This library contains a collection of reusable modules and functions that can be used in various OpenSCAD projects. The modules are designed to perform common tasks, such as creating geometric shapes, transformations, and other useful operations. Each module is self-contained and can be easily integrated into other OpenSCAD scripts. Additionally, the library includes a section for experimental functions and techniques, which are used for testing new ideas and exploring different approaches in OpenSCAD scripting.
Create a circle sector given an angle from 0° ecluded to 360° included angle ∈ ] 0; 360 ]
circle_sector(radius, start_angle, end_angle);
: sector circle radius expressed in mmstart_angle
: sector start angle expressed in degreesend_angle
: sector end angle expressed in degrees
Note that the end_angle
has to be greater than the start_angle
use <extra.scad>
minor_angle = 60;
straight_angle = 180;
major_angle = 240;
radius = 160;
start_angle = 45;
thickness = 3;
// Create a minor sector
linear_extrude(thickness) translate([-400, -150, 0]) {
circle_sector(2*radius, start_angle, start_angle + minor_angle);
// Create a semicircula sector
linear_extrude(thickness) translate([0, 0, 0]) {
circle_sector(radius, start_angle, start_angle + straight_angle);
// Create a major sector
linear_extrude(thickness) translate([300, 0, 0]) {
circle_sector(radius, start_angle, start_angle + major_angle);
Create an isosceles trapezium with optional centering:
isosceles_trapezium(base, top, height, center);
: Length of the bottom of the base (default 0).top
: Length of the top of the trapezium (default 0).height
: Height of the trapezium (default 0).center
: Boolean to center the trapezium on the axes (default false).
use <extra.scad>
linear_extrude(0.5) {
isosceles_trapezium(base=36, top=26, height=24, center=true);
Create a rectangle trapezium with optional centering
rectangle_trapezium(base, top, height, center);
: Length of the bottom of the base (default 0).top
: Length of the top of the trapezium (default 0).height
: Height of the trapezium (default 0).center
: Boolean to center the trapezium on the axes (default false).
use <extra.scad>
linear_extrude(0.5) {
rectangle_trapezium(base=26, top=36, height=24, center=true);
Create an ellipse
ellipse(length, width)
: The major axis diameter of the ellipse.width
: The minor axis diameter of the ellipse.
The module accepts either short (l
, w
) or long (length
, width
) parameter names. If both are provided, the long names take precedence.
use <extra.scad>
ellipse(length = 10, width = 5);
translate([-6, -6, 0]) ellipse(l = 8, w = 4);
Applies fillets on reflex corners to a 2D shape without altering its overall size.
fillet_reflex_angles(radius) children_2d_object();
: The fillet radius, must be greater than 0.
use <extra.scad>
module 2d_object() {
union() {
square([50, 100]);
fillet_reflex_angles(10) 2d_object();
Transforms a 2D shape into a hollow object by adding a wall of the specified width. A positive width creates an outward contour, while a negative width generates an inward contour.
thickness(width) children_2d_object();
: The width or thickness of the wall to be generated around the 2d shape.
use <extra.scad>
module 2d_object() {
union() {
square([50, 100]);
// Inward thickness
translate([-60, 0, 0]) thickness(-10) 2d_object();
// Outward thickness
translate([60, 0, 0]) thickness(10) 2d_object();
Generate a sinusoidal circle.
sinusoidal_circle(radius, amplitude, frequency, segments);
: The base radius of the circle, determining its average size.amplitude
: The height of the sinusoidal waves, controlling how much the circle’s radius fluctuates.frequency
: The number of sinusoidal waves or oscillations around the circle. A higher frequency means more waves in the same circle.segments
: The number of segments used to approximate the circle. A higher value results in a smoother curve.
use <extra.scad>
sinusoidal_circle( 30, // base radius
3, // wave amplitude
10, // wave frequency
1000 ); // number of segments
Create a cylinder sector given an angle from 0° ecluded to 360° included angle ∈ ] 0; 360 ]
cylinder_sector(radius, height, start_angle, end_angle);
: cylinder radius expressed in mmheight
: Cylinder height expressed in mmstart_angle
: sector start angle expressed in degreesend_angle
: sector end angle expressed in degrees
use <extra.scad>
cylinder_sector(100, 10, 0, 290);
Mirrors the child object along a plane defined by the Cartesian axis (XY, XZ, or YZ) while retaining the original object.
