Run in the source tree:
eval $(./dev-setup)
This sets up the channels
directory and NIX_PATH.
For development on a FCIO test VM, sync the fc-nixos source tree to the target
machine and set up the channels
directory with:
This can be done as regular user. Run the command again when nixpkgs changes
in order to update the channels
The VM has to use a matching environment that points to the channels
fc-manage switch
(as root) then uses the local code to rebuild the system.
Run in development mode:
nix-build -A $package
Or build package by directly calling a Nix expression:
nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; callPackage path/to/file.nix {}'
Run in development mode:
nix-build '<nixpkgs/nixos>' -A system
Must be executed as root on FCIO test VMs.
Automatic test execution for a single test:
nix-build tests/$test.nix
Interactive test execution (gives a Perl REPL capable to run the test script):
nix-build test/$test.nix -A driver
For test files with sub tests use:
nix-build test/$test.nix -A $subtest-attrname.driver
- Update rev id in versions.json and zero out sha256
- Run
nix-build versions.nix
to get the correct checkout - Fix checksum and run
eval $(./dev-setup)
to activate.
Unless explicitly stated otherwise, content in this repository is licensed under the MIT License.