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Getting Started v1.1.x

SimeonC edited this page Feb 18, 2014 · 1 revision


  1. AngularJS1.2.x, available at
  2. Angular Sanitize1.2.x, available at

Optional requirements

  1. Bootstrap 3.x for the default styles, available at
  2. Font-Awesome 4.x for the default icons on the toolbar, available at


  1. Get textAngular via bower install textAngular, using the cdn at or from the github page
  2. Include textAngular.js or textAngular.min.js in your project using script tags
  3. Add a dependency to textAngular in your app module, for example: angular.module('myModule', ['textAngular']).
  4. Create an element to hold the editor and add an ng-model="htmlVariable" attribute where htmtlVariable is the scope variable that will hold the HTML entered into the editor:
<div text-angular ng-model="htmlVariable"></div>


<text-angular ng-model="htmlVariable"></div>

This acts similar to a regular AngularJS / form input if you give it a name attribute, allowing for form submission and AngularJS form validation.

Lastly you will need a variant of the following CSS to ensure that the editor takes up a sensible amount of space on the page:

.ta-editor {
  min-height: 300px;
  height: auto;
  overflow: auto;
  font-family: inherit;
  font-size: 100%;

Have fun!

Important Note: Though textAngular supports the use of all attributes in it's input, please note that angulars ng-bind-html WILL strip out all of your style attributes.