diff --git a/ecommerce_integrations/shopify/page/shopify_import_products/shopify_import_products.js b/ecommerce_integrations/shopify/page/shopify_import_products/shopify_import_products.js
index 1cfb57b0..b1255bee 100644
--- a/ecommerce_integrations/shopify/page/shopify_import_products/shopify_import_products.js
+++ b/ecommerce_integrations/shopify/page/shopify_import_products/shopify_import_products.js
@@ -1,376 +1,376 @@
-frappe.pages['shopify-import-products'].on_page_load = function (wrapper) {
- let page = frappe.ui.make_app_page({
- parent: wrapper,
- title: 'Import Shopify Products',
- single_column: true
- });
- new shopify.ProductImporter(wrapper);
-shopify.ProductImporter = class {
- constructor(wrapper) {
- this.wrapper = $(wrapper).find('.layout-main-section');
- this.page = wrapper.page;
- this.init();
- this.syncRunning = false;
- }
- init() {
- frappe.run_serially([
- () => this.addMarkup(),
- () => this.fetchProductCount(),
- () => this.addTable(),
- () => this.checkSyncStatus(),
- () => this.listen(),
- ]);
- }
- async checkSyncStatus() {
- const { message: jobs } = await frappe.call({ method: 'frappe.core.page.background_jobs.background_jobs.get_info' });
- this.syncRunning = jobs.find(job => job.job_name == 'shopify.job.sync.all.products') !== undefined;
- if (this.syncRunning) {
- this.toggleSyncAllButton();
- this.logSync();
- }
- }
- addMarkup() {
- const _markup = $(`
Products in Shopify
Synchronization Details
- `);
- this.wrapper.append(_markup);
- }
- async fetchProductCount() {
- try {
- const { message: { erpnextCount, shopifyCount, syncedCount } } = await frappe.call({ method: 'ecommerce_integrations.shopify.page.shopify_import_products.shopify_import_products.get_product_count' });
- this.wrapper.find('#count-products-shopify').text(shopifyCount);
- this.wrapper.find('#count-products-erpnext').text(erpnextCount);
- this.wrapper.find('#count-products-synced').text(syncedCount);
- } catch (error) {
- frappe.throw(__('Error fetching product count.'));
- }
- }
- async addTable() {
- const listElement = this.wrapper.find('#shopify-product-list')[0];
- this.shopifyProductTable = new frappe.DataTable(listElement, {
- columns: [
- // {
- // name: 'Image',
- // align: 'center',
- // },
- {
- name: 'ID',
- align: 'left',
- editable: false,
- focusable: false,
- },
- {
- name: 'Name',
- editable: false,
- focusable: false,
- },
- {
- name: 'SKUs',
- editable: false,
- focusable: false,
- },
- {
- name: 'Status',
- align: 'center',
- editable: false,
- focusable: false,
- },
- {
- name: 'Action',
- align: 'center',
- editable: false,
- focusable: false,
- },
- ],
- data: await this.fetchShopifyProducts(),
- layout: 'fixed',
- });
- this.wrapper.find('.shopify-datatable-footer').show();
- }
- async fetchShopifyProducts(from_ = null) {
- try {
- const { message: { products, nextUrl, prevUrl } } = await frappe.call({ method: 'ecommerce_integrations.shopify.page.shopify_import_products.shopify_import_products.get_shopify_products', args: { from_ } });
- this.nextUrl = nextUrl;
- this.prevUrl = prevUrl;
- const shopifyProducts = products.map((product) => ({
- // 'Image': product.image && product.image.src && ``,
- 'ID': product.id,
- 'Name': product.title,
- 'SKUs': product.variants && product.variants.map(a => `${a.sku}`).join(', '),
- 'Status': this.getProductSyncStatus(product.synced),
- 'Action': !product.synced ?
- `` :
- ``,
- }));
- return shopifyProducts;
- } catch (error) {
- frappe.throw(__('Error fetching products.'));
- }
- }
- getProductSyncStatus(status) {
- return status ?
