Defining domain data types in Clojure on the basis of records.
A constraint function is a predicate. If the predicate returns true for its arguments the arguments are considered valid.
A simple type is a map that describes a data dictionary item. The map contains:
:doc A human readable description of the domain value type.
:constraints A vector with constraint functions that are appied to a
corresponding value.
A complex type is a record and an additional var that points to a map with keys:
:constraints Vector of constraint functions that apply to whole
instances of the record.
:fields A map from keywords to field metadata maps (see below).
The metadata map for each field contains:
:dt Reference to record class or a map representing a domain type
:nillable True, if nil is a valid value for field
:constraints Vector of constraint functions that are applied to value of the field
:card Pair of min + max occurences if the field references a collection
The domaintypes.core namespace offers two macros and the valid? function:
(defsimpletype <sym> <description> <constraint-fn>*)
creates a new var named <sym>
, which points to a map that describes a simple domain type.
(defcomplextype <sym> [<sym1> <metadata-map1>
<symN> <metadata-mapN>]
creates a complex domain type named <sym>
, in essence a record and a var metadata-for-<sym>
pointing to a metadata map.
(valid? <record-instance>)
returns true if the instance of a record matches all constraints. The constraints are a set of
- Functions attached to simple types.
- Functions implicitly derived from field metadata map.
- Functions attached to a field using the :constraints key in the metadata map.
- Functions attached to complex types that take the whole record instance.