is a command-line utility that takes in an HPC resource request
written in Flux's Canonical Job Specification (or simply a jobspec)
(RFC 14)
and selects the best-matching compute and other resources in accordance with
a selection policy.
The goal of this utility is largely three-fold. First, as we are actively
developing a scalable batch-job scheduling infrastructure within Flux,
provides a way to exercise our infrastructure code so as to
help with our design decisions and development process in general. Second,
this utility is designed to serve as a debugging and testing interface for
our scheduling infrastructure. Finally, resource-query
aims to facilitate
exascale system-software co-design activities, and it does this by enabling
advanced scheduler developers and policy writers (e.g., IO bandwidth- or
power-aware policies) to test their HPC resource representation and selection
ideas in a much more simplified, easy-to-use environment.
In the following, we describe how resource-query
builds on our scheduling
infrastructure and how users interact with this utility.
On start-up, resource-query
reads in a resource-graph generation recipe
written in the GRUG format (see the GRUG section below) and populates
a resource-graph data store, representing HPC resources and their
relationships according to Flux Resource Model
(RFC 4).
Once the graph data store is populated, an interactive command-line
interface (cli) session is started for the user:
% resource-query -L conf/default -F pretty_simple --match-subsystems=CA --match-policy=high
% INFO: Loading a matcher: CA
The main cli command is match.
This command takes in a jobspec file name
and either allocates or reserves its best-matching resources. Likewise, this
command provides two subcommands: allocate
will try to allocate the
best-matching resources for the given jobspec; allocate_orelse_reserve
try to reserve the resources into the future (i.e., earliest possibly
scheduable point), if an allocation cannot be created on the current
resource state. By contrast, allocate
will simply not allocate
resources if matching resources are not found in