Contains types and methods to query, add, remove or change Entity's in an EntityStore.
Classes | |
Archetype | An Archetype store entities with a specific set of IComponent and ITag types. See Example. |
ArchetypeQuery | ArchetypeQuery and all its generic implementations are designed to be reused. By default, a query does not contain Disabled entities. Use WithDisabled() if needed. See Example. |
ArchetypeQuery<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5> | A query instance use to retrieve the given component types. See Example. |
ArchetypeQuery<T1,T2,T3,T4> | A query instance use to retrieve the given component types. See Example. |
ArchetypeQuery<T1,T2,T3> | A query instance use to retrieve the given component types. See Example. |
ArchetypeQuery<T1,T2> | A query instance use to retrieve the given component types. See Example. |
ArchetypeQuery<T1> | A query instance use to retrieve the given component types. See Example. |
ArchetypeUtils | |
BatchAlreadyAppliedException | Is thrown if using a batch returned by Batch() after calling Apply(). |
BatchAlreadyReturnedException | Is thrown if using a batch returned by Batch(bool) with autoReturn: true after calling CreateEntity(). |
ChunkExtensions | |
CollectionExtensions | |
CommandBuffer | A command buffer recording entity changes and execute these changes when calling Playback(). CommandBuffer is not thread safe. To record changes on arbitrary threads use Synced. See Example. |
CommandBufferSynced | Same functionality as CommandBuffer but thread safe. Use this command buffer to record entity changes in parallel queries executed via RunParallel(). |
ComponentKeyAttribute | Assign a custom key used for JSON serialization for annotated IComponent and Script types. If specified key is null The component type is not serialized. |
ComponentSymbolAttribute | Short symbol for a component, tag or script in UI or console as a name (max 3 chars) and a color. Prefer using single character names for common used symbols. Consider Unicode characters. |
ComponentType | Provide meta data for an IComponent struct. |
CreateEntityBatch | A create batch is used to optimize entity creation. Components and tags are buffered before creating an entity with CreateEntity(). See Example. |
EntityBatch | An entity batch is a container of component and tag commands that can be Apply()'ed to an entity. It can be used on a single entity via Batch() or as a bulk operation an a set of entities. |
EntityEqualityComparer | Used to check if two Entity instances are the same entity by comparing their Id's. |
EntityExtensions | Provide extension methods to optimize Entity modifications.Add() and Remove() cause only none or one structural change. |
EntityList | A list of entities of a specific EntityStore used to apply changes to all entities in the container. It's recommended to reuse instances of this class to avoid unnecessary allocations. See Example. |
EntityReadOnlyCollection | |
EntitySchema | Provide type information about all ITag, IComponent and Script types available in the application. |
EntityStore | An EntityStore is a container for Entity's their components, scripts, tags and the tree structure. See Example. |
EntityStoreBase | Store the IComponents and ITag for the Entity's of an EntityStore. |
EntityStoreExtensions | Provide generic CreateEntity() overloads to create entities with passed components without any structural change. |
EntityUtils | |
EventFilter | Used to filter structural changes made to an entity like added / removed components / tags using HasEvent(int). The EventRecorder must be enabled to get add / remove events. See Example. |
EventRecorder | Used to record events of structural changes like add/remove component/tag. The recorder is required to filter these events using an EventFilter. |
GenericInstanceTypeAttribute | The attribute is required to register specific type instances of generic component and tags types. See example in remarks. |
IndexExtensions | Provide extension methods to query all or specific component values. Enables to query all or specific entity links (relationships). |
MissingComponentException | Is thrown when calling Entity.Set() on an entity missing the specified components. |
NativeAOT | |
ParallelJobRunner | Required for parallel - multi threaded - query job execution using RunParallel(). See Example. |
QueryFilter | Contains component and tags filters added to an ArchetypeQuery. Multiple ArchetypeQuery's can share a single QueryFilter instance. |
QueryJob | A QueryJob enables Parallel query execution using multiple threads to reduce execution time of large queries. They are created by the ArchetypeQuery.ForEach() methods. |
QueryJob<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5> | Enables Parallel query execution returning the specified components. See Example. |
QueryJob<T1,T2,T3,T4> | Enables Parallel query execution returning the specified components. See Example. |
QueryJob<T1,T2,T3> | Enables Parallel query execution returning the specified components. See Example. |
QueryJob<T1,T2> | Enables Parallel query execution returning the specified components. See Example. |
QueryJob<T1> | Enables Parallel query execution returning the specified components. See Example. |
RawEntityStore | A RawEntityStore enables using an entity store without using Entity's. |
RelationExtensions | |
SchemaType | Provide meta data for Script classes and IComponent / ITag structs. |