symmetry_plane(plane) children_object();
: the plane XYXZ
: the plane XZYZ
: the plane YZ
use <extra.scad>
module xy_object() {
r = 10;
translate([0, 40, r]) {
sphere(r = 10);
symmetry_plane("XZ") xy_object();
symmetry_plane("YZ") translate([15, 0, 0]) cube(size = [10, 20, 10]);
use <extra.scad>;
// Parametric settings
size = 10; // Grid size
cell_size = 5; // Size of each cell
binary_input = [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1]; // Example binary input
// Function to visualize a cell based on its XOR state
function cell_state(i, j) = xor(binary_input[i % len(binary_input)], binary_input[j % len(binary_input)]); // Alternating pattern based on binary input
// Create a grid based on the binary input
for (i = [0 : size-1]) {
for (j = [0 : size-1]) {
// Calculate cell position based on row and column
x_pos = i * cell_size;
y_pos = j * cell_size;
// Use the XOR result to decide if the cell is visible
if (cell_state(i, j)) {
translate([x_pos, y_pos, 0])
cube([cell_size, cell_size, 1]); // Create a visible cell
use <extra.scad>;
// Parametric settings
size = 20; // Grid size
cell_size = 5; // Size of each cell
wave_speed = 2; // Wave speed (how fast the wave moves)
time = 10; // Simulation time to show propagation over multiple steps
// Function to simulate wave interference using XOR
function wave_interference(i, j, time) =
xor(floor((i + time * sin(i / 3.0)) / wave_speed) % 2, floor((j + time * cos(j / 3.0)) / wave_speed) % 2); // Wave with interference
// Create a grid based on the wave interference pattern
for (i = [0 : size-1]) {
for (j = [0 : size-1]) {
// Calculate cell position based on row and column
x_pos = i * cell_size;
y_pos = j * cell_size;
wave = wave_interference(i, j, time); // Get wave interference pattern
// Create a visible cell based on the wave
if (wave) {
translate([x_pos, y_pos, 0])
cube([cell_size, cell_size, 1]); // Visible wave crest
} else {
translate([x_pos, y_pos, 0])
cube([cell_size, cell_size, 1]); // Visible wave trough
use <extra.scad>;
grid_size = 6; // Lattice size
spacing = 8; // Spacing between lattice points
// Function to create lattice points using XOR logic
function lattice(x, y, z) = xor(x % 2, y % 2) && xor(y % 2, z % 2); // XOR logic for 3D lattice
// Direct assert check for valid integer input
assert(grid_size >= 0 && floor(grid_size) == grid_size, "Invalid grid_size value");
assert(spacing >= 0 && floor(spacing) == spacing, "Invalid spacing value");
// Generate the lattice structure
for (x = [0 : grid_size-1]) {
for (y = [0 : grid_size-1]) {
for (z = [0 : grid_size-1]) {
if (lattice(x, y, z)) {
translate([x * spacing, y * spacing, z * spacing])
sphere(1); // Lattice point visible by XOR rule
Draw a line segment given two points, with an optional parameter to extend the line beyond these points.
thickness = line_thickness,
extend = false,
factor = multiplication_factor);
: the first point of the line [x0, y0, z0]point2
: the second point of the line [x1, y1, z1]thickness
: the thickness of the lineextend
: optional parameter to extend the line beyond the given pointsfactor
: optional parameter that is the multiplication factor for the line extention
use <extra.scad>
// Instantiating two points defining a line
p1 = [-4, 2, 3];
p2 = [-8, 20, 30];
// Draw the line
color("Red") draw_line(p1, p2);
// Draw an extented line parallel to the initial line
color("Green") translate([10, 0, 0]) {
draw_line(p1, p2, extend = true, factor = 0.2);
Draw a vector with its direction arrow.
