diff --git a/support/python/mkdocstrings_handlers/cxx/__init__.py b/support/python/mkdocstrings_handlers/cxx/__init__.py
index 5311ef3f5891..21dce2014b01 100644
--- a/support/python/mkdocstrings_handlers/cxx/__init__.py
+++ b/support/python/mkdocstrings_handlers/cxx/__init__.py
@@ -2,339 +2,337 @@
# Copyright (c) 2012 - present, Victor Zverovich
# https://github.com/fmtlib/fmt/blob/master/LICENSE
-from __future__ import annotations
import os
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ElementTree
from pathlib import Path
+from subprocess import PIPE, STDOUT, CalledProcessError, Popen
from typing import Any, List, Mapping, Optional
-from subprocess import CalledProcessError, PIPE, Popen, STDOUT
-import xml.etree.ElementTree as ElementTree
from mkdocstrings.handlers.base import BaseHandler
class Definition:
- """A definition extracted by Doxygen."""
- def __init__(self, name: str, kind: Optional[str] = None,
- node: Optional[ElementTree.Element] = None,
- is_member: bool = False):
- self.name = name
- self.kind = kind if kind is not None else node.get('kind')
- self.desc = None
- self.id = name if not is_member else None
- self.members = None
- self.params = None
- self.template_params = None
- self.trailing_return_type = None
- self.type = None
+ """A definition extracted by Doxygen."""
+ def __init__(self, name: str, kind: Optional[str] = None,
+ node: Optional[ElementTree.Element] = None,
+ is_member: bool = False):
+ self.name = name
+ self.kind = kind if kind is not None else node.get('kind')
+ self.desc = None
+ self.id = name if not is_member else None
+ self.members = None
+ self.params = None
+ self.template_params = None
+ self.trailing_return_type = None
+ self.type = None
# A map from Doxygen to HTML tags.
tag_map = {
- 'bold': 'b',
- 'emphasis': 'em',
- 'computeroutput': 'code',
- 'para': 'p',
- 'programlisting': 'pre',
- 'verbatim': 'pre'
+ 'bold': 'b',
+ 'emphasis': 'em',
+ 'computeroutput': 'code',
+ 'para': 'p',
+ 'programlisting': 'pre',
+ 'verbatim': 'pre'
# A map from Doxygen tags to text.
tag_text_map = {
- 'codeline': '',
- 'highlight': '',
- 'sp': ' '
+ 'codeline': '',
+ 'highlight': '',
+ 'sp': ' '
def escape_html(s: str) -> str:
- return s.replace("<", "<")
+ return s.replace("<", "<")
def doxyxml2html(nodes: List[ElementTree.Element]):
- out = ''
- for n in nodes:
- tag = tag_map.get(n.tag)
- if not tag:
- out += tag_text_map[n.tag]
- out += '<' + tag + '>' if tag else ''
- out += '' if tag == 'pre' else ''
- if n.text:
- out += escape_html(n.text)
- out += doxyxml2html(list(n))
- out += '
' if tag == 'pre' else ''
- out += '' + tag + '>' if tag else ''
- if n.tail:
- out += n.tail
- return out
+ out = ''
+ for n in nodes:
+ tag = tag_map.get(n.tag)
+ if not tag:
+ out += tag_text_map[n.tag]
+ out += '<' + tag + '>' if tag else ''
+ out += '' if tag == 'pre' else ''
+ if n.text:
+ out += escape_html(n.text)
+ out += doxyxml2html(list(n))
+ out += '
' if tag == 'pre' else ''
+ out += '' + tag + '>' if tag else ''
+ if n.tail:
+ out += n.tail
+ return out
def convert_template_params(node: ElementTree.Element) -> Optional[List[Definition]]:
- template_param_list = node.find('templateparamlist')
- if template_param_list is None:
- return None
- params = []
- for param_node in template_param_list.findall('param'):
- name = param_node.find('declname')
- param = Definition(name.text if name is not None else '', 'param')
- param.type = param_node.find('type').text
- params.append(param)
- return params
+ template_param_list = node.find('templateparamlist')
+ if template_param_list is None:
+ return None
+ params = []
+ for param_node in template_param_list.findall('param'):
+ name = param_node.find('declname')
+ param = Definition(name.text if name is not None else '', 'param')
