pkgbuild.json has:
- Package name string
- Info blurb
- Title string
- Author string
- Category string
- Version string
- URL string
- License string
- Description string
- Details string
- Changes string
- Assets array of blurbs, containing:
- URL for asset string
- Asset type string
- ???
Repo.json has:
- Packages, an array of blurbs, containing:
- Category string (COPY)
- Binary path string
- Update date string
- Package name string (COPY)
- License string (COPY)
- Title string (COPY)
- Source URL string (COPY)
- Author string (COPY)
- Changelog string (copy or append from changes string)
- Extracted size in kibibytes
- Version string (COPY)
- Filesize int
- web_dls int counter
- details string (COPY)
- app_dls int counter
- description string (COPY)
pkggen needs to generate for each package:
- assets
- manifest.install
- info.json
repo.json is just all the info.json's