draw_vector(point1, point2, thickness);
: the first point of the line [x0, y0, z0]point2
: the second point of the line [x1, y1, z1]thickness
: the thickness of the line
use <extra.scad>
// Lines thickness
lt1 = 0.8;
lt2 = 0.4;
// Instantiating two points defining the vector tail and vector tip fir the vector u
u1 = [1, 2, 3];
u2 = [10, 20, 30];
// Instantiating two points defining the vector tail and vector tip fir the vector v
v1 = [-2, 7, 8];
v2 = [-12, 10, 31];
// Draw the vectors
color("Magenta", 1.0) draw_vector(u1, u2, lt1);
color("Tomato", 1.0) draw_vector(v1, v2, lt2);
Draw parallelepiped built by two vectors.
draw_parallelepiped(point1, point2, thickness)
point1, point2
: two vectors represented by the three dimensional pointsthickness
: the thickness of the parallelepiped
use <extra.scad>
// Instantiating two points defining the vector tail and vector tip
u = [19, 3, 2];
v = [-4, 20, 4];
// Draw the parallelepiped
draw_parallelepiped(u, v, thickness = 0.1);
// Draw the vectors
color("Red") draw_vector([0, 0, 0], u, 0.4);
color("Blue") draw_vector([0, 0, 0], v, 0.4);
use <extra.scad>
// Origin
o = [0, 0, 0];
// Define the two vectors
v1 = [15, 0, 0];
v2 = [-10, 1.2, 0];
// Angle of rotation around the z-axis
angle = $t * 360;
// Calculate the rotated v1 manually
v1_rotated = [v1[0] * cos(angle) - v1[1] * sin(angle),
v1[0] * sin(angle) + v1[1] * cos(angle),
// Compute the cross product
v1_x_v2 = cross(v1_rotated, v2);
// Visualization of the vectors
color("Green") draw_vector(o, v1_rotated);
color("Red") draw_vector(o, v2);
color("Blue") draw_vector(o, v1_x_v2);
draw_parallelepiped(v1_rotated, v2);
Draw a vector with its direction arrow and vector components.
draw_vector_components(point1, point2, line_thickness, bounding_box)
: the first point of the line [x0, y0, z0]point2
: the second point of the line [x1, y1, z1]thickness
: the thickness of the linebounding_box
: optional parameter to draw the vectors boundary box
use <extra.scad>
// Line thickness
lt = 0.4;
// Instantiating two points defining a vector in the cartesian system
p1 = [1, 2, 3];
p2 = [10, 20, 30];
// Draw the vector
draw_vector(p1, p2, lt);
// Draw the vector components
draw_vector_components(p1, p2, lt, boundary_box = true);
Function to convert degrees to radians.
: the angle in degrees
use <extra.scad>
angle_deg = 45;
angle_rad = deg_to_rad(angle_deg);
echo("Angle in degrees:", angle_deg);
echo("Angle in radians:", angle_rad);
cat ./demo/converting_degrees_to_radians.echo
ECHO: "Angle in degrees:", 45 ECHO: "Angle in radians:", 0.785398
Function to convert radians to degrees.
: the angle in radians
use <extra.scad>
angle_rad = 0.785398;
angle_deg = rad_to_deg(angle_rad);
echo("Angle in radians:", angle_rad);
echo("Angle in degrees:", angle_deg);
cat ./demo/converting_radians_to_degrees.echo
ECHO: "Angle in radians:", 0.785398 ECHO: "Angle in degrees:", 45
Function that transforms a one- or two-dimensional vector into a three-dimensional vector.
: Either a one-, two- or three-dimensional vector.
use <extra.scad>
// One-dimensional vector
vec_1_dim = [11];
// Two-dimensional vector
vec_2_dim = [15, 10];
// Three-dimensional vector
vec_3_dim = [20, -15, -10];
// Four-dimensional vector
vec_4_dim = [-5, 9, 10, 12];
vectors = [vec_1_dim, vec_2_dim, vec_3_dim, vec_4_dim];
for (vector = vectors) {
echo(vector, pad_to_three(vector));
cat ./demo/one_or_two_dimensional_vectors_into_a_three_dimensional_vectors.echo
ECHO: [11], [11, 0, 0] ECHO: [15, 10], [15, 10, 0] ECHO: [20, -15, -10], [20, -15, -10] ECHO: [-5, 9, 10, 12], undef
The unit vector (also called normalized vector) is the vector of size one that goes in the same direction as the original vector.