Script | To enable adding a script class to an Entity it need to extend Script. See Example. |
ScriptType | Provide meta data for a Script class. |
Signature | A Signature specify the IComponent types used to query entity components using the EntityStore.Query(Signature) methods. |
StoreDispatcher | Contains methods to dispatch execution of System.Action's or System.Func<>'s to the main thread. |
TagNameAttribute | Assign a custom tag name used for JSON serialization for annotated structs implementing ITag. |
TagType | Provide meta data for an ITag struct. |
Structs | |
ChildEntities | Return the child entities of an Entity. To iterate all entities with child entities use TreeNode in a Query() . |
ChildEntitiesChanged | Is the event for event handlers added to OnChildEntitiesChanged or OnChildEntitiesChanged. |
ChildEnumerator | Use to enumerate the child entities stored in Entity.ChildEntities. |
Chunk<T> | A Chunk<T> is container of struct components of Type T. |
ChunkEntities | Provide the entity Id's for Chunk<T> components using Ids or this[int]. |
ChunkEntitiesEnumerator | Used to enumerate the Entity's of ChunkEntities. |
ChunkEnumerator<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5> | |
ChunkEnumerator<T1,T2,T3,T4> | |
ChunkEnumerator<T1,T2,T3> | |
ChunkEnumerator<T1,T2> | |
ChunkEnumerator<T1> | |
Chunks<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5> | Contains the components returned by a component query. See Example. |
Chunks<T1,T2,T3,T4> | Contains the components returned by a component query. See Example. |
Chunks<T1,T2,T3> | Contains the components returned by a component query. See Example. |
Chunks<T1,T2> | Contains the components returned by a component query. See Example. |
Chunks<T1> | Contains the components returned by a component query. See Example. |
ComponentChanged | Is the event for event handlers added to OnComponentChanged, OnComponentAdded or OnComponentRemoved. |
ComponentEnumerator | Enumerate the components of an entity by iterating EntityComponents. |
ComponentIndex<TIndexedComponent,TValue> | The index for IIndexedComponent<TValue> struct's to search entities with a specific component value in O(1). An instance is returned via ComponentIndex<TIndexedComponent,TValue>(this EntityStore). |
ComponentTypes | ComponentTypes define a set of IComponent's used to list the component System.Type's of an Archetype. |
ComponentTypesEnumerator | Return the IComponent types of ComponentTypes. |
DebugEventHandler | Used as item type in DebugEventHandlers providing the number of handlers for a specific event Type. |
DebugEventHandlers | Provide the event / signal handlers of an entity using Entity.DebugEventHandlers. |
Disabled | If entity Enabled == false it is tagged with Disabled. Disabled entities are excluded from query results by default. To include use WithDisabled(). |
EngineDependant | |
Entities | |
EntitiesChanged | |
EntitiesEnumerator | Used to enumerate the Entities of an ArchetypeQuery. |
Entity | Represent an object in an EntityStore - e.g. a cube in a game scene. It is the main API to deal with entities in the engine. See Example. |
EntityComponent | An item in EntityComponents containing an entity IComponent. |
EntityComponents | Return the IComponent's added to an Entity. |
EntityCreate | Is the event for event handlers added to OnEntityCreate. |
EntityData | An EntityData is used to optimize access of entity components and tags. An instance can be returned by Data. |
EntityDelete | Is the event for event handlers added to OnEntityDelete. |
EntityEnumerator | |
EntityEvent | The information about a structural change recorded by the EventRecorder. |
EntityLink | |
EntityLink<TComponent> | |
EntityLinkEnumerator | |
EntityLinkEnumerator<T> | |
EntityLinks | |
EntityLinks<T> | |
EntityListEnumerator | Enumerates the entities of an EntityList. |
EntityName | Can be added to an Entity to provide a descriptive name for debugging or in an editor. |
EntityNode | Used by the EntityStore to store Entity components, scripts, tags and child entities internally as an array of nodes. |
EntityReadOnlyCollectionEnumerator | |
EntityRelations<TRelation> | Storage for all entity relations of the specified TRelation type. An instance is returned via EntityRelations<TRelation>(this EntityStore). |
EntityScripts | Return the Script's added to an Entity. |
EntityScriptsEnumerator | Used to enumerate the Script's added to an Entity. |
EntityStoreInfo | |
LinkComponentIndex<TLinkComponent> | The index for ILinkComponent struct's to search entities with a specific entity in O(1). |
Position | |
QueryChunks<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5> | Contains the component chunks returned by a component query. See Example. |
QueryChunks<T1,T2,T3,T4> | Contains the component chunks returned by a component query. See Example. |
QueryChunks<T1,T2,T3> | Contains the component chunks returned by a component query. See Example. |
QueryChunks<T1,T2> | Contains the component chunks returned by a component query. See Example. |
QueryChunks<T1> | Contains the component chunks returned by a component query. See Example. |
QueryEntities | Provide the result set of an ArchetypeQuery as a set of Entity's. |
QueryFilter.FilterCondition | Contains component and tag filter conditions added to an ArchetypeQuery. |
ReadOnlyList<T> | Represents a strongly typed readonly list of objects that can be accessed by index. |
