This is the code used in the protein mimic screen paper.
The taxon selection folder contains the scripts for generating the exapnsive control database. The rest of the code preforms the various analysis and plotting presented in the paper.
For taxon selection scripts using LLM for free-living determination:
- gsutil from the Google Cloud CLI is required to run the script for downloading proteomes from the AlphaFold Structure Database:
$ pip install bardapi==0.1.38 bacdive==0.3.1 biopython==1.79
For taxon selection with database searching (RECOMMENDED):
- Download globi interactions csv and convert to sqlite3 database
$ wget
- We want to cut out only the columns necessary for the free-living determination reducing the size of the final db file from ~50gb to ~4. If you want to retain more columns for some other analysis you would need to adjust the index values in validate_globi_results() in based on your version of the sqlite3 database
$ cat interactions.csv.gz | gunzip | cut -d',' -f1,2,3,39,43,85,86 | sqlite3 -csv globi_reduced.db '.import /dev/stdin interactions'
- Columns being selected
- Index 38, Name: interactionTypeName
- Index: 42, Name: targetTaxonName
- Index: 84, Name: referenceCitation
- Index: 85, Name: referenceDoi
- Index: 2, Name: sourceTaxonName
- Index: 0, Name: sourceTaxonId
- Index: 1, Name: sourceTaxonIds
For other scripts
$ conda create --name mimic_screen --file req.txt
Mitochondrial Sequence Prediction requires targetp V2.0
- Add executable to path
Control Database Generation
- Generating a new set of bacterial taxon IDs
- Install and extract NCBI taxondb
wget -c tar -zxvf taxdump.tar.gz
- Install taxonkit binaries or through conda
conda install -c bioconda taxonkit
- Generate subtree with this command
taxonkit list --ids 2 -n -r --json --data-dir='/path/to/taxdump' > bacterial_tree.json
- Run
$ pyton -t bacterial_tree.json -p directory of previously generated csvs
- Install and extract NCBI taxondb
- Automated host-association checking of bacterial taxon
- Determine if randomly selected taxon are host-associated
$ python -f -o output_file -b bacdive_credentials
- Uses bacdive api which requires login credentials
- Signup:
- Then use with -b email,pw
- Follow instructions for using cookies with this unofficial bardapi
- Different accounts and connections will require different cookies
- For this papers use __Secure-1PSID, __Secure-1PSIDTS, and __Secure-1PSIDCC all needed to be specifed and updated
- Add these values or more to the cookie_dict in main()
cookie_dict = { "__Secure-1PSID": "value", "__Secure-1PSIDTS": "value", "__Secure-1PSIDCC": "value" # Any cookie values you want to pass session object. }
- Add these values or more to the cookie_dict in main()
- The bardapi is unoffical and will sometimes lead to interuptions as max requests on an account are reached
- Use the -r flag with the taxid of the last submitted query to resume script from that point
- Determine if randomly selected taxon are host-associated
- Downloading AlphaFold Database proteome shards for a list of taxids
- The ID list used for the control dataset in the paper is provided in this repo as taxon_id_list.txt
$ bash taxon_id_list.txt /path/to/outputdir /path/to/logfile /path/to/missingtaxIDfile
- Taxid file should have one taxid and species name per line seperated by a space
- Download directory will contain the merged proteome shards for a taxid in a folder with the species name
- For taxids that are missing from the AlphaFold databases the taxid is added to the missing_taxids_file and the output for the gsutil cp command to the log_file
- Generating a new set of bacterial taxon IDs
Alignment analysis and visualtion
Mask low confidence ends of protein structures prior to alignment
$ python structure_directory
- Structure directory can be .cif and .pdb structure files
- Output is saved a pdb files in a new 'masked' folder within the structure_direcotry path
- enable logging of each structures masked region with '-v', prints to std_out
Preform Foldseek alignments between a query proteome and a directory of control proteomes.
$ python -q query_proteome -d targets_database -o output_directory
- query_proteome should be a directory of structure files, or a .tar archive
- targets_database should be a directory of proteome archives or structure files each within a unique subfolder
- specify threads for foldseek to use with -t INT, if not specified will use all available threads
Generate data tables of results, pull IDs of interest from results, plot fraction of freeliving proteome statistics
$ python -a target_alignment -c control_alignment_directory
- Use -h for full list of options
- Specify a set of structural files used to generate alignments with -p to include average pLDDT values in data table
Producing multipanel figures from paper
$ python -h
- Takes two alignments and two control directories as arguments, use -h for details