diff --git a/topics/single-cell/tutorials/scatac-standard-processing-snapatac2/tutorial.md b/topics/single-cell/tutorials/scatac-standard-processing-snapatac2/tutorial.md
index 7f44fc2ef419ca..b0d9296dc13173 100644
--- a/topics/single-cell/tutorials/scatac-standard-processing-snapatac2/tutorial.md
+++ b/topics/single-cell/tutorials/scatac-standard-processing-snapatac2/tutorial.md
@@ -102,10 +102,10 @@ the page, so try to make them informative and concise!
> 3. Rename the datasets
-> Renaming the input datasets
-> - {% icon galaxy-pencil %}**Rename** the file "atac_pbmc_5k_nextgem_fragments.tsv" to "fragments_file.tsv"
->- {% icon galaxy-pencil %}**Rename** the file "gencode.v46.annotation.gtf.gz" to "gene_annotation.gtf.gz"
->{: .details}
+ > Renaming the input datasets
+ > - {% icon galaxy-pencil %}**Rename** the file "atac_pbmc_5k_nextgem_fragments.tsv" to "fragments_file.tsv"
+> > - {% icon galaxy-pencil %}**Rename** the file "gencode.v46.annotation.gtf.gz" to "gene_annotation.gtf.gz"
+> > {: .details}
> 4. Inspect the `fragments_file`
{: .hands_on}