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2fdf5e5 · Jul 28, 2021


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Big Dipper Interface ✨ Cosmos 2.0


Big Dipper is an open-source block explorer and token management tool serving over 10 proof-of-stake blockchains. It has been forked more than 100 times on GitHub and has served audiences from 140 countries and regions.

Visit Big Dipper to see a complete list of chains.

Official Documentation:

What's New

While the original Big Dipper was a fullstack application, we have decided to break down the components and make it a view only explorer in v2.0+. This repo (Big Dipper Interface ✨ Cosmos 2.0) will primarily focus only on the frontend aspect.

Quick Start (development mode)

In this quick start we assume you are running BDJuno, our default indexer.

  1. npm ci

  2. Create a .env file and fill it with the following


NODE_ENV - development | production
PORT - the port to run the app on
NEXT_PUBLIC_GRAPHQL_URL - refers to the api hosted by BDJuno
NEXT_PUBLIC_GRAPHQL_WS - refers to the websocket hosted by BDJuno
NEXT_PUBLIC_URL - the api where you will be hosting the frontend of this explorer (make sure there is no / at the end ex: not
NEXT_PUBLIC_WS_CHAIN_URL - refers to the rpc websocket hosted by the node \

  1. In src/configs/chain_config.json update the json to fit your needs
  • If you have more than one native token please insert it as the following the base token needs [x] exponents to display the following token unit


"tokenUnits": {
    "udaric": {
      "display": "daric",
      "exponent": 6
    "upretz": {
      "display": "pretz",
      "exponent": 3
    "ubar": {
      "display": "pretz",
      "exponent": 6
  • Turn desmosProfile on if your chain uses the desmos profile
  • Turn forboleX on if your chain uses Forbole X
  1. npm run dev

Additional Configuration

You are free to change big dipper however you'd like to fit your needs. Below will be some basic changes available.


By default we offer light, dark, deuteranopia and tritanopia themes to make our explorer more accessible.

We recommend you only edit the light and dark modes. They are available in src/styles/themes.

index - holds the overall common usage for light and dark. They can easily be overwritten by copying and pasting their individual values in dark.ts or light.ts.

TX Messages

By default, message types that don't exist on the base chain (cosmos in this case) will be displayed as unknown but you can easily customize your own by doing the following:

  1. Setup a class model in src/models/msg/<module>. By default we have separated all tx msgs by their corresponding chain module making it easy to locate and associate. All messages must contain the following: category (module), type (message type), json prop and a fromJson static method. Below is an example
class MsgUnjail {
  public category: Categories; // required
  public type: string; // required
  public json: any; // required
  public validatorAddress: string;

  constructor(payload: any) {
    this.category = 'slashing'; // required
    this.type = payload.type; // required
    this.json = payload.json; // required
    this.validatorAddress = payload.validatorAddress;

  static fromJson(json: any) {
    return new MsgUnjail({
      type: json['@type'],
      validatorAddress: json.validator_addr,
  1. import and export your model in src/models/index.ts

  2. In src/screens/transaction_details/components/msg create a corresponding component for your newly created model.

ex: we will be using MsgUnjail again

const Unjail = (props: {
  message: MsgUnjail;
}) => {
  const { findAddress } = useChainContext();
  const { message } = props;
  const validator = findAddress(message.validatorAddress);
  const validatorMoniker = validator ? validator?.moniker : message.validatorAddress;

  return (
  1. import and export your component in src/screens/transaction_details/components/index.ts

  2. in src/screens/transaction_details/utils.tsx go to customTypeToModel and add your model in the following format

<message type>: {
  model: <Model>,
  content: <Component>,
  tagTheme: <tag color>,
  tagDisplay: <tag value>,


'/desmos.profiles.v1beta1.MsgSaveProfile': {
  model: MODELS.MsgSaveProfile,
  content: COMPONENTS.SaveProfile,
  tagTheme: 'four',
  tagDisplay: 'txSaveProfileLabel',


docker build

Github Actions

By default we care using github actions to run our ci/cd. Feel free to delete it if you do not need it.

Available Scripts

npm run dev - starts the app in development mode using nodemon
npm run build - builds the app for production
npm run start - runs the build app in production mode
npm run type-check - typescript check
npm run lint - lint check
npm run test - jest
npm run graphql:codegen - rebuilds gql types if anything in the src/graphql folder has changed