Roctogen is a Rust library generated from the GitHub REST API OpenAPI
specification. providing
comprehensive support for the GitHub v3 API. It offers flexible support for
both synchronous and asynchronous HTTP clients, including WebAssembly
compatibility. You can choose between multiple client libraries via Cargo
features, or integrate your own HTTP client handling by extending the
: Enables asynchronous requests using the Reqwest clientureq
: Provides synchronous requests with the Ureq client
To include Roctogen in your project, add it to your Cargo.toml
roctogen = "*"
Roctogen supports a wide range of GitHub API endpoints, including:
- Meta
- Issues
- Licenses
- Reactions
- Activity
- Projects
- Orgs
- Users
- Apps
- RateLimit
- Repos
- SecretScanning
- SecurityAdvisories
- Packages
- Search
- Classroom
- Teams
- Oidc
- Markdown
- Actions
- Migrations
- Gists
- CodeSecurity
- DependencyGraph
- Copilot
- Dependabot
- CodesOfConduct
- Pulls
- Gitignore
- Git
- CodeScanning
- Checks
- Billing
- Interactions
- Codespaces
- Emojis
For a full list of supported endpoints, refer to the API documentation.
Here's a basic example demonstrating how to use Roctogen:
use roctogen::api::{self, repos};
use roctogen::adapters::client;
use roctogen::auth::Auth;
let auth = Auth::None;
let client = client(&auth).expect("Cannot create new client");
let per_page = api::PerPage::new(10);
let mut params: repos::ReposListCommitsParams = per_page.as_ref().into();
params ="fussybeaver").page(2);
repos::new(&client).list_commits("fussybeaver", "bollard", Some(params));
For async support, use the _async
suffix for method calls. These are
available with the reqwest
, or WebAssembly targets.
Roctogen can be compiled to WebAssembly using
or by directly
targeting wasm32-unknown-unknown:
$ wasm-pack build
$ cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown
Roctogen supports multiple HTTP clients, or you can write your own. Enable the desired client using Cargo features:
Compile with Reqwest support using the reqwest
$ cargo build --features reqwest
Compile with Ureq support using the ureq
$ cargo build --features ureq
It's possible to write your own adapter, by extending
. This allows you to handle rate limiting and
pagination - an example of extending the base adapter is available in the
example min-req-adapter
Roctogen's code is largely generated from the GitHub REST API specification
using the Swagger OpenAPI
generator (version 3).
Building the API requires the Java-based mvn
tool with JDK 8 installed:
$ mvn -D org.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel=info clean compiler:compile generate-resources
Roctogen supports both WebAssembly and synchronous test environments. Be aware that some tests perform real HTTP requests to the GitHub API unless mocked.
- WebAssembly Tests:
$ wasm-pack test --firefox --headless
- ** Synchronous Tests:
$ cargo test --features isahc,mercy,squirrel-girl,inertia,starfox --target x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -- --nocapture
To avoid GitHub's API rate limits during testing, you can use WireMock to
mock the API locally. Run the following to start WireMock, and run the
tests with the --mock
$ docker run -d --name wiremock -p 8080:8080 -v $PWD/tests/stubs:/home/wiremock
$ cargo test --feature mock,ureq
If the GitHub API changes, you can regenerate the WireMock stubs:
$ docker run -d --name wiremock -p 8080:8080 -v $PWD/tests/stubs:/home/wiremock -u (id -u):(id -g) rodolpheche/wiremock --verbose --proxy-all="" --record-mappings
License: Apache-2.0