Up to 10 days
- Perform tasks as requested by the trainer
- Apply unit test in the project, refer to the documentation here
- Each ticket task estimate takes no more than 8 hours, in case the task is large, should break down ticket
- Created ticket on redmine before starting to work
- Tickets must fill in Category, Target Version, Parent task, Start date, Due date, Estimated time
- Changes status "In Progress" when receives ticket
- Task implement done, send pull request, update link of pull request, change %DONE to 90%
- Sent pull request to the whole team to review
- Pull requests must be approved by the member before they can be sent to the trainer for review.
- Pull request merged, update %DONE to 100%, status to Resolved
- Attachment link ticket redmine into pull request
- Attachment evidence about layout (UI/UX) into pull request for function.
- For pull requests to write unit tests, you need to attach a picture of the run test results
- Send and track pull on the system PRTS
- Only review the project when the team completes >= 80% of the required functions of the project
- Use deploy link to present the project
- The login data needs to be fake ready for presentation
- The author of the function will present that function
- In case the team completes less than 80% of the requirements, Team need contact the Trainer 2 days before the deadline to request an extension of the deadline.