- `Synced` :
- `Not Synced`;
- }
- listen() {
- // sync a product from table
- this.wrapper.on('click', '.btn-sync', e => {
- const _this = $(e.currentTarget);
- _this.prop('disabled', true).text('Syncing...');
- const product = _this.attr('data-product');
- this.syncProduct(product)
- .then(status => {
- if (!status) {
- frappe.throw(__('Error syncing product'));
- _this.prop('disabled', false).text('Sync');
- return;
- }
- _this.parents('.dt-row')
- .find('.indicator-pill')
- .replaceWith(this.getProductSyncStatus(true));
- _this.replaceWith(``);
- });
- });
- this.wrapper.on('click', '.btn-resync', e => {
- const _this = $(e.currentTarget);
- _this.prop('disabled', true).text('Syncing...');
- const product = _this.attr('data-product');
- this.resyncProduct(product)
- .then(status => {
- if (!status) {
- frappe.throw(__('Error syncing product'));
- return;
- }
- _this.parents('.dt-row')
- .find('.indicator-pill')
- .replaceWith(this.getProductSyncStatus(true));
- _this.prop('disabled', false).text('Re-sync');
- })
- .catch(ex => {
- _this.prop('disabled', false).text('Re-sync');
- frappe.throw(__('Error syncing Product'));
- });
- });
- // pagination
- this.wrapper.on('click', '.btn-prev,.btn-next', e => this.switchPage(e));
- // sync all products
- this.wrapper.on('click', '#btn-sync-all', e => this.syncAll(e));
- }
- async syncProduct(product) {
- const { message: status } = await frappe.call({
- method: 'ecommerce_integrations.shopify.page.shopify_import_products.shopify_import_products.sync_product',
- args: { product },
- });
- if (status)
- this.fetchProductCount();
- return status;
- }
- async resyncProduct(product) {
- const { message: status } = await frappe.call({
- method: 'ecommerce_integrations.shopify.page.shopify_import_products.shopify_import_products.resync_product',
- args: { product },
- });
- if (status)
- this.fetchProductCount();
- return status;
- }
- async switchPage({ currentTarget }) {
- const _this = $(currentTarget);
- $('.btn-paginate').prop('disabled', true);
- this.shopifyProductTable.showToastMessage('Loading...');
- const newProducts = await this.fetchShopifyProducts(
- _this.hasClass('btn-next') ? this.nextUrl : this.prevUrl
- );
- this.shopifyProductTable.refresh(newProducts);
- $('.btn-paginate').prop('disabled', false);
- this.shopifyProductTable.clearToastMessage();
- }
- syncAll() {
- this.checkSyncStatus();
- this.toggleSyncAllButton();
- if (this.syncRunning) {
- frappe.msgprint(__('Sync already in progress'));
- } else {
- frappe.call({ method: 'ecommerce_integrations.shopify.page.shopify_import_products.shopify_import_products.import_all_products' })
- }
- // sync progress
- this.logSync();
- }
- logSync() {
- const _log = $('#shopify-sync-log');
- _log.parents('.card').show();
- _log.text(''); // clear logs
- // define counters here to prevent calling jquery every time
- const _syncedCounter = $('#count-products-synced');
- const _erpnextCounter = $('#count-products-erpnext');
- frappe.realtime.on('shopify.key.sync.all.products', ({ message, synced, done, error }) => {
- message = `${message}
- _log.append(message);
- _log.scrollTop(_log[0].scrollHeight)
- if (synced) this.updateSyncedCount(_syncedCounter, _erpnextCounter);
- if (done) {
- frappe.realtime.off('shopify.key.sync.all.products');
- this.toggleSyncAllButton(false);
- this.fetchProductCount();
- this.syncRunning = false;
- }
- })
- }
- toggleSyncAllButton(disable = true) {
- const btn = $('#btn-sync-all');
- const _toggleClass = d => d ? 'btn-success' : 'btn-primary';
- const _toggleText = () => disable ? 'Syncing...' : 'Sync Products';
- btn.prop('disabled', disable)