ReadOnlyListEnumerator<T> | Enumerates the elements of a ReadOnlyList<T>. |
Relations<TRelation> | Contains the relations of a specific entity returned by GetRelations<TRelation>(this Entity). |
RelationsEnumerator<TRelation> | |
Rotation | Rotation encoded as a Quaternion described by the mathematician W.R. Hamilton. |
Scale3 | |
ScriptChanged | Is the event for event handlers added to OnScriptChanged, OnScriptAdded or OnScriptRemoved. |
Scripts | Contains the Script's added to an entity. |
ScriptsEnumerator | Enumerator for entity Scripts. |
Signal<TEvent> | Signal<TEvent>'s are used to emit custom events from an entity to custom Signal<TEvent> handlers. See Example. |
Signature<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5> | A Signature used to create a query using Query<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5>(Signature<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5>) with five components. |
Signature<T1,T2,T3,T4> | A Signature to create a query using Query<T1,T2,T3,T4>(Signature<T1,T2,T3,T4>) with four components. |
Signature<T1,T2,T3> | A Signature to create a query using Query<T1,T2,T3>(Signature<T1,T2,T3>) with three components. |
Signature<T1,T2> | A Signature to create a query using Query<T1,T2>(Signature<T1,T2>) with two components. |
Signature<T1> | A Signature to create a query using Query<T1>(Signature<T1>) with one component. |
SymbolColor | The color assigned to a component or tag via ComponentSymbolAttribute for display in a UI or CLI. |
Tags | Tags define a set of ITag's used to query entities in an EntityStoreBase. |
TagsChanged | Is the event for event handlers added to OnTagsChanged or OnTagsChanged. |
TagsEnumerator | Used to enumerate the ITag's stored in Tags. |
Transform | |
TreeNode | A TreeNode component stores the ChildEntities of an Entity. It is used to build up an entity hierarchy used for scene graphs. |
UniqueEntity | A UniqueEntity is used to assign a unique string to an entity within an EntityStore. |
Unresolved | Unresolved is a container for unresolved entity components. |
UnresolvedComponent | Is used as item type for Unresolved.components storing unresolved entity components. |
UpdateTick | Specify deltaTime and time for system execution in Update(UpdateTick). |
Interfaces | |
ICommandBuffer | |
IComponent | To enable adding a struct component to an Entity it need to implement IComponent. IComponent types are structs which only contains data but no script / methods. See Example. |
IEach<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5> | |
IEach<T1,T2,T3,T4> | |
IEach<T1,T2,T3> | |
IEach<T1,T2> | |
IEach<T1> | |
IEachEntity<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5> | |
IEachEntity<T1,T2,T3,T4> | |
IEachEntity<T1,T2,T3> | |
IEachEntity<T1,T2> | |
IEachEntity<T1> | |
IIndexedComponent<TValue> | Is used to define a component type having a single indexed field / property. Indexed component values can be queried with HasValue() or ValueInRange() in a Query() . |
ILinkComponent | A link component is a component type used to create a single link from one entity to another entity. Specific component links can be queried with HasValue() in a Query() . |
ILinkRelation | A link relation is a component type used to create multiple links from one entity to other entities. |
IRelation | |
IRelation<TKey> | A relation enables adding multiple components of the same type to an entity. The components added to a single entity build a set of components using the relation TKey as unique identifier. |
IStoreDispatcher | |
ITag | Used to create entity Tag's by declaring a struct without fields or properties extending ITag. Note: An ITag should be used to tag a group of multiple entities. See Example. |
Enums | |
ChildEntitiesChangedAction | The modification type of an ChildEntitiesChanged event: Add or Remove entity. |
ComponentChangedAction | The modification type of a ComponentChanged event: Remove, Add or Update component. |
DebugEntityEventKind | Event type of a DebugEventHandler: Event or Signal. |
EntityEventAction | The type of an entity change in EntityEvent. |
JobExecution | Specify the way how ChunkEntities are provided by either a foreach loop, Run() or RunParallel(). |
NodeFlags | Flags assigned to EntityNode's internally stored in an EntityStore. |
PidType | Specify the way how an EntityStore generates entity Pid's. |
SchemaTypeKind | Declares the Kind of a SchemaType |
ScriptChangedAction | The modification type of a ScriptChanged event: Remove, Add or Replace script. |
StoreOwnership | Describe the ownership state of an Entity |
TreeMembership | Describe the membership of an Entity to the EntityStore tree graph. |
Delegates | |
ForEachEntity<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5>(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, Entity) | Provide the state of an entity within ForEachEntity(ForEachEntity<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5>). |
ForEachEntity<T1,T2,T3,T4>(T1, T2, T3, T4, Entity) | Provide the state of an entity within ForEachEntity(ForEachEntity<T1,T2,T3,T4>). |
ForEachEntity<T1,T2,T3>(T1, T2, T3, Entity) | Provide the state of an entity within ForEachEntity(ForEachEntity<T1,T2,T3>). |
ForEachEntity<T1,T2>(T1, T2, Entity) | Provide the state of an entity within ForEachEntity(ForEachEntity<T1,T2>). |
ForEachEntity<T1>(T1, Entity) | Provide the state of an entity within ForEachEntity(ForEachEntity<T1>). |