: Either a one-, two- or three-dimensional vector.
use <extra.scad>
v = [30, 60, 90];
unit_v = unit_vector(v);
echo("vector", v);
echo("unit vector", unit_v);
cat ./demo/calculate_the_unit_vector.echo
ECHO: "vector", [30, 60, 90] ECHO: "unit vector", [0.267261, 0.534522, 0.801784]
Function to add vectors
vector_addition(v1, v22);
v1, v2
: are either one-, two- or three-dimensional vectors
use <extra.scad>
v1 = [3, 16, 15];
v2 = [23, 26, 10];
v = vector_addition(v1, v2);
echo("Displacement vector", v);
cat ./demo/calculate_the_vector_addition.echo
ECHO: "Displacement vector", [26, 42, 25]
use <extra.scad>
// Defining the tip of two vectors
v1 = [3, 16, 15];
v2 = [23, 26, 10];
// Compute the vector addition to the two vectors and and store its value in variable v
v = vector_addition(v1, v2);
// Setting the reference for the two vectors
origin = [0, 0, 0];
// Drawing vector v1 from the origin
color("Red", 1.0) draw_vector(origin, v1);
// Drawing vector v2 from the tip of vector v1
translate(v1) color("Green", 1.0) draw_vector(origin, v2);
// Drawing the computed vector v from the origin. The tip of v lands on the tip of v2
color("Yellow", 1.0) draw_vector(origin, v);
use <extra.scad>
// Defining the tip of two vectors
v1 = [3, 16, 15];
v2 = [23, 26, 10];
// Compute the negative of v2
nv2 = (-1)*v2;
// Compute v1+(-v2) -> v1-v2 and store the value in variable v
v = vector_addition(v1, nv2);
// Setting the reference for the two vectors
origin = [0, 0, 0];
// Draw vector v1 fom the origin
color("Red", 1.0) draw_vector(origin, v1);
// Draw vector v2 from the tip of v1
translate(v1) {
color("Green", 1.0) draw_vector(origin, nv2);
// Dra the computed vector v from the origin. The tip of v lands on the tip of v2
color("Yellow", 1.0) draw_vector(origin, v);
The dot product (or scalar product)
dot(v1, v2)
v1, v2
: are either one-, two- or three-dimensional vectors
use <extra.scad>
// Test dot product (vector tip points)
u = [-4, 20, 4];
v = [9, 3, 2];
// Drawing parameters
thickness = 0.3;
origo = [0, 0, 0]; // ISSUE: other origo values than the origin at [0, 0, 0] don't work
// Draw two vectors, u and v with the same origo
color("Red") draw_vector(origo, u, thickness);
color("Blue") draw_vector(origo, v, thickness);
// Compute the projection of u onto v
//projection_u_on_v = projection_point_on_vector(v, u);
projection_u_on_v =
projection_point_on_vector(origo, v, [origo[0] + u[0],
origo[1] + u[1],
origo[2] + u[2]]);
// Draw the projection of u onto v
color("Gray") draw_line(u, projection_u_on_v, thickness/3);
// Draw the projection vector of u onto v
color("Green") draw_vector(origo, projection_u_on_v, thickness);
// Compute the dot product of u, v
dot_product = dot(u, v);
// Normalize vector v to get the unit vector
unit_v = unit_vector(v);
// Place the point along vector v at the dot product value
dot_product_point_on_v = [for (i = [0:2]) unit_v[i] * dot_product];
// Draw the point using draw_point module
color("SkyBlue") draw_point(dot_product_point_on_v, cross = false);
// Draw the line from the tip of vector v to the the dot product value
color("SkyBlue", 0.67) draw_line(v, dot_product_point_on_v, thickness);
use <extra.scad>
// Test dot product (vector tip points) at custom reference point
u = [-17, 15, -1];
v = [5, 3, 2];
// Drawing parameters
thickness = 0.3;
reference = [-5, -10, 8]; // ISSUE: other reference values than the origin at [0, 0, 0] don't work
// Draw two vectors, u and v with the same reference
color("Red") draw_vector(reference,
[reference[0] + u[0],
