer to their repo for more info.
- bufferline allows for neater switching between tabpages. Can be modified to switch between buffers.
- tokyonight is a theme for nvim and lualine.
- nvim-cmp is for code completion, and sources from cmp-luasnip
- mason is for easy management of Language Server Protocols, Debugger Access Protocols, linters, and formatters for a variety of languages. Similar mason packages are also installed for easier setup in LSP/CMP/formatting plugins
- lspconfig is available if you need it for specific LSP configurations, and mason can interface with this.
- null-ls lets you format code. Be sure to install the right formatter in mason.
- trouble for a buffer that shows all diagnostics in one easy place.
- lsp_signature gives signature hints as you type. ... and possibly more ...