diff --git a/src/Fantomas.Tests/ComputationExpressionTests.fs b/src/Fantomas.Tests/ComputationExpressionTests.fs
index b5edf970dd..26384a9614 100644
--- a/src/Fantomas.Tests/ComputationExpressionTests.fs
+++ b/src/Fantomas.Tests/ComputationExpressionTests.fs
@@ -258,3 +258,22 @@ let f2 =
         return r + s
+let ``computation expression with app identifier, 806`` () =
+    formatSourceString false """
+let tests =
+  testList "tests"
+    [
+      test "test" {
+        Expect.equal true true "unexpected"
+      }
+    ]
+"""  config
+    |> prepend newline
+    |> should equal """
+let tests =
+    testList "tests" [ test "test" { Expect.equal true true "unexpected" } ]
diff --git a/src/Fantomas/CodePrinter.fs b/src/Fantomas/CodePrinter.fs
index 0989401df3..50e1ae5412 100644
--- a/src/Fantomas/CodePrinter.fs
+++ b/src/Fantomas/CodePrinter.fs
@@ -1128,14 +1128,10 @@ and genExpr astContext synExpr =
         fun (ctx:Context) ->
             let hasPar = hasParenthesis e2
             let addSpaceBefore = addSpaceBeforeParensInFunCall e1 e2 ctx
-            let isCompExpr =
-                match e2 with
-                | CompExpr _ -> true
-                | _ -> false
             let genApp =
                 atCurrentColumn (
                     genExpr astContext e1
-                    +> onlyIf isCompExpr (sepSpace +> sepOpenSFixed +> sepSpace)
+                    +> onlyIf (isCompExpr e2) (sepSpace +> sepOpenSFixed +> sepSpace)
                     +> ifElse
                          (not astContext.IsInsideDotGet)
                          (ifElse hasPar
@@ -1165,9 +1161,15 @@ and genExpr astContext synExpr =
                 sepSpace ctx
-        atCurrentColumn (genExpr astContext e +>
-            colPre sepSpace sepSpace es (fun e ->
-                indent +> appNlnFun e (indentIfNeeded +> genExpr astContext e) +> unindent))
+        atCurrentColumn
+            (genExpr astContext e
+             +> colPre sepSpace sepSpace es (fun e ->
+                    indent
+                    +> appNlnFun e
+                           (indentIfNeeded
+                            +> onlyIf (isCompExpr e) (sepSpace +> sepOpenSFixed +> sepSpace)
+                            +> genExpr astContext e)
+                    +> unindent))
     | TypeApp(e, ts) -> genExpr astContext e -- "<" +> col sepComma ts (genType astContext false) -- ">"
     | LetOrUses(bs, e) ->
diff --git a/src/Fantomas/SourceParser.fs b/src/Fantomas/SourceParser.fs
index 62fe301d74..a5749a6990 100644
--- a/src/Fantomas/SourceParser.fs
+++ b/src/Fantomas/SourceParser.fs
@@ -600,6 +600,8 @@ let (|CompExpr|_|) = function
         Some(isArray, expr)
     | _ -> None
+let isCompExpr = function | CompExpr _ -> true | _ -> false
 let (|ArrayOrListOfSeqExpr|_|) = function
     | SynExpr.ArrayOrListOfSeqExpr(isArray, expr, _) ->
         Some(isArray, expr)