Designed as a plugin for the Yellow Bike Database, which is a specialized software for Community Bike Shops, etherpad-and-draw-node-alpine can be used for any project that wants to run lightweight alpine linux based dockerized containers with etherpad with etherdraw functionality built-in with an easy to setup docker-compose file.
The etherpad Dockerfile and is a fork of the work by tvelocity altered to work with alpine linux and rehashed to work with etherdraw. Tvelocity's own work was inspired by the official Wordpress Dockerfile and johbo's etherpad-lite image. That's how Free Software works!
The recommended way is to run docker-compose up -d
. Out of the box, there is only one requirement: There must be a running container created from one of the official mysql images like MariaDB. The default name for the container is mysql
, but you can change the name in .env
to whatever you have named your own mysql container:
This will bring up two containers on port 9001 (etherpad) and port 9002 (etherdraw). If your are running on localhost, etherdraw should work properly within etherpad. If you are on a network, simply add this line to .env
There are several other environmental variables you can change where VARIABLE=default value:
DB_HOST=mysql (must be the same value as SQL_CONTAINER)
PAD_TITLE=Online Flip Chart
Two empty files, pad_environment
and draw_environment
are included to add your own environmental variables and values. For instance, I enjoy using docker-letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion, so here is what I add:
[email protected]
[email protected]
Here are some recommended plugins for etherpad, which include etherdraw functionality:
ep_adminpads ep_align ep_authornames ep_comments_page \
ep_copy_paste_images ep_define ep_draw ep_font_color ep_font_family \
ep_font_size ep_headings ep_message_all ep_offline_edit \
ep_page_view ep_print ep_simpletextsearch ep_spellcheck
To install, simply run these two docker-compose commands after running docker-compose up -d
docker-compose exec etherpad npm install \
ep_adminpads ep_align ep_authornames ep_comments_page \
ep_copy_paste_images ep_define ep_draw ep_font_color ep_font_family \
ep_font_size ep_headings ep_message_all ep_offline_edit \
ep_page_view ep_print ep_simpletextsearch ep_spellcheck;
docker-compose restart etherpad;
If any of the plugins require configuration, simply edit etherpad/ between cat <<- EOF > settings.json
and EOF