reference[1] + u[1],
reference[2] + u[2]],
color("Blue") draw_vector(reference,
[reference[0] + v[0],
reference[1] + v[1],
reference[2] + v[2]],
// Compute the projection of u onto v
projection_u_on_v =
projection_point_on_vector(reference, v, [reference[0] + u[0],
reference[1] + u[1],
reference[2] + u[2]]);
// Draw the projection of u onto v
color("Gray") draw_line([reference[0] + u[0],
reference[1] + u[1],
reference[2] + u[2]],
thickness / 3);
// Draw the projection vector of u onto v
color("Green") draw_vector(reference, projection_u_on_v, thickness);
// Compute the dot product of u, v
dot_product = dot(u, v);
// Normalize vector v to get the unit vector
unit_v = unit_vector(v);
// Place the point along vector v at the dot product value
dot_product_point_on_v = [for (i = [0:2]) reference[i] + unit_v[i] * dot_product];
// Draw the point using draw_point module
color("SkyBlue") draw_point(dot_product_point_on_v, cross = false);
// Draw the line from the tip of vector v to the dot product value
color("SkyBlue", 0.67) draw_line([reference[0] + v[0],
reference[1] + v[1],
reference[2] + v[2]],
Calculate the slope between two points
slope(p1, p2);
p1, p2
: are two vector points up to three dimensions
use <extra.scad>
// Define points
point1 = [2, 3];
point2 = [15, 21];
// Calculate rise and run
rise = point2[1] - point1[1];
run = point2[0] - point1[0];
// Draw points
// Draw line between points
color("red") draw_line(point1, point2);
// Draw rise and run
draw_line(point1, [point2[0], point1[1]]); // Run
draw_line([point2[0], point1[1]], point2); // Rise
// Annotate points
translate([point1[0] - 2.5, point1[1], 0.3])
text(str("(", point1[0], ", ", point1[1], ")"), size = 1, valign = "center", halign = "center");
translate([point2[0] - 3.5, point2[1], 0.3])
text(str("(", point2[0], ", ", point2[1], ")"), size = 1, valign = "center", halign = "center");
// Annotate rise and run
translate([(point1[0] + point2[0]) / 2, point1[1] - 2.0, 0.3])
text("Run", size = 1, valign = "center", halign = "center");
translate([point2[0] + 2.5, (point1[1] + point2[1]) / 2, 0.3])
text("Rise", size = 1, valign = "center", halign = "center");
// Annotate slope
translate([(point1[0] + point2[0]) / 2 - 6, (point1[1] + point2[1]) / 2, 0.3])
text(str("Slope = ", slope(point1, point2)), size = 1, valign = "center", halign = "center");
use <extra.scad>
point1 = [2, 3];
point2 = [15, 21];
slope = slope(point1, point2);
perpendicular_slope = perpendicular_slope(slope);
echo("slope", slope);
echo("perpendicular slope", perpendicular_slope);
cat ./demo/slope_and_perpendicular_slope.echo
ECHO: "slope", 1.38462 ECHO: "perpendicular slope", -0.722222
Function to find the intersection point of two lines
lines_intersection(line1, line2)
line1, line2
: a line is determined by two points of two dimensions encapsulated in a list
use <extra.scad>
// Instanstiating four points defining two lines
u0 = [8, 12];
u1 = [-4, 2];
v0 = [19, 0];
v1 = [-7, 4];
// Drawing the lines
color("Red")draw_line(u0, u1, extend = true);
color("Green")draw_line(v0, v1, extend = true);
// Compute the intersection point of the two lines and stor the value
i = lines_intersection([u0, u1], [v0, v1]);
// Draw the intersection point
color("Magenta") draw_point(i, cross = false, factor = 8);
xor(bol_a, bol_b)
: A boolean value true
(1) or false
: A boolean value true
(1) or false
function test_xor() = [
[true, true, xor(true, true)], // Expected false
[true, false, xor(true, false)], // Expected true
[false, true, xor(false, true)], // Expected true
