#Release Notes
- Update to Selenium.Webdriver v2.48.1 and Selenium.Support v2.48.1
- .Net client is completely following the Apache 2.0 license now.
- IMobileElement implementations are able to perform gestures such as Pinch, Tap and Zoom.
- Constructor set of MultiAction and TouchAction was improved. Redundant constructors were removed.
- the bug which prevented the using of TouchAction/MultiTouchActions with IWebElement was fixed. This problem is reproduced with IWebElement instances created via Selenium PageFactory.
features ported from the Java-Appium-Driver AppiumDriver:
Tap Swipe Pinch Zoom ScrollTo ScrollToExact
also ScrollTo & ScrollToExact implementations with extra parameter for a resource ID to scroll on a particular View.
Integration with Selenium PageFactory. Now it is possible to develop UI tests using Page Object design pattern
- Generic AppiumDriver class and subclasses
- Fixes for backward compatabliltiy for TryAddCommand
- Fix and add tests for Hide Keyboard
- Improved namespaces.
- Fixed tests
- Redesigned methods and interfaces.
- Separate android and ios drivers.
- Update NuGet packages - fixes locator strategy bug.
- Add GetSettings and IgnoreUnimportantViews methods.
- Update version to match assembly and NuGet package
- Needed to update version due to mismanaged NuGet Package.
- Update Newtonsoft.Json and WebDriver packages
- Add IsLocked Method
- Add Start Activity
- Update for new Selenium version
- hideKeyboard update
- Add network connection methods
- Add android input methods
- Add PullFolder command
- Reorganized project
- TouchAction/MultiAction rewritting
- Added sample