- MODDICORE-433 Add userId to event header and allow to send events with null token
- MODDICORE-432 Vendor details are empty with code that contains brackets during order creation
- MODINVSTOR-1342 Add "deleted" field to Instance schema
- MODDICORE-388 Allow to map vendor details with code that contains brackets during order creation
- MODSOURMAN-1120 Update default mapping to include mapping for Cancelled LCCN
- MODDICORE-406 Relationship ID incorrect mapping
- MODINV-709 Job profile with POL/VRN match cascade does not finish properly
- MODDICORE-408 Data Import removes duplicate 856s in SRS
- MODINV-1071 Extend Authority with Additional fields
- MODDICORE-413 Adjust mapping of order to fill in donor information
- MODSOURMAN-1212 Update MARC bib-instance default mapping for subject source and subject type
- MODDICORE-415 Adjust mapping of Subject source specified in subfield 2
- MODDICORE-416 Donor names from mapping profile are not populated in the POL when at least one donor code does not exist in the system
- MODSOURMAN-1228 Update default mapping for Date type, Date 1, and Date 2 fields
- MODDICORE-425 data-import-processing-core Ramsons 2024 R2 - RMB v35.3.x update
- MODDICORE-405 Optimize Processing of Records
- MODDICORE-358 Fix sorting of protected fields after update
- MODDICORE-411 Make changes in Mapping to map accepted values from Mapping params
- MODDICORE-420 Update schemas
- MODDICORE-398 Update RMB v35.2.0, Vertx 4.5.4
- MODSOURMAN-1085 MARC record with a 100 tag without a $a is being discarded on import.
- MODDICORE-382 Remove from the payload extra key after Multiple Optimistic Locking error reveals
- MODSOURMAN-1022 Remove step of initial saving of incoming records to SRS
- MODDICORE-370 Mapped administrative notes creates multiple notes properties instead of one note property
- MODINV-906 Create Item action discards when stat codes are in field mapping but not incoming MARC file
- MODINV-944 OOM issue in mod-inventory
- MODDICORE-368 'else' statement in Field Mapping Profile for Statistical Code is ignored
- MODDICORE-395 Allow creating multiple holdings/items when conditional mapping is used in field mapping profiles
- MODDICORE-392 "MARC authority" record is assigned to authority file if record's prefix includes prefix of authority file
- MODDICORE-390 Create Item action discards when stat codes are in field mapping but not incoming MARC file
- MODDICORE-360 Migrate to folio-kafka-wrapper 3.0.0 version
- MODDICORE-356 Upgrade data-import-processing-core to Java 17
- MODDICORE-347 MARC bib - FOLIO instance mapping | Adjust contributor and relator term mapping WRT punctuation
- MODDICORE-366 Remove distinct by permanentLocationId for multiple Holdings during mapping if Holdings already contain at the context
- MODDICORE-308 Link wasn't deleted when user deletes linked repeatable field via "Data import" update
- MODDICORE-309 Error when adding uncontrolled subfield in linked "MARC bib" record upon data import
- MODDICORE-311 Unlinked field looks like linked on UI when update/import "MARC Bib" record when $9 is included in the imported file
- MODDICORE-306 Order import: fix product identifier problem with ISBN field
- MODDICORE-307 Order import: fix product identifier problem with 028 field
- MODDICORE-319 Link is removed from field when updating/deleting "$0" in linked "MARC bib" field upon data import if field mapping profile does not allow "$0" update
- MODDICORE-312 Modify linking check when several $0 income
- MODDICORE-304 Cannot import statistical code values based on the text
- MODDICORE-305 Order import: fix product identifier mapping problem with multiple product ID TYPES
- MODDICORE-324 Update MARC bib field should retain subfield $9
- MODDICORE-327 Retain link if field is protected
- MODDICORE-326 Update all subfield to all subfields with same code
- MODDICORE-322 Multiple 050 fields or subfields all map to Holdings/Item Call Number if Holdings/Item Mapping is set to 050$a or 050$a " " 050$b
- MODDICORE-320 Update links interactions according to 'instance-authority-links' interface change to 2.0
