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RSP{1,1A,2,duo,dx} single tuner mode experiments

A collection of tools, programs, and scripts to experiment with the SDRplay RSPs in single tuner mode


A simple C program that records to file the I/Q stream from an RSP in single tuner mode; sample rate, decimation, IF frequency, IF bandwidth, gains, and center frequency are provided via command line arguments (see below).

To build it run these commands:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make (or ninja)

These are the command line options for single_tuner_recorder:

-s <serial number>
-r <RSP sample rate>
-d <decimation>
-i <IF frequency>
-b <IF bandwidth>
-g <IF gain reduction> ("AGC" to enable AGC)
-l <LNA state>
-D disable post tuner DC offset compensation (default: enabled)
-I disable post tuner I/Q balance compensation (default: enabled)
-y tuner DC offset compensation parameters <dcCal,speedUp,trackTime,refeshRateTime> (default: 3,0,1,2048)
-f <center frequency>
-x <streaming time (s)> (default: 10s)
-o <output file> ('SAMPLERATE' will be replaced by the estimated sample rate in kHz)
-L enable SDRplay API debug log level (default: disabled)
-T measure callback time difference only (no output) (default: disabled)
-H get histogram of sample values (no output) (default: disabled)

Here are some usage examples:

  • record local NOAA weather radio on 162.55MHz using a sample rate of 6MHz and IF=1620kHz:
./single_tuner_recorder -r 6000000 -i 1620 -b 1536 -l 3 -f 162550000 -o noaa-6M-SAMPLERATE.iq16
  • record local NOAA weather radio on 162.55MHz using a sample rate of 8MHz and IF=2048kHz:
./single_tuner_recorder -r 8000000 -i 2048 -b 1536 -l 3 -f 162550000 -o noaa-8M-SAMPLERATEk.iq16
  • sample values histogram with a sample rate of 10Msps:
./single_tuner_recorder -H -r 10000000 -i 0 -b 8000 -l 0 -f 371000000


(C) 2023 Franco Venturi - Licensed under the GNU GPL V3 (see LICENSE)