[true, true, xor(true, true)], // Expected false
// Print results
for (t = test_xor())
echo("A: ", t[0], " B: ", t[1], " XOR: ", t[2]);
cat ./demo/test_xor.echo
ECHO: "A: ", true, " B: ", true, " XOR: ", false ECHO: "A: ", true, " B: ", false, " XOR: ", true ECHO: "A: ", false, " B: ", true, " XOR: ", true ECHO: "A: ", true, " B: ", true, " XOR: ", false
use <extra.scad>
// Example test for reduce_xor
function test_reduce_xor() = [
[ [true, true], false ], // true XOR true = false
[ [true, false], true ], // true XOR false = true
[ [false, true], true ], // false XOR true = true
[ [false, false], false ], // false XOR false = false
[ [true, false, true], false ], // (true XOR false) XOR true = false
[ [true, false, false], true ], // (true XOR false) XOR false = true
for (test = test_reduce_xor()) {
result = reduce_xor(test[0]);
echo("Input: ", test[0], " Expected: ", test[1], " Got: ", result);
assert(result == test[1], "Test failed!");
cat ./demo/test_reduce_xor.echo
ECHO: "Input: ", [true, true], " Expected: ", false, " Got: ", false ECHO: "Input: ", [true, false], " Expected: ", true, " Got: ", true ECHO: "Input: ", [false, true], " Expected: ", true, " Got: ", true ECHO: "Input: ", [false, false], " Expected: ", false, " Got: ", false ECHO: "Input: ", [true, false, true], " Expected: ", false, " Got: ", false ECHO: "Input: ", [true, false, false], " Expected: ", true, " Got: ", true
use <extra.scad>;
// Test cases for integer to binary conversion
function test_integer_to_binary() = [
// Intger value, asserted binary value
[5, "101"],
[10, "1010"],
[0, "0"],
[15, "1111"],
[8, "1000"]
// Execute tests
for (test = test_integer_to_binary()) {
result = integer_to_binary(test[0]);
echo("Input: ", test[0], " Expected: ", test[1], " Got: ", result);
assert(result == test[1], "Test failed!");
cat ./demo/test_integer_to_binary.echo
ECHO: "Input: ", 5, " Expected: ", "101", " Got: ", "101" ECHO: "Input: ", 10, " Expected: ", "1010", " Got: ", "1010" ECHO: "Input: ", 0, " Expected: ", "0", " Got: ", "0" ECHO: "Input: ", 15, " Expected: ", "1111", " Got: ", "1111" ECHO: "Input: ", 8, " Expected: ", "1000", " Got: ", "1000"
use <extra.scad>;
// Test cases for binary to decimal conversion
function test_binary_to_integer() = [
// Binary value, asserted integer value
["101", 5],
["1010", 10],
["0", 0],
["1111", 15],
["1000", 8]
// Execute tests
for (test = test_binary_to_integer()) {
result = binary_to_integer(test[0]);
echo("Input: ", test[0], " Expected: ", test[1], " Got: ", result);
assert(result == test[1], "Test failed!");
cat ./demo/test_binary_to_integer.echo
ECHO: "Input: ", "101", " Expected: ", 5, " Got: ", 5 ECHO: "Input: ", "1010", " Expected: ", 10, " Got: ", 10 ECHO: "Input: ", "0", " Expected: ", 0, " Got: ", 0 ECHO: "Input: ", "1111", " Expected: ", 15, " Got: ", 15 ECHO: "Input: ", "1000", " Expected: ", 8, " Got: ", 8
use <extra.scad>;
// Example test cases for the to_number function
test_cases = [
"12345", // Positive number
"-98765", // Negative number
"0", // Zero
"000123", // Leading zeros
"-001234", // Negative with leading zeros
"987654321" // Large number
// Test the to_number function with each case
for (tc = test_cases) {
result = to_number(tc);
echo(str("Input: ", tc, " Result: ", result)); // Output the input and result
cat ./demo/test_to_number.echo
ECHO: "Input: 12345 Result: 12345" ECHO: "Input: -98765 Result: -98765" ECHO: "Input: 0 Result: 0" ECHO: "Input: 000123 Result: 123" ECHO: "Input: -001234 Result: -1234" ECHO: "Input: 987654321 Result: 9.87654e+8"