Fri 13 Aug 2021 16:43:31 CEST
- 292c4ebe Update the build.gradle for publishing
Wed 21 Jul 2021 11:20:03 BST
- 6be7a724 Integration tests extended
- 66e25ea9 NettyGrpcServer -- support mutual TLS
- 1128e7b2 NettyGrpcServer: logger->LOGGER
- b7b4ef12 NettyGrpcServer -- reformat code
- 3a98fc5e NettyGrpcServer -- configure ALPN
- 63c12ffa NettyGrpcServerTest -- improve startAndStopTlsPassword, startAndStopTlsWithoutPassword test cases
- 5046eb79 Bump logback-classic in /examples/fabric-contract-example-maven
- ab2a166d added tests
- 25706938 Add additional contracts for deployment test
- e096d4f7 Review ideas
- 7645bb9d Move to use Maven Wrapper
- d212e2a7 Upgrade gradle to v7
- f1d6b7da Gradle wrapper updated to the latest version
- 3f190ef5 Transaction metadata tags updated
- 0d0c9280 Update "master" branch references to "main"
- ca69f15d Fix link in
- 4c6cbf47 Correct condition
- 76c7fe45 Cleanup files
- 70bdd194 Add in publishing of the nightly master branch drivers
- b51eac20 Change FABRIC_VERSION to latest tag
- 28dfb24b fix fabric-contract-example-maven/pom.xml
- ff48941c Logging Tests Reset Correctly
- cc31ae01 FABCJ-214 - Java chaincode gRPC server
- 06f72193 Fix "build shadowJar" error
- 278e9f8e FABCJ-187 Add max inbound msg size configuration
- bf4f30aa Fix javadoc build
- 9e403b6d Fix JavaDoc link to Compatibility documentation
- 57678eea Bump version to 2.3.1
- 91e6001d FABCJ-290 Add release guide
- 0deb7e0d FABCJ-293 Remove gradle from image
- 2dfe17c1 FABCJ-291 Startkey needs additional checks For the open ended query, the start and empty keys are empty from the chaincode. However, in the shim, if the start key is an empty key, it is replaced with 0x01 which is nothing but a namespace for the non-composite key.
- 21d81193 Update doc links
- 78ed0157 FABCJ-288 fix: simple key end of range
- 90f6c3c2 Update dependencies
- 526d1cc8 FABCJ-284 Broken link
- 7f722053 force rebuild
- 9a42effb FABCJ-285 Remove incorrect log point
- c2367768 Clean up Fabric Version Methodology
- 88da28f6 FAB-17777 Create basic settings.yaml
- a6b00f2d FABCJ-283 Update javadoc 2.x link
- 96fa4d6e FABCJ-283 Update docs to handle new branch
- ff031f2d FABCJ-283 Bump version number to 3.0.0 - in order to not contradict release-2.x branch
- 35a5159d FABCJ-283 Update docker image version to 2.1
- 67af7977 FABCJ-280 Copy chaincode into temporary directory before building
- e69168cb FABCJ-276 Access localmspid
- cc673036 FABCN-359 Ledger Class
- f0689360 FABCJ-273 Show release-2.0 Javadoc
- 364cae9d FABCJ-269 Compatibility Matrix
- 89ffb592 FABCJ-273 Prepare next release v2.1.0
- 6c1cdba0 Java chaincode gRPC server for run external chaincode add NettyGrpcServer with method /Connect for start chat with peer without TLS add example external chaincode
Tue 3 Nov 2020 14:20:11 GMT
Wed 7 Oct 2020 16:21:53 BST
- cef231c FABCJ-293 Remove gradle from image
- d2643ef Minor Performance Improvements
- 703558c FABCJ-291 Startkey needs additional checks For the open ended query, the start and empty keys are empty from the chaincode. However, in the shim, if the start key is an empty key, it is replaced with 0x01 which is nothing but a namespace for the non-composite key.