- .addClass(_toggleClass(disable))
- .removeClass(_toggleClass(!disable))
- .text(_toggleText());
- }
- updateSyncedCount(_syncedCounter, _erpnextCounter) {
- let _synced = parseFloat(_syncedCounter.text());
- let _erpnext = parseFloat(_erpnextCounter.text());
- _syncedCounter.text(_synced + 1);
- _erpnextCounter.text(_erpnext + 1);
- }
+frappe.pages['shopify-import-products'].on_page_load = function (wrapper) {
+ let page = frappe.ui.make_app_page({
+ parent: wrapper,
+ title: 'Import Shopify Products',
+ single_column: true
+ });
+ new shopify.ProductImporter(wrapper);
+shopify.ProductImporter = class {
+ constructor(wrapper) {
+ this.wrapper = $(wrapper).find('.layout-main-section');
+ this.page = wrapper.page;
+ this.init();
+ this.syncRunning = false;
+ }
+ init() {
+ frappe.run_serially([
+ () => this.addMarkup(),
+ () => this.fetchProductCount(),
+ () => this.addTable(),
+ () => this.checkSyncStatus(),
+ () => this.listen(),
+ ]);
+ }
+ async checkSyncStatus() {
+ const { message: jobs } = await frappe.db.get_list("RQ Job", {filters: {"status": ("in", ("queued", "started"))}});
+ this.syncRunning = jobs.find(job => job.job_name == 'shopify.job.sync.all.products') !== undefined;
+ if (this.syncRunning) {
+ this.toggleSyncAllButton();
+ this.logSync();
+ }
+ }
+ addMarkup() {
+ const _markup = $(`
Products in Shopify
Synchronization Details
+ `);
+ this.wrapper.append(_markup);
+ }
+ async fetchProductCount() {
+ try {
+ const { message: { erpnextCount, shopifyCount, syncedCount } } = await frappe.call({ method: 'ecommerce_integrations.shopify.page.shopify_import_products.shopify_import_products.get_product_count' });
+ this.wrapper.find('#count-products-shopify').text(shopifyCount);
+ this.wrapper.find('#count-products-erpnext').text(erpnextCount);
+ this.wrapper.find('#count-products-synced').text(syncedCount);
+ } catch (error) {
+ frappe.throw(__('Error fetching product count.'));
+ }
+ }
+ async addTable() {
+ const listElement = this.wrapper.find('#shopify-product-list')[0];
+ this.shopifyProductTable = new frappe.DataTable(listElement, {
+ columns: [
+ // {
+ // name: 'Image',
+ // align: 'center',
+ // },
+ {
+ name: 'ID',
+ align: 'left',
+ editable: false,
+ focusable: false,
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Name',
+ editable: false,
+ focusable: false,
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'SKUs',
+ editable: false,
+ focusable: false,
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Status',
+ align: 'center',
+ editable: false,
+ focusable: false,
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Action',
+ align: 'center',
+ editable: false,
+ focusable: false,
+ },
+ ],
+ data: await this.fetchShopifyProducts(),
+ layout: 'fixed',
+ });
+ this.wrapper.find('.shopify-datatable-footer').show();
+ }
+ async fetchShopifyProducts(from_ = null) {
+ try {
+ const { message: { products, nextUrl, prevUrl } } = await frappe.call({ method: 'ecommerce_integrations.shopify.page.shopify_import_products.shopify_import_products.get_shopify_products', args: { from_ } });
+ this.nextUrl = nextUrl;
+ this.prevUrl = prevUrl;
+ const shopifyProducts = products.map((product) => ({
+ // 'Image': product.image && product.image.src && ``,
+ 'ID': product.id,
+ 'Name': product.title,
+ 'SKUs': product.variants && product.variants.map(a => `${a.sku}`).join(', '),
+ 'Status': this.getProductSyncStatus(product.synced),
+ 'Action': !product.synced ?
+ `` :
+ ``,
+ }));
+ return shopifyProducts;
+ } catch (error) {
+ frappe.throw(__('Error fetching products.'));
+ }
+ }
+ getProductSyncStatus(status) {
+ return status ?
