- Build and test package on:
- Clang 6.0.0 (on latest Ubuntu)
- R-hub infrastructure (all available platforms)
- docker with the rocker/r-devel-ubsan-clang instrumented image
- docker with the rocker/r-devel-san instrumented image
- Travis Linux and OSX
- AppVeyor (Windows Server)
- latest R dev version on Windows
- Test packages with dependencies on fst using revdepcheck::revdep_check()
- Merge develop branch into release branch
- Bump version to even value in DESCRIPTION and check package startup message
- Update README.Rmd and verify generated README.md on Github (release)
- Update cran_comments.md
- Build docs folder using pkgdown::build_site()
- Update NEWS.md and make sure to remove '(in development)' in the version title and update version number
- Credit all GitHub contributions in NEWS.md
- Submit to CRAN
- Update NEWS.md with the release date
- Build docs folder using pkgdown::build_site(). Check that the package date is correct.
- Merge branch release into master
- Tag the release on Github
- Commit latest docs to the fstpackage.github.io and fstpackage.github.io/fst repository
- Go to the repository release page and create a new release with tag version vx.y.z. Copy and paste the contents of the relevant NEWS.md section into the release notes.
- Merge branch master into release
- Add '(in development)' to version title in NEWS.md and update to odd version number
- Check package startup message
- Merge release branch into develop