First, you'll need to install Ansible on whatever computer you're running ansible from
sudo apt install ansible
next install sshpass, so ansible can log into server via password
sudo apt-get install sshpass
next cd to ansible dir
cd ansible
then install ansible dependencies
ansible-galaxy install geerlingguy.docker
Finally, run the ansible playbook using the following command
ansible-playbook ./playbooks/build_docker_box.yml --user fran -i ./inventory/hosts -e @secret-vars.yml
to run updates in the future
ansible-playbook ./playbooks/run_updates.yml --user fran -i ./inventory/hosts -e @secret-vars.yml
to stop/start all containers
ansible-playbook ./playbooks/stop_start_all_containers.yml --user fran -i ./inventory/hosts -e @secret-vars.yml