+ `Synced` :
+ `Not Synced`;
+ }
+ listen() {
+ // sync a product from table
+ this.wrapper.on('click', '.btn-sync', e => {
+ const _this = $(e.currentTarget);
+ _this.prop('disabled', true).text('Syncing...');
+ const product = _this.attr('data-product');
+ this.syncProduct(product)
+ .then(status => {
+ if (!status) {
+ frappe.throw(__('Error syncing product'));
+ _this.prop('disabled', false).text('Sync');
+ return;
+ }
+ _this.parents('.dt-row')
+ .find('.indicator-pill')
+ .replaceWith(this.getProductSyncStatus(true));
+ _this.replaceWith(``);
+ });
+ });
+ this.wrapper.on('click', '.btn-resync', e => {
+ const _this = $(e.currentTarget);
+ _this.prop('disabled', true).text('Syncing...');
+ const product = _this.attr('data-product');
+ this.resyncProduct(product)
+ .then(status => {
+ if (!status) {
+ frappe.throw(__('Error syncing product'));
+ return;
+ }
+ _this.parents('.dt-row')
+ .find('.indicator-pill')
+ .replaceWith(this.getProductSyncStatus(true));
+ _this.prop('disabled', false).text('Re-sync');
+ })
+ .catch(ex => {
+ _this.prop('disabled', false).text('Re-sync');
+ frappe.throw(__('Error syncing Product'));
+ });
+ });
+ // pagination
+ this.wrapper.on('click', '.btn-prev,.btn-next', e => this.switchPage(e));
+ // sync all products
+ this.wrapper.on('click', '#btn-sync-all', e => this.syncAll(e));
+ }
+ async syncProduct(product) {
+ const { message: status } = await frappe.call({
+ method: 'ecommerce_integrations.shopify.page.shopify_import_products.shopify_import_products.sync_product',
+ args: { product },
+ });
+ if (status)
+ this.fetchProductCount();
+ return status;
+ }
+ async resyncProduct(product) {
+ const { message: status } = await frappe.call({
+ method: 'ecommerce_integrations.shopify.page.shopify_import_products.shopify_import_products.resync_product',
+ args: { product },
+ });
+ if (status)
+ this.fetchProductCount();
+ return status;
+ }
+ async switchPage({ currentTarget }) {
+ const _this = $(currentTarget);
+ $('.btn-paginate').prop('disabled', true);
+ this.shopifyProductTable.showToastMessage('Loading...');
+ const newProducts = await this.fetchShopifyProducts(
+ _this.hasClass('btn-next') ? this.nextUrl : this.prevUrl
+ );
+ this.shopifyProductTable.refresh(newProducts);
+ $('.btn-paginate').prop('disabled', false);
+ this.shopifyProductTable.clearToastMessage();
+ }
+ syncAll() {
+ this.checkSyncStatus();
+ this.toggleSyncAllButton();
+ if (this.syncRunning) {
+ frappe.msgprint(__('Sync already in progress'));
+ } else {
+ frappe.call({ method: 'ecommerce_integrations.shopify.page.shopify_import_products.shopify_import_products.import_all_products' })
+ }
+ // sync progress
+ this.logSync();
+ }
+ logSync() {
+ const _log = $('#shopify-sync-log');
+ _log.parents('.card').show();
+ _log.text(''); // clear logs
+ // define counters here to prevent calling jquery every time
+ const _syncedCounter = $('#count-products-synced');
+ const _erpnextCounter = $('#count-products-erpnext');
+ frappe.realtime.on('shopify.key.sync.all.products', ({ message, synced, done, error }) => {
+ message = `${message}
+ _log.append(message);
+ _log.scrollTop(_log[0].scrollHeight)
+ if (synced) this.updateSyncedCount(_syncedCounter, _erpnextCounter);
+ if (done) {
+ frappe.realtime.off('shopify.key.sync.all.products');
+ this.toggleSyncAllButton(false);
+ this.fetchProductCount();
+ this.syncRunning = false;
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ toggleSyncAllButton(disable = true) {
+ const btn = $('#btn-sync-all');
+ const _toggleClass = d => d ? 'btn-success' : 'btn-primary';
+ const _toggleText = () => disable ? 'Syncing...' : 'Sync Products';
+ btn.prop('disabled', disable)
+ .addClass(_toggleClass(disable))
+ .removeClass(_toggleClass(!disable))
+ .text(_toggleText());
+ }
+ updateSyncedCount(_syncedCounter, _erpnextCounter) {
+ let _synced = parseFloat(_syncedCounter.text());
+ let _erpnext = parseFloat(_erpnextCounter.text());
+ _syncedCounter.text(_synced + 1);
+ _erpnextCounter.text(_erpnext + 1);
+ }