Lesson 6Youtube
The particle を is used to indicate the direct object of a transitive verb.
ジュースを 飲みです。 I drink juice.
[Note] を is used only in writing the particle.
A fairly wide range of nouns are used as the objects of the verb します, which means that the action denoted by the noun is performed. Some examples are shown below.
- Play sports or games
サッカーを します play soccer
トランプを します play cards
- Hold gatherings or events
パーティーを します give a party
会議を します hold a meeting
- Do something
宿題を します do homework
仕事を します work
電話を します call, phone
This is a question to ask about someone's actions.
月曜日 何を しますか。 What are you doing on Monday? …… 京都へ 行きます。 …… I am going to Kyoto.
昨日 何を しましたか。 What did you do yesterday? …… サッカーを しました。 …… I played soccer.
Both なん and なに mean 'what'.
なん is used in the following cases:
- When it precedes a word whose first is in the た, だ and な -row.
これは 何ですか。 What is that?
何の 本ですか。 What's that book about?
寝る まえに、何と 言いますか。 What do you say before going to bed? (See Lesson 21.)
何で 東京へ 行きますか。 How are you getting to Tokyo?
- なんで is used for asking 'Why?' as well as 'How?' なにで can be used when the speaker wants to make it clear the he or she is asking "How?"
何で 東京へ 行きますか。 How are you getting to Tokyo? …… 新幹線で 行きます。 …… I am going on the Shinkansan.
- When using it with a counter suffix.
テレーザちゃんは 何歳ですか。 How old is Teresa?
なに is used in all other cases apart from above part.
何を 買いますか。 What are you going to buy?
When add after a noun denoting a place, the particle で indicates the occurrence of an action in that place.
駅で 新聞を 買います。 I am going to buy a paper at the station.
This expression is used when the speaker wants to invite someone to do something.
いっしょに 京都へ 行きませんか。 Would you like to come to Kyoto with us? …… ええ、いいですね。 …… Yes, that's a nice idea.
This expression is used when a speaker is positively inviting the listener to do something with the speaker. It is also used when responding positively to an invitation.
ちょっと 休みましょう。 Let's take a break.
いっしょに 昼ごはんを 食べませんか。 Shall we have lunch together? …… ええ、食べましょう。 …… Yes, let's do it.
[Note] V ませんか and V ましょう are both used to invite someone to do something, but V ませんか shows that the speaker is giving more consideration to what the listener might want than V ましょう.
か indicates that the listener has received and accept some new information. It is used in the same way as the か in そうですか (see Lesson 2).
日曜日 京都へ 行きました。 I went to Kyoto on Sunday. …… 京都ですか。いいですね。 …… Kyoto, eh? Great!