+ param.type = param_node.find('type').text
+ params.append(param)
+ return params
def get_description(node: ElementTree.Element) -> List[ElementTree.Element]:
- return node.findall('briefdescription/para') + \
- node.findall('detaileddescription/para')
+ return node.findall('briefdescription/para') + \
+ node.findall('detaileddescription/para')
def normalize_type(type_: str) -> str:
- type_ = type_.replace('< ', '<').replace(' >', '>')
- return type_.replace(' &', '&').replace(' *', '*')
+ type_ = type_.replace('< ', '<').replace(' >', '>')
+ return type_.replace(' &', '&').replace(' *', '*')
def convert_type(type_: ElementTree.Element) -> Optional[str]:
- if type_ is None:
- return None
- result = type_.text if type_.text else ''
- for ref in type_:
- result += ref.text
- if ref.tail:
- result += ref.tail
- result += type_.tail.strip()
- return normalize_type(result)
-def convert_params(func: ElementTree.Element) -> list[Definition]:
- params = []
- for p in func.findall('param'):
- d = Definition(p.find('declname').text, 'param')
- d.type = convert_type(p.find('type'))
- params.append(d)
- return params
+ if type_ is None:
+ return None
+ result = type_.text if type_.text else ''
+ for ref in type_:
+ result += ref.text
+ if ref.tail:
+ result += ref.tail
+ result += type_.tail.strip()
+ return normalize_type(result)
+def convert_params(func: ElementTree.Element) -> List[Definition]:
+ params = []
+ for p in func.findall('param'):
+ d = Definition(p.find('declname').text, 'param')
+ d.type = convert_type(p.find('type'))
+ params.append(d)
+ return params
def convert_return_type(d: Definition, node: ElementTree.Element) -> None:
- d.trailing_return_type = None
- if d.type == 'auto' or d.type == 'constexpr auto':
- parts = node.find('argsstring').text.split(' -> ')
- if len(parts) > 1:
- d.trailing_return_type = normalize_type(parts[1])
+ d.trailing_return_type = None
+ if d.type == 'auto' or d.type == 'constexpr auto':
+ parts = node.find('argsstring').text.split(' -> ')
+ if len(parts) > 1:
+ d.trailing_return_type = normalize_type(parts[1])
def render_param(param: Definition) -> str:
- return param.type + (f' {param.name}' if len(param.name) > 0 else '')
+ return param.type + (f' {param.name}' if len(param.name) > 0 else '')
def render_decl(d: Definition) -> str:
- text = ''
- if d.id is not None:
- text += f'\n'
- text += '
- if d.id is not None:
- text += f'\n'
- return text
+ text = ''
+ if d.id is not None:
+ text += f'\n'
+ text += ''
- text += '
+ if d.id is not None:
+ text += f'\n'
+ return text
class CxxHandler(BaseHandler):
- def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
- super().__init__(handler='cxx', **kwargs)
- headers = [
- 'args.h', 'base.h', 'chrono.h', 'color.h', 'compile.h', 'format.h',
- 'os.h', 'ostream.h', 'printf.h', 'ranges.h', 'std.h', 'xchar.h'
- ]
- # Run doxygen.
- cmd = ['doxygen', '-']
- support_dir = Path(__file__).parents[3]
- top_dir = os.path.dirname(support_dir)
- include_dir = os.path.join(top_dir, 'include', 'fmt')
- self._ns2doxyxml = {}
- build_dir = os.path.join(top_dir, 'build')
- os.makedirs(build_dir, exist_ok=True)
- self._doxyxml_dir = os.path.join(build_dir, 'doxyxml')
- p = Popen(cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
- _, _ = p.communicate(input=r'''
- INPUT = {0}
- XML_OUTPUT = {1}
- __linux__=1 \
- FMT_ENABLE_IF(...)= \
- FMT_API= \
- "FMT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE=namespace fmt {{" \
- "FMT_DOC=1"
- '''.format(
- ' '.join([os.path.join(include_dir, h) for h in headers]),
- self._doxyxml_dir).encode('utf-8'))
- if p.returncode != 0:
- raise CalledProcessError(p.returncode, cmd)
- # Merge all file-level XMLs into one to simplify search.
