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Ansible z/OSMF URI Sample

This sample playbook demonstrates basic use cases for invoking a REST API service, particularly the z/OSMF REST API services.

It is a good practice to review the playbook contents before executing them. It will help you understand the requirements in terms of space, location, names, authority, and the artifacts that will be created and cleaned up.

Playbook Requirements

This playbook requires:

Playbook Summary

  • uri-sample.yml - Provides an example of how to invoke the z/OSMF REST API services with Ansible.


  • Configure the included inventory.yml with the information from the managed z/OS host.
  • Configure the included host_vars zos_host.yml with the information from your z/OS system.
    • Review host_vars documentation and any additional noted variables in the configuration.

    • Configure variables:

      ZOSMF_HOST: zosmf_target_host
      ZOSMF_PORT: zosmf_target_port
      ZOSMF_DEST_FOLDER: /path/to/folder
      ZOSMF_USER: user
      ZOSMF_PASS: pass
      ZOSMF_SYSTEM: zosmf_system

Walkthrough of uri-sample.yml

The purpose of the uri-sample playbook is to showcase the ability to invoke a REST API service as well as give an example of creating, starting, and deleting workflows using the z/OSMF REST API service.

This playbook will use the following operations:

  • Querying existing workflows
  • Creation of a workflow
  • Starting a workflow
  • Cancellation of a workflow
  • Deletion of a workflow

Note: to learn more about z/OSMF workflow services, visit IBM Docs

The uri-sample playbook starts by copying over the sample_definition_file.xml (required for z/OSMF REST API service utilization) to the specified target folder, and has two outcomes after execution.

  • Running the playbook the first time will result in
    • Creation of the sample_workflow
    • Starting the sample_workflow
  • Running the playbook the second time will result in
    • Cancellation of the sample_workflow
    • Deletion of the sample_workflow

Using Ansible Vault to Encrypt Passwords or Sensitive Data

The ZOSMF_PASS variable is stored in plaintext as shown above in the group_vars/all.yml file. If desired, the ZOSMF_PASS can be encrypted in several different ways; we will walk through one of those ways.

For this short tutorial, we will encrypt the following variable.

ZOSMF_PASS: mysecretpassword

In order to encrypt the password, we will run the following ansible-vault command in our terminal.

ansible-vault encrypt_string mysecretpassword --ask-vault-pass

This command will prompt you to enter a password that will be used to decrypt the sensitive information while running the playbook. After successfully selecting a password to encrypt the sensitive information, the command will produce a result similar to the following output.

!vault |
Encryption successful

The only thing left to do is replace the plaintext password with this encrypted string.

ZOSMF_PASS: !vault |

Run the playbook

This project has included a site.yml playbook that serves as the primary playbook that provides additional prerequisite checks then it invokes the uri-sample.yml playbook.

If you want to run the primary playbook site.yml it will check that your environment has the correct version of Ansible as well as the collection needed to execute correctly. To run the primary playbook, use command:

ansible-playbook -i inventories site.yml

You can skip the prerequisite check and run the uri-sample.yml with command:

ansible-playbook -i inventories uri-sample.yml

If ansible-vault was used to encrypt any sensitive information, add the following to your command: --ask-vault-pass. Note: This will prompt you for the password used to encrypt the sensitive data. e.g,, run the following command:

ansible-playbook -i inventories --ask-vault-pass uri-sample.yml
ansible-playbook -i inventories --ask-vault-pass site.yml


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