We have two target quantities which will be derived from the analysis
- net TOA radiation fields including the so-called cloud-radiative effect (CRE)
- cloud typing (also based on TOA radiation observation
Both analysis targets will be derived from observations (esp. using Meteosat data) nad from simulation using ICON-NWP data.
Simulation data are given on a icosahedral grid with different grid spacings. The following analysis steps are explained
- regridding and preparation of TOA radiation fluxes for CRE calculation
- cloud typing similar to observation-based appraoches
For the simulation data, the cloud typing aspect is more complex.
The observational data are derived from Meteosat. The following analysis steps are explained
- preparation of allsky TOA radiation fluxes and estimated clear-sky fluxes for CRE calculation
- cloud typing as NWCSAF product
For the observation data, the CRE aspect is more complex.