diff --git a/.github/workflows/scrna-galaxyhelp-matrix.yml b/.github/workflows/scrna-galaxyhelp-matrix.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..27973cb87c60cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/scrna-galaxyhelp-matrix.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+name: "[Cron] Send Single-cell Galaxy Help Topics to Matrix CoP Room"
+ schedule:
+ # * is a special character in YAML so you have to quote this string
+ # We'll run this every monday at noon
+ - cron: '0 12 * * 1'
+ workflow_dispatch:
+ runner-job:
+ if: github.repository_owner == 'galaxyproject'
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ with:
+ fetch-depth: 0
+ # BEGIN Dependencies
+ - name: Install dependencies
+ run: |
+ sudo apt-get update
+ sudo apt-get install -y coreutils curl libxml2-utils gawk sed grep jq wget
+ # END Dependencies
+ - name: Send announcements to single-cell matrix for unanswered posts
+ run: |
+ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/galaxyproject/training-material/main/bin/galaxy-help-news.sh
+ HTML_TYPE="bullets" MAX_REPLIES="0" WANTED_TAGS="scrna scrna-seq" ROOM_ID='!TJRLNvfcbWbSRoUNpl:matrix.org' bash ./galaxy-help-news.sh
+ env:
+ MATRIX_ACCESS_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.matrix_access_token }}
diff --git a/bin/galaxy-help-news.sh b/bin/galaxy-help-news.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..9e96a5415fff60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/galaxy-help-news.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+ROOM_ID=${ROOM_ID:-'!TJRLNvfcbWbSRoUNpl:matrix.org'} ## GTN Single Cell Maintainers
+WANTED_TAGS=${WANTED_TAGS:-"scrna scrna-seq"}
+HTML_TYPE=${HTML_TYPE:-"bullets"} ## "table"
+## Result filters
+if [ -z "$MATRIX_ACCESS_TOKEN" ]; then
+ echo "
+This is a Matrix bot that scrapes Galaxy Help for certain tags and posts to
+a Room for topics that have less than X replies. Run this maybe once a month.
+Example Usage:
+ MATRIX_ACCESS_TOKEN='123_123_123' \\
+ MATRIX_SERVER='https://matrix.org' \\
+ ROOM_ID='!123_132_123:matrix.org' \\
+ WANTED_TAGS='tag1 tag2' \\
+ HTML_TYPE='bullets' \\
+ bash $0
+ MATRIX_ACCESS_TOKEN Can be found in your Matrix profile under
+ 'All settings' -> 'Help & About' -> 'Access Token'
+ MATRIX_SERVER The name or base address of the Matrix server to
+ post to. Default is '$MATRIX_SERVER'
+ ROOM_ID The Room ID can be found in the URL of the room
+ usually following format '!123123123:matrix.org'.
+ Default is '$ROOM_ID'
+ NOTE: Single quotes are very important here.
+ WANTED_TAGS A space separated list of valid tags to find posts
+ at https://help.galaxyproject.org/
+ Default is \"$WANTED_TAGS\"
+ MAX_REPLIES Filter for posts that have less than or equal to
+ this many replies. Default is \"$MAX_REPLIES\"
+ HTML_TYPE Render either a 'table' or 'bullets'. HTML tables
+ look great in the browser but don't render well on
+ mobile. Default is \"$HTML_TYPE\"
+ OPTS Extra arguments to append to help.galaxyproject.org
+ URL. Default is \"$OPTS\"
+ " >&2
+ exit 255
+function tag_to_tsv {
+ ## For a given TAG, fetch from the help forum, extract and parse
+ ## the table and produce a 4-column TSV output of Link, Title,
+ ## Replies, Views.
+ ##
+ ## TODO: Add date too?
+ local tag="$1"
+ curl -s "https://help.galaxyproject.org/tag/${tag}${OPTS}" \
+ | xmllint --noblanks --html --xpath '//tr[@class="topic-list-item"]/td/span' - 2>/dev/null \
+ | sed -r 's|]+>||; s|||; s|\s*]+>([^<]+)<.*|_ROW_\1\t\2|' \
+ | tr '\n' '\t' \
+ | sed -r 's|\s\s\s*|\t|g; s|_ROW_|\n|g'
+function alltags_to_tsv {
+ ## For all wanted tags, populate a 4-column TSV output of Link,
+ ## Title, Replies, Views, and return the path of the table.
