A fully on-chain game, made with love, by Loot Underworld, with Dojo, for Realms, on Starknet.
Winner of the Dojo Game Jam #3
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~?YYYJ?7!^ A game of honour, chance and betrayal. Defend thine honour, scound! By Underware.gg.
Thou art an offence to all that is decent, dog. I challenge you... to a duel!
Pistols at 10 Blocks is an onchain game, in which you face off against another Lord in a pistol duel to defend your honour.
A righteous smoulder in your eye and your smoothbore, flintlock pistol held lightly at your side, cocked and ready, you stand in the misty morning field. Holding back the gorge rising in your throat, you shake that mongrel's hand and turn, taking your first step. Your feet crunch in the crisp morning grass, one step, two steps, three. You hear the snap of a cloak, the gasp of your second, and a sharp, booming crack, then your left arm explodes into pain. That traitorous scum shot early! Gritting your teeth against the pain, and without turning around, you keep stepping foward. Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine... Ten. You turn around, slowly, a dark menace in your shoulder, and raise your pistol. The cur stands there, a defiant sneer upon his face, and throws his still smoking pistol to the ground. You take a deep breath, and whisper "May you find honour in death, you wretch!"
Blood sprays in a beautiful arc from his head, and he drops like a felled log. Silence, interrupteed only by the spattering of blood from your arm, into the morning grass.
- Recipromancer — Lead, Renaissance Chaos Mode
- Mataleone — Engineering
- Voltrevo — Engineering, Hidden information mechanism
- FortunaRegem - Engineering, Frontend, UI & Animations
- Amaro — Art, Design, UI & Animations
- Mononoke — Logo & Art
- Jubiliee - Technical 3D systems
- biodecay-song6.mp3 - Original music by Recipromancer
- sfx/pistol-shot.mp3 — https://freesound.org/people/nioczkus/sounds/395789/
- sfx/grunt-man.mp3 — https://freesound.org/people/MrFossy/sounds/547198/
- sfx/grunt-female.mp3 — https://freesound.org/people/SkyRaeVoicing/sounds/368843/
- sfx/body-fall.mp3 — https://freesound.org/people/leonelmail/sounds/504626/
In the Pistols round, each player has a chance to injure (1 dmg) or wound (2 dmg) and a chance to execute, each expressed as percentages, calculated based on the number of steps taken.
- Hit chance is calculated, affected by hit penalties. The highest chance at 1 pace, the lowest chance at 10 paces, interpolated in between.
- Execute chances is calculated, not affected by hit penalties. The highest chance at 10 paces, the lowest chance at 1 pace, interpolated in between.
In the Blades round, each player has two strikes, each with a chance to injure or wound, each expressed as percentages.
blades use both strikes, doing nothing on the first strike and 2 dmg on the second strike. They have a chance to execute, which occurs before other strikes.
If no execution occurs...
blades do 1 dmg,Block
prevents 1 damage, and each use one strike. They have a chance to crit, doubling their effect. -
All other strikes happen at the same time, and
only prevents damage against strikes that happen at the same time as it.
Honourable duelists, with Honour > 9.0, get a bonus to crit or execution on every Hit
Injured duelists suffer a penalty to Hit
Install Rust + Cargo + others
# Install Rust
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
# open new terminal
rustup override set stable
rustup update
# Install Cargo
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://docs.swmansion.com/scarb/install.sh | sh
# Install starkli
# https://github.com/xJonathanLEI/starkli
curl https://get.starkli.sh | sh
# Install pnpm
curl -fsSL https://get.pnpm.io/install.sh | sh -
# other stuff you will need
pnpm install -g turbo
brew install jq
brew install protobuf
cargo install toml-cli
Install the Cairo 1.0 extension for Visual Studio Code / Cursor
Currenty using Dojo version v1.0.8
curl -L https://install.dojoengine.org | bash
# open new terminal to update PATH
dojoup -v v1.0.8
# test dojo
cd dojo
sozo build
sozo test
# install packages
cd ../client
pnpm install
cd dojo
katana --disable-fee --chain-id KATANA_LOCAL --invoke-max-steps 10000000 --allowed-origins "*" --accounts 10
# or preferably...
cd dojo
Uncomment the world_address
parameter in dojo/Scarb.toml
cd dojo
torii --allowed-origins "*" --index-pending --world 0x360fd2af2f118387ae282b66bfdbb6d4bb7e45a7213e101e5b8aa3471939677
# or preferably...
cd dojo
Migrating to localhost:
# build world and systems
cd dojo
sozo clean
sozo build
# migrate to local Katana
# migrate other profiles
./migrate <PROFILE_NAME>
# example:
./migrate slot
For Starknet chains, create env files for SN_SEPOLIA
) and/or SN_MAINNET
export STARKNET_RPC_URL=https://sepolia.your-favorite-rpc-provider.com/xxx/
export DOJO_PRIVATE_KEY=0x1234
then migrate...
# enable env
source .env.sepolia
# migrate to local Katana
./migrate sepolia
# clear env if you want to work on another profile
source .env.clear
Install dependencies
cd client
pnpm i
Configure default chain id in a .env
Start the client
# http server
# http://localhost:3000
cd pistols
turbo dev
# https server (required for Catridge Controller)
# https://localhost:3000
cd pistols
turbo devs
Open http://localhost:3000 or https://localhost:3000
sozo test -f resolved
Project State | Memory Usage |
v0.11.0 (origami) | 9.64 GB |
v0.12.0 (OpenZeppelin) | 8.62 GB |