- self._file_doxyxml = None
- for h in headers:
- filename = h.replace(".h", "_8h.xml")
- with open(os.path.join(self._doxyxml_dir, filename)) as f:
- doxyxml = ElementTree.parse(f)
- if self._file_doxyxml is None:
- self._file_doxyxml = doxyxml
- continue
- root = self._file_doxyxml.getroot()
- for node in doxyxml.getroot():
- root.append(node)
- def collect_compound(self, identifier: str,
- cls: List[ElementTree.Element]) -> Definition:
- """Collect a compound definition such as a struct."""
- path = os.path.join(self._doxyxml_dir, cls[0].get('refid') + '.xml')
- with open(path) as f:
- xml = ElementTree.parse(f)
- node = xml.find('compounddef')
- d = Definition(identifier, node=node)
- d.template_params = convert_template_params(node)
- d.desc = get_description(node)
- d.members = []
- for m in \
- node.findall('sectiondef[@kind="public-attrib"]/memberdef') + \
- node.findall('sectiondef[@kind="public-func"]/memberdef'):
- name = m.find('name').text
- # Doxygen incorrectly classifies members of private unnamed unions as
- # public members of the containing class.
- if name.endswith('_'):
- continue
- desc = get_description(m)
- if len(desc) == 0:
- continue
- kind = m.get('kind')
- member = Definition(name if name else '', kind=kind, is_member=True)
- type_text = m.find('type').text
- member.type = type_text if type_text else ''
- if kind == 'function':
- member.params = convert_params(m)
- convert_return_type(member, m)
- member.template_params = None
- member.desc = desc
- d.members.append(member)
- return d
- def collect(self, identifier: str, _config: Mapping[str, Any]) -> Definition:
- qual_name = 'fmt::' + identifier
- param_str = None
- paren = qual_name.find('(')
- if paren > 0:
- qual_name, param_str = qual_name[:paren], qual_name[paren + 1:-1]
- colons = qual_name.rfind('::')
- namespace, name = qual_name[:colons], qual_name[colons + 2:]
- # Load XML.
- doxyxml = self._ns2doxyxml.get(namespace)
- if doxyxml is None:
- path = f'namespace{namespace.replace("::", "_1_1")}.xml'
- with open(os.path.join(self._doxyxml_dir, path)) as f:
- doxyxml = ElementTree.parse(f)
- self._ns2doxyxml[namespace] = doxyxml
- nodes = doxyxml.findall(
- f"compounddef/sectiondef/memberdef/name[.='{name}']/..")
- if len(nodes) == 0:
- nodes = self._file_doxyxml.findall(
- f"compounddef/sectiondef/memberdef/name[.='{name}']/..")
- candidates = []
- for node in nodes:
- # Process a function or a typedef.
- params = None
- d = Definition(name, node=node)
- if d.kind == 'function':
- params = convert_params(node)
- node_param_str = ', '.join([p.type for p in params])
- if param_str and param_str != node_param_str:
- candidates.append(f'{name}({node_param_str})')
- continue
- elif d.kind == 'define':
- params = []
- for p in node.findall('param'):
- param = Definition(p.find('defname').text, kind='param')
- param.type = None
- params.append(param)
- d.type = convert_type(node.find('type'))
- d.template_params = convert_template_params(node)
- d.params = params
- convert_return_type(d, node)
- d.desc = get_description(node)
- return d
- cls = doxyxml.findall(f"compounddef/innerclass[.='{qual_name}']")
- if not cls:
- raise Exception(f'Cannot find {identifier}. Candidates: {candidates}')
- return self.collect_compound(identifier, cls)
- def render(self, d: Definition, config: dict) -> str:
- if d.id is not None:
- self.do_heading('', 0, id=d.id)
- text = ''
+ text += '