This is a simple example of a Netty-based HTTP server which can dispatch requests to a virtual thread pool.
Before running the Netty server, make sure you have the following:
- Java Development Kit (JDK) 21 or later
- Maven (for building the project)
To run the Netty server, follow these steps:
Compile it using Maven:
./mvnw clean package
Run the server:
# by default eventLoopThreads is 1 already java -jar -DeventLoopThreads=1 target/netty-http-jar-with-dependencies.jar
You can opt to not run the server and run the provided benchmarking script from the
folder or runcurl
against the already running instance:cd scripts ./
curl -v http://localhost:8080
The benchmarking script have a built-in help to show you the available options:
$ ./ -h
Syntax: benchmark [OPTIONS]
h Display this guide.
e event to profile, if supported e.g. -e cpu
check for the complete list
default is cpu
f output format, if supported by the profiler. e.g. async-profiler support html,jfr,collapsed
default is html
d duration of the load generation phase, in seconds
default is 20
j if specified, it uses JFR profiling. async-profiler otherwise.
t number of I/O threads of the server application.
default is 1
c number of connections used by the load generator.
default is 100
p if specified, run perf stat together with the selected profiler. Only GNU Linux.