Animate (move) the drone cubes using ArchetypeQuery
Render cubes via GPU instancing with Graphics.RenderMeshInstanced()
Platforms: Windows, macOS, Linux
Friflo.Engine.ECS is added as a nuget package using NuGetForUnity - GitHub.
NuGetForUnity must be installed in Unity to add Friflo.Engine.ECS as nuget package.
This project was created by executing the following steps.
- Selected Unity Install: 2022.3.20f1
- Selected template: 3D (URP) Core
URP is required to enable using an Matrix4x4[] array with a length
of multiple of 100.000 byGraphics.RenderMeshInstanced()
Open Package Manager at
Menu > Window > Package Manager -
Click + button on the upper-left of a window, and select "Add package from git URL..."
Enter the following URL and click Add button
Open Nuget Manager at
Menu > NuGet > Manage Nuget Packages -
Search the package below and click Install.
- Open: Unity > File > Open Scene
- Select: Unity/Assets/Scenes/SampleScene
- Click Play