- MODDICORE-323 Problems with default MARC-Instance mapping when some call number fields are repeated or have repeated subfields
- MODDICORE-325 Use linkable tags from linking rules, not hardcoded
- MODDICORE-338 Update of "MARC Bib" record completed with error
- MODDICORE-335 Controlled subfields of Second repeatable and linked field could be overwritten by "Data import" update
- MODSOURMAN-974 MARC bib $9 handling: remove $9 subfields from linkable fields
- MODDICORE-342 Updated action profile schema
- MODDICORE-346 Improve handling $0 and $9 in repeatable fields
- MODDICORE-341 MARC Bib record doesn't open after update of repeatable linked field "$0" using mapping profile which allows to update
- MODDICORE-349 Fix handling field updates for mapping details tag '*' in repeatable
- MODDICORE-363 Electronic access mapping from the 856 to the holdings is not maintaining relationships between url and link text (MODDICORE-333)
- MODDICORE-340 Allow mapping multiple items/holdings from context
- MODDICORE-90 Change Mapper to allow mapping of multiple Items
- MODDICORE-336 Change Mapper to allow mapping of multiple Holdings
- MODDICORE-317 Add support for matching multiple entities from one incoming MARC record
- MODDICORE-340 Allow mapping multiple items/holdings from context
- MODINV-862 Add support for json array of entities represented in String
- FAT-6493 Set not matched number for single holdings match
- MODDICORE-314 Remove redundant RequiredFields enum
- MODDATAIMP-926 Add consortium-based source values into authority source
- MODDICORE-322 Multiple 050 fields or subfields all map to Holdings/Item Call Number if Holdings/Item Mapping is set to 050$a or 050$a " " 050$b
- MODSOURMAN-873 Add MARC 720 field to default MARC Bib-Instance mapping and adjust relator term mapping. Expanded default mapper with alternative mapping logic
- MODSOURMAN-837 MARC bib - FOLIO instance mapping | Update default mapping to change how Relator term is populated on instance record
- MODDICORE-294 Add handling accepted values for repeatable fields
- MODDICORE-290 Extend Mapper for Order/OrderLines.
- MODDICORE-19 Add documentation for mapping engine
- MODDICORE-246 Logging improvement
- MODDICORE-294 Multiple item notes not creating
- MODDATAIMP-736 Adjust logging configuration to display datetime in a proper format
- MODDICORE-293 Handle bib-authority link when user updates a bib record via data import
- MODSOURCE-567 Generate srs schemas
- MODDICORE-297 Mapping bib's $9 into subjects, series, alternativeTitles fields
- MODINV-774 Set POLine id when Item is created by DI
- MODDATAIMP-750 Update util libraries dependencies
- KAFKAWRAP-33 Updated folio-kafka-wrapper to 2.7.0
- MODORDERS-844 Add organizations to MappingParameters
- MODDICORE-303 Allow for mapping the vendor, material supplier, and access provider based on CODE in MARC record.
- MODDICORE-281 Extend instance contributors schema with Authority ID
- MODSOURMAN-838 Search by LCCN "010 $a" subfield value with "" at the end don't retrieve results
- MODDICORE-285 Assign each authority record to an Authority Source file list
- MODDICORE-283 Change logic of sourceFileId populating by adding Authority Natural ID
- MODDICORE-276 Create function to populate an Authority Source file ID
- MODDICORE-271 Support MARC-MARC Holdings update action
- MODDICORE-280 Import is failing due to authoritySourceFiles
- MODDICORE-248 MARC field protections apply to MARC modifications of incoming records when they should not
- MODINV-671 Check and fix the sending of DI_ERROR after DuplicateEventException appears
- MODDICORE-265 Implement method to update record fields according to field protections
- MODDICORE-269 Add support of exclusiveSubfield option
- MODDICORE-276 Create function to populate an Authority Source file ID
- MODDICORE-222 Authority: Add normalisation function to set note types
- MODDATAIMP-491 Improve logging to be able to trace the path of each record and file_chunks
- MODDICORE-225 When EDIFACT record is imported intermittently currency is not mapped when it comes from record field
