Lesson 7Youtube
The particle で indicates a method or means used for an action.
箸で 食べます。 I eat with chopsticks.
日本語で レポートを 書きます。 I am going to write the report in Japanese.
This question is used to ask how to say a word or sentence in another language.
「ありがとう」は 英語で 何ですか。 What's 'Arigato' in English? …… 「Thank you」です。 …… It's 'thank you'.
「Thank you」は 日本語で 何ですか。 What's 'Thank you' in Japanese? …… 「ありがとう」です。 …… It's 'ありがとう'.
Verbs like あげます, かします and おしえます indicate imparting things or information, so they must be used with a noun saying to whom those things or information are imparted. The particle に is used to denote the recipient.
[わたしは]木村さんに 花を あげました。 I gave Ms.Kimura some flowers.
[わたしは]イーさんに 本を 貸しました。 I lent Ms.Lee a book.
[わたしは]山田さんに 英語を 教えます。 I teach Mr.Yamada English.
Verbs like もらいます, かります and ならいます indicate receiving things or information, so they are used with a noun indicating the person from whom those things or information are received. The particle に is used to denote that person.
[わたしは]山田さんに 花を もらいました。 I received some flowers from Mr.Yamada.
[わたしは]カリナさんに CDを 借りました。 I borrowed a CD from Karina.
[わたしは]ワンさんに 中国語を 習います。 I'm learning Chinese from Mr.Wang.
[Note] から can be used instead of に in this sentence pattern. から is always used when receiving something from an organization such as a company or school rather than a person.
[わたしは]山田さんから 花を もらいました。 I received some flowers from Mr.Yamada.
銀行から お金を 借りました。 I borrowed some money from the bank.
もう means 'already' and is used with V ました. In this case, V ました means that the action has been completed.
The answer to the question もう V ましたか as to whether an action has been completed or not is:
- はい、もう V ました if in the affirmative (i.e. the action has been completed).
- いいえ、V て いません (see Lesson 31) or いいえ、まだです if in the negative (i.e. the action has not been completed).
- いいえ、V ませんでした is not used in that case, since this means that something was not done in the past, rather than that something has not been completed in the present.
もう 荷物を 送りましたか。 Have you sent the baggage yet? …… はい、[もう]送りました。 …… Yes, I have [sent it]. …… いいえ、まだ 送って いません。 …… No, I haven't sent it yet. (See Lesson 31.) …… いいえ、まだです。 …… No, not yet.
Particles are often omitted in informal speech when the relationships between the parts of speech before and after them are obvious.
この スプーン[は]、すてきですね。 This is a lovely spoon, isn't it?
コーヒー[を]、もう 一杯 いかがですか。 Would you like another cup of coffee? (See Lesson 8.)