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Setting Defaults v1.1.x

SimeonC edited this page Feb 18, 2014 · 1 revision

textAngular has some defaults that affect all instances of textAngular. There are two objects that contain the defaults for textAngular, both reside in the $rootScope.

1. textAngularOpts


This object contains all of the display and class default options. These values can be overwritten via individual attributes on the textAngular instances by prefixing the name with ta- and for the class attributes appending -class, eg $rootScope.textAngularOpts.toolbar becomes ta-toolbar and $rootScope.textAngularOpts.classes.toolbar becomes ta-toolbar-class.


$rootScope.textAngularOpts = {
  toolbar: [
        ['h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'p', 'pre', 'bold', 'italics', 'ul', 'ol', 'redo', 'undo', 'clear'], 
        ['html', 'insertImage', 'insertLink']
  classes: {
    focussed: "focussed",
    toolbar: "btn-toolbar",
    toolbarGroup: "btn-group",
    toolbarButton: "btn btn-default",
    toolbarButtonActive: "active",
    textEditor: 'form-control',
    htmlEditor: 'form-control'

Supported Options

bold clear h1 h2 h3 html insertImage insertLink italics justifyCenter justifyLeft justifyRight ol p pre quote redo ul undo

2. textAngularTools


This object contains all the available Tools that can be instantiated on the toolbar.


See textAngular.js Line 42 in repository.