perform operations on remote copy of SVN or Read only operations on a Local copy
checkout to your computer and run: npm install, to run mocha use: npm run test-local / test-remote (edit credentials)
referance the module
create a svn object
const testSvn = new remoteSvn();
Create log output interface
implement info error and debug functions, accept string, do whatever you want with it
logger = { //looger interface
Create credentials object
creds = {
username: "my.username",
password: "myPassword123"
initialize the object pass the name of the folder you want the local files to be saved at, pass the base URL of the svn remote pass the logger interface function pass the credentials object (match the names)
svnConfig = {baseFolder, baseURL, logger, creds}
const params = await testSvn.init(svnConfig)
- some examples ...
all operations returns a Promise, and perform async operations
const returnFilePath = await testSvn.getFile({"filePath":testFiles[0], "revision":undefined})
all operations that require parameters expect an object with a key:value for every parameter
await testSvn.deleteFiles({filePaths:[testFiles[0],testFiles[1]],message:commitMessage})
all downloaded files / newly created files are stored localy, remember to delete them when finished
await testSvn.deleteFiles({filePaths:[testFiles[0],testFiles[1]],message:commitMessage})
must have svn v1.8 or later installed, one of the packages relay on svnmucc which is included in that version
svnmucc put _localPath_ _remotePath_
Edit the .env file , fill in missing details Use mocah ( installed globaly using npm i -g mocha) or use "npm run test-remote" or use "npm run test-local"
you can take example from the tests on how to get/add/remove a file and commit
- node-svn-ultimate - SVN wrapper for node
- fs-extra - file system methods
- count-files - Count files, directories, and bytes in a directory recursively.
- mocha - Simple, flexible, fun JavaScript test framework for Node.js & The Browser.
- stackOverflow
- coffee