- f35ae08 Fix tagging of fabric-javaenv image
- cb31d36 Bump version to 2.2.1
Thu 2 Jul 11:28:13 BST 2020
- 32c8201 FABCJ-289 release: 2.2.0 LTS
- 0948234 FABCJ-288 fix: simple key end of range
- 8b06be2 FABCJ-286 Prepare 2.1.2
Mon 18 May 09:09:24 BST 2020
- f0f958e FABCJ-284 Broken docs link
- b89c464 FABCJ-285 Remove incorrect log point
- 93ff6bb FABCJ-283 Bump version number to 2.1.1
Thu 9 Apr 2020 14:13:36 BST
Wed 4 Mar 16:38:58 GMT 2020
- 8cb6a25 FAB-16136 Do not run tests in chaincode container
- 3710641 FABCJ-280 Copy chaincode into temporary directory before building
- a25a7d6 FABCJ-276 Access localmspid
Fri 24 Jan 10:26:03 GMT 2020
- 659a1c4 Port fixes from master branch for Coverage & typos
- 9cf1e6a FABCI-482 Update Nexus URL's to Artifactory
- 7ab7145 Fix typos in
- 67fdc40 FABCJ-259 Pagination Fix
- 1609425 Update maintainers list
- 1a45e3d FABCJ-95 Checkstyle
Thu 12 Dec 12:45:44 GMT 2019
- 4a13009 Add OWASP dependency checks to build
- 44c96d7 FABCJ-258 Add latest image tag in AZP pipeline
- e1d53bf Remove -SNAPSHOT from package version variable
- fedc2ef Improve integration test reliability
- 6fd5507 [FABCJ-257] Rationalize examples
- 5d3cd53 [FABCJ-160] Char support
- e32e404 [FABCJ-183] Extra properties appear in JSON from Java Objects
- 7f3c4e3 FAB-17138 Publish docker images to nexus
- b52d26a FAB-15634 Annotations for Serializer
- 207bd94 FAB-17100 Default Thread Pool not set correctly
- f50a4ed FAB-16712 Disable stalebot
- ee8a1f4 Update javadoc location in readme
- 3951dca Fix git user email/name config in azure pipeline
- 55ad1b9 Update javadoc build to use Hyperledger Bot
- 4680efc Publish javadoc
- d4981a3 Fix the name of the docker image
- 6553ffc Update readme
- 3b029a8 Fix the name of the docker image
- d01eeff Add artifacts to build result
- 3c2c27c FAB-16712 Update contributing guide
- d13e0c0 Next steps in publishing
- 75a0bed Next steps in publishing
- fd2e21a Next steps in publishing
- 5618de6 Push the snapshot docker images to nexus
- 5a11c6e Push the snapshot docker images to nexus
- 4eff463 FAB-16315 Improved Load Ability
- 11a26ce Fix Azure Pipelines
- 7b3e509 FAB-16711 Azure pipelines
- a3304ec FAB-16707 Remove Gradle warnings
- af3dec0 [IN-68] Add default GitHub SECURITY policy
- 88b9397 FAB-16680 Fix cloudflare error on
- f6076eb FAB-16669 WIP: Use native Java 11 ALPN support
- 5520053 FAB-16669 Update gRPC and Protocol Buffers code
- abff28f FAB-16655 Warnings as errors for Java chaincode docs
- 50e75bf FAB-16655 Warnings as errors for Java chaincode
- d79f5a6 FAB-6415 Remove tests from Docker image build
- 35d5884 FAB-6415 Various chaincode deployment updates
- 12b5243 FAB-16493 Fixed gradle build on windows
- 2f6be19 FAB-6415 Remove cglib dependency
- 56c533e FAB-6415 Upgrade Docker image to Java 11
- 5dbbea7 FAB-6415 Replace org.reflections with classgraph
- 059d043 FAB-6415 Add javax.xml.bind dependency for Java 11
- cbe663b FAB-6415 Upgrade to Gradle 5.6.2 and Maven 3.6.2
- 887153c FAB-6415 Add javax.annotation dependency for Java 11
- 66e9079 FAB-16489 Add CODEOWNERS
- 182c050 FAB-15507 Add doc
- 1a38b84 [FABN-1320] Remove sed from script
- 25ed6c1 [FABN-1320] Fix
- f47f601 FAB-15929 Add getPrivateDataHash support
- 4371d07 FAB-16217 Do not load JSON Schema schema from network
- 44d76f4 FAB-15895 Added client identity to context
- 9169e14 New maintainer application
- 12309b5 FAB-16091 Handle invalid contract name
- e8ca970 FAB-15647 Fix markup of README
- 360d75a FAB-15883 Removed swagger annotations
- 25c5be6 FAB-15615 Add ChaincodeException support
- 9077581 FAB-15823 Fix getStringPayload npe
- e163d3f FAB-15743 Align Context
- 5ad6ed8 FAB-15507 Exclude unnecessary contract javadoc
- 9cc6553 FAB-15720 prevent duplicate transactions
- f87de8e FAB-15632 Add name element to transaction annotation
- d726175 FAB-13803 Parameter Marshalling
- 72dc716 FAB-15214 Remove init annotation
- 509bfbf FAB-13802 Metadata Support
- 0467032 Application to be consider for maintainer of this repo
- 526f36d FAB-13802 Return types update
- 1662390 FAB-13912 Implement new interfaces
- bd1c269 FAB-14961 Update to the FAQ
- dc02c3b FAB-14995 Prepare for next release
Sun Apr 9 15:37:09 IDT 2019
- b62740c FAB-13798 New interfaces
- 8235149 FAB-13795 Contract definition
- 762a955 FAB-13800 Transaction Context
- 351acb5 FAB-13794 New Annotations
- 3e13a57 FAB-12960 Adding cc without main method
- 40bf2c1 FAB-14533 Updating integration tests
- b17d8a2 FAB-12504 Added maven integration test.
- 0e76b72 FAB-14522 README update: sdk compatibility
- e5d3e40 FAB-14460 Better chaincode source check
- 0adaf35 FAB-13490 javaenv image based on openjdk:slim-8
- e33b4bd FAB-13672 stop using deprecated left closure
- c3e342a FAB-13097 Getting correct jar
- cc76d2f FAB-13097 Adding shim 1.3.0 to docker image
- b22858b Configure Stale ProBot
- 1279d2c FAB-13436 multistage docker build
- 035a7d2 FAB-13243 fix javaenv docker build tag
- ad89bbb FAB-13248 Update dependencies for sonatype
- cea4db0 FAB-13229 Prepare for next release (2.0.0 on master)
- 4c6cd6c FAB-13236 Publish jars to sonatype
Sun Apr 7 15:37:00 IDT 2019
- 2d26e5d FAB-13117 Release java chaincode 1.4.0-rc1
- 3628832 FAB-13194 Script to publish javaenv multiarch image
- 455100c FAB-12426 Fix java chaincode return status.
- ea26118 FAB-12197 Integration tests
- 3b61085 FAB-12110 SimpleAsset java chaincode example
- b46fc70 FAB-12328 java cc pagination
- 68685dc FAB-12469 Java sbe tests
- 748ea9f FAB-12468 Utility classes for java sbe
- b4b3a87 FAB-12467 State-based endorsement
- c32c4c4 FAB-12568 Adding identities to JavaCC
- fb81132 Fix LFID for gennadyl
- 7522309 Retire dormant maintainers, suggest new nomination
- 321db66 FAB-12444 Update java cc to baseimage 0.4.14
- aa177d2 FAB-12347 Update java cc to baseimage 0.4.13
- e9c5602 FAB-12223 Adding FAQ file
- af01201 FAB-12278 Fixing java cc build script
- 52cc6bd FAB-12157 Hadling chaincode in default package
- 8dcd819 FAB-12152 Prepare for next release (1.4.0 on master)
- cc91af5 FAB-12152 Prepare for next release (1.3.0 on master)
- 9cbb36c FAB-10525 Fix the bug getStateByPartialCompositeKey
Tue Sep 25 15:25:05 EDT 2018
- 224bc4d FAB-12160 Release fabric-chaincode-java v1.3.0-rc1
- 333d91b FAB-12129 Update baseimage version
- 01dd207 FAB-12115 Fix groupId in shim jars
- 5d7ed1c FAB-9519 Java shim readmy and tutorial
- 44a1367 FAB-12017 Adding java docs
- 56e2a11 FAB-11839 Adding FVT tests
- ac70a6f FAB-10032 Adding unit test
- ac6c906 FAB-11750 Updating version to 1.3.0
- e80ba7c FAB-11288 Adding private data functions
- 79497bc FAB-11741 Reformat code
- 71ca2a2 FAB-11664 Enable separate docker build
- 52f2c8b FAB-11485 Fixing empty proposal handling
- 2b35a46 FAB-11304 Handling READY message from peer
- 4b27549 FAB-9380 remove FSM from java chaincode shim
- f5e6fb4 FAB-9920 Java shim mutual TLS
- d295c96 FAB-9424 Adding docker build support
- 1cb0493 FAB-10845 Remove protos files
- 6c8abf4 FAB-9416: Add gradle task to update protos
- e3be99e FAB-9407: Extract JavaCC shim protos
- e4c9867 FAB-9359 add and other docs
- 8772201 FAB-9063 Provide link to Fabric committers
- 4a9406b Add Maintainers to fabric-chaincode-java
- 091a081 FAB-8986: Harden gradle build configuration
- bb958eb FAB-8346 sync chaincode proto files w/ fabric
- c399853 FAB-7989 --peerAddress should be --peer.address
- 308eb63 FAB-7626 Move to Gradle 4.4.1
- d73edd6 FAB-7294 enable shim jar publication
- d9c463e FAB-7091 Extract StreamObserver out of ChaincodeBase
- e3644f4 FAB-6889 add channel ID to chaincode message
- 2eda08b FAB-6726 move to gradle 4.2.1
- 5cf4f73 FAB-3650 add getBinding() API
- a3b7d71 FAB-3649 add getTransient() API
- 3cb86b0 FAB-3648 add getCreator() API
- 5982e40 FAB-3653 add getTxTimestamp() API
- 5566a62 FAB-6681 Add code coverage report and verification
- 64de43a FAB-6637 add license check to fabric-chaincode-java
- 9f2f4f9 FAB-3470 update composite key format
- 61b8fc2 FAB-3651 add getSignedProposal() API
- 8c2352a FAB-6494 Add unit tests for ChaincodeStubImpl
- b58bcc2 Update Jim's RC ID in MAINTAINERS.rst
- 02520ac Initial MAINTAINERS file
- 915824f FAB-6435 Copy Java shim from fabric repository
- 067b712 FAB-5928 Initial gradle build script