diff --git a/_docs/website/index.html b/_docs/website/index.html
index 59abbbe2b1..172521bd76 100644
--- a/_docs/website/index.html
+++ b/_docs/website/index.html
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@
share |
- share defines which share buttons beneath the entry are visible. Default is share=gtfprde (g = google, f = facebook, t = twitter, p = pocket, d = delicious, w = wallabag, e = email). When you would like to show only facebook and twitter share button use share=ft. |
+ share defines which share buttons beneath the entry are visible. Default is share=tfprde (f = facebook, t = twitter, p = pocket, d = diaspora, w = wallabag, e = email). When you would like to show only facebook and twitter share button use share=ft. |
wallabag |