+ local fetch_tags=$WANTED_TAGS
+ local tmp_tsv
+ tmp_tsv=$(mktemp --suffix=".tsv")
+ for tag in ${fetch_tags}; do
+ tag_to_tsv "$tag" >> "$tmp_tsv";
+ done
+ ## No duplicates, no blanks, no duplicate delimiters,
+ ## and sort by ascending reply count
+ grep -v "^\s*$" "${tmp_tsv}" | sed 's|\t\t|\t|g' \
+ | sort | uniq | sort -t $'\t' -nk 3 > "${tmp_tsv}".temp
+ echo -e "Link\tTitle\tReplies\tViews" > "${tmp_tsv}"
+ cat "${tmp_tsv}".temp >> "${tmp_tsv}"
+ rm "${tmp_tsv}".temp
+ echo "${tmp_tsv}"
+function filter_tsv {
+ ## Filter a TSV file for maximum replies and then return the path
+ ## of the new filtered table
+ local tsv="$1"
+ local tmp_tsv
+ tmp_tsv=$(mktemp --suffix=".tsv")
+ awk -F$'\t' -v replies="$MAX_REPLIES" '$3 <= replies' "${tsv}" > "${tmp_tsv}"
+ echo "${tmp_tsv}"
+function tsv_to_html {
+ ## Convert a TSV table into HTML text that can be fed into a JSON
+ local tsv="$1"
+ if [ "$HTML_TYPE" = "table" ]; then
+ awk -F$'\t' -v subtitle="Recent posts matching: ${WANTED_TAGS}, with replies ≤ ${MAX_REPLIES}" '\
+BEGIN { print "Updates from Galaxy Help
"subtitle"\n\nTopic | Replies | Views |
\n"} \
+END { print "\n
"} \
+NR > 0 {print ""$2" | "$3" | "$4" |
"}' \
+ "${tsv}" | tr '\n' ' ' | sed 's|"|\\"|g'
+ else ## bullets
+ awk -F$'\t' -v subtitle="Recent posts matching: ${WANTED_TAGS}, with replies ≤ ${MAX_REPLIES}" '\
+BEGIN { print "Updates from Galaxy Help
\n"} \
+END { print "\n
"} \
+NR > 0 {print ""$2"- Replies: "$3" and Views: "$4"
"}' \
+ "${tsv}" | tr '\n' ' ' | sed 's|"|\\"|g'
+ fi
+function tsv_to_markdown {
+ ## Convert a TSV table into Markdown text that can be fed into a JSON
+ local tsv="$1"
+ awk -F$'\t' -v subtitle="Recent posts matching: **${WANTED_TAGS}**, with replies ≤ ${MAX_REPLIES}" '\
+BEGIN { print "## Updates from Galaxy Help\\n***"subtitle"***\\n"} \
+NR > 0 {print "* ["$2"]("$1")\\n * "$3" replies and "$4" views\\n"}' \
+ "${tsv}" | tr '\n' ' ' | sed 's|"|\\"|g'
+function md_and_html_to_json {
+ ## Stuff the Markdown and HTML text content into a JSON.
+ local md_text="$1"
+ local html_text="$2"
+ local tmp_json;
+ tmp_json=$(mktemp --suffix=".json")
+ ## See: https://spec.matrix.org/legacy/r0.0.0/client_server.html
+ ## "put-matrix-client-r0-rooms-roomid-send-eventtype-txnid"
+ echo "{\
+\"msgtype\":\"m.notice\", \
+\"format\":\"org.matrix.custom.html\", \
+\"body\": \"${md_text}\", \
+\"formatted_body\": \"${html_text}\"}" > "${tmp_json}"
+ echo "${tmp_json}"
+function post_json_to_matrix {
+ local json_file="$1"
+ local txnid post_url
+ txnid=$(date "+%Y%m%d%H%M${RANDOM:1:3}") ## date-specific transaction ID
+ MATRIX_SERVER=${MATRIX_SERVER%/} ## remove trailing slash, if any
+ ## Build curl
+ post_url="${MATRIX_SERVER}/_matrix/client/r0/rooms/"
+ post_url="${post_url}"${ROOM_ID}"/send/m.room.message/${txnid}"
+ post_url="${post_url}?access_token=${MATRIX_ACCESS_TOKEN}"
+ ## DEBUG:
+ ## - curl "$post_url" -X PUT --data '{"msgtype":"m.text","body":"hello"}'
+ curl "$post_url" -X PUT --data "$(cat ${json_file})"
+function sanity_check {
+ ## Assert that required binaries are in PATH
+ local required_progs=( cat curl xmllint awk sed grep tr jq )
+ local miss=""
+ for prog in "${required_progs[@]}"; do
+ if ! which "${prog}" 2>/dev/null >&2; then
+ miss="$miss $prog"
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ "$miss" != "" ]; then
+ echo "Cannot run without:$miss"
+ exit 255
+ fi
+## MAIN ##
+main_tsv=$(filter_tsv "$(alltags_to_tsv)" )
+if [[ $(wc -l < "${main_tsv}") == 0 ]]; then
+ echo "Nothing new to post, aborting." >&2
+ exit 0
+main_mdwn_text=$(tsv_to_markdown "${main_tsv}")
+main_html_text=$(tsv_to_html "${main_tsv}")
+main_json_file=$(md_and_html_to_json "${main_mdwn_text}" "${main_html_text}")
+if ! jq < "${main_json_file}" 2> /dev/null >&2; then
+ echo "This is not a valid JSON, aborting." >&2
+ echo "See: ${main_json_file}" >&2
+ exit 255
+post_json_to_matrix "${main_json_file}"