- MODDATAIMP-592 Data Import matches on identifier type and identifier value separately, resulting in incorrect matches
- MODDICORE-188 Remove pubsub client dependency
- MODDICORE-240 EDIFACT Inv: Empty Invoice line Description in field mapping profile fails Data Import job
- MODSOURMAN-675 Data Import handles repeated 020 $a:s in an unexpected manner when creating Instance Identifiers
- MODDICORE-204 Overlaying with single record import creates duplicate control fields
- MODDICORE-205 Update the MARC-Instance field mapping for InstanceType (336$a and $b)
- MODDICORE-206 Blank fields generated from MARC mapping create invalid Instance records in Inventory
- MODDICORE-241 MARC 007 is retained although overlay does not contain MARC 007 field
- MODDICORE-195 FOLIO snapshot throw optimistic locking error when updating an instance
- MODDICORE-244 Rename fields in Authority schema
- MODDICORE-237 Authority update: Make MarcRecordModifier support MARC Authority
- MODDICORE-235 Authority update: Add new event types
- MODDICORE-216 Cannot edit a MARC Holdings record created with Add MARC Holdings record
- upgrade dependency on folio-kafka-wrapper to v2.5.0
- MODDICORE-242 MARC 007 is retained although overlay does not contain MARC 007 field
- Fix log4j vulnerability (upgrade to folio-kafka-wrapper v2.4.2)
- MODDICORE-230 Fix log4j vulnerability (upgrade to folio-kafka-wrapper v2.4.1)
- MODDICORE-231 Fix matching on identifier type and identifier value
- MODDICORE-200 Fix duplicating values of repeatable control fields on MARC bib update
- MODDICORE-199 Add EDIFACT mapping syntax for multiple fields mapping into 1 invoice field
- MODDICORE-209 Support new property "_version" in the Instance
- MODDICORE-187 Blank fields generated from MARC mapping create invalid Instance records in Inventory
- MODDICORE-184 Update the MARC-Instance field mapping for InstanceType (336$a and $b)
- MODDICORE-200 Overlaying with single record import creates duplicate control fields
- MODDICORE-198 Fix the effect of DI_ERROR messages when trying to duplicate records on the import job progress bar
- MODDICORE-192 Fix of Incorrect mapping of acquisition ids that caused validation issues and Invoices creating failures
- MODDICORE-171 Add default mapping profile for MARC holdings
- MODDICORE-175 Ad Mapper for Holdings
- MODSOURCE-340 Lower log level for messages when no handler found
- MODDICORE-186 Fix import of EDIFACT invoices
- MODSOURCE-286 Remove zipping mechanism for data import event payloads and use cache for mapping params and job profile snapshot
- MODDICORE-172 Add MARC-Instance field mapping for New identifier types
- Update folio-kafka-wrapper dependency to v2.4.0
- MODDICORE-166 Near the day boundary data import calculates today incorrectly
- Update folio-kafka-wrapper dependency to v2.3.3
- MODDICORE-162 Mode of issuance not updated when overlaying or updating record with existing SRS
- MODDICORE-165 Data import matches to first possible location in list instead of exact location.
- MODDICORE-164 Error in marc to instance mapping
- MODSOURMAN-527 Cannot import EDIFACT invoices
- MODDICORE-153 Change dataType to have common type for MARC related subtypes
- Update folio-kafka-wrapper dependency to v2.3.1
- MODSOURCE-279 Store MARC Authority record
- MODDICORE-150 Fix util methods to support modules with different rmb versions.
- MODDICORE-159 Mode of issuance not updated when overlaying or updating record with existing SRS
- MODDICORE-163 Use reliable apache commons fo mapping MARC records to Instance records
- Update folio-kafka-wrapper dependency to v2.0.8
- MODDICORE-136 OCLC record imported via Inventory and then updated via Inventory does not update properly
- MODDICORE-137 Fixed ###REMOVE### expression logic, added support for fields represented as object in entity schema
- MODDICORE-127 Location code-Loan type assignment problems [BUGFIX]
- MODSOURMAN-437 Add correlationId header to kafka record on publishing
- MODDICORE-128 Holdings fails to create due to Location code not being recognized.
- MODDICORE-135 Holdings fails to create due to Location code not being recognized[BUGFIX]
- MODDICORE-132 Holdings and item record are not created due to electronicAccess without uri
- MODDICORE-82 Change transport layer implementation to use Kafka
- MODDICORE-114 Add MARC-Instance default mappings for 880 fields.
- MODDSOURMAN-377 Update 5xx Notes mappings to indicate staff only for some notes.
- MODDICORE-111 Add personal data disclosure form.
- MODDICORE-115 Add implementation for EDIFACT reader
- MODDICORE-116 Support for invoice adjustments mapping
- MODDICORE-103 Fixed searching for next match profile
- MODDICORE-59 Implemented MARC Record Writer/Modifier
- MODDICORE-69 Implemented ###REMOVE### expression logic
- MODDICORE-53 Refactored matching in asynchronous style
- MODDICORE-81 856$3 not mapping into holdings record
- MODSOURMAN-281 Added support for event post-processing
- MODDICORE-77 Applied MARC field mapping protection settings
- MODSOURCE-184 Added support for "Update" option of mapping profile for marc bib modification
- MODDICORE-94 Edit action for Modify MARC action profile works only for explicitly specified fields
- MODDICORE-85 Added support to match by multiple values (fix matching MARC 035 to Instance Identifier)
- MODINV-346 Problem with the repeatable check in/out notes field mapping actions
- MODDICORE-88 Refine identifier matching for Instances
- MODDICORE-70 Actions in mapping profile don`t work correctly - BUGFIX
- MODDICORE-72 Create holdings fails because mapping for holdings statement is not working - BUGFIX
- MODDICORE-74 Create holdings fails because mapping for Former holdings ID is not working - BUGFIX
- MODDICORE-75 Two 856 fields smushed into 1 eAccess row in holdings record
- MODDICORE-76 Add support for wildcard indicators and empty indicators to the match engine
- MODDICORE-61 Field mappings: Repeatable fields dropdown action without subfields support
- Fix error log
- Fix condition in normalization function to avoid string index out of bounds
- Add details to logs
- MODDICORE-52 Add support for MappingEngine work with a leader
- MODDICORE-66 Mapping exception in mod-inventory with rules for notes - BUGFIX.
- MODDICORE-62 Adjusted handling of repeatable fields
- MODDICORE-63 Support matching by setting name in case schema contains UUID
- Updated pubsub client dependency to v1.2.0
- MODDICORE-52 Add support for MappingEngine work with a leader
- MODDATAIMP-300 Updated marc4j version to 2.9.1
- MODDICORE-41 Update mapping for Preceding/Succeeding Titles
- MODDICORE-29 Support matching by STATIC_VALUE
- MODDICORE-54 Field mappings: Date picker ###TODAY### logic does not work [BUGFIX]
- MODDICORE-55 Added formatting of date from record to ISO format
- MODDICORE-49 Applied archive/unarchive eventPayload mechanism
- Updated reference to raml-storage
- MODDICORE-37 Added mechanism for archive/unarchive eventPayload
- MODDICORE-38 Fixed DataImportEventPayload processing errors
- MODDICORE-39 Fixed Matcher
- MODDICORE-45 Fixed DI process finishes with ERROR status
- MODDICORE-42 Filtered out electronic access entries with missing uri values in mapped Instances
- MODDICORE-44 Null value if mapped field empty
- MODDICORE-51 "Mode of issuance" values not assigned correctly using marc-to-instance map in Fameflower
- Changed algorithm for switching profiles
- MODDICORE-38 Fixed DataImportEventPayload processing errors
- MODDICORE-39 Fixed Matcher
- MODDICORE-45 Fixed DI process finishes with ERROR status
- Fixed class cast in Matcher
- Implemented rule processor to work with mapping syntax
- Updated schemas reference
- Initial module setup
- Added event manager
- Added transport layer to publish event to consumer services
- Added mapping manager
- Added MARC readers
- Added common json writer
- Implemented MarcValueReader
- Added match expression processor
- Added HoldingsWriterFactory
- Implemented Event handling functionality
- Implemented Holdings, Instance, Item writers
- Implemented LoadQueryBuilder
- Implemented Rules processor
- Mechanism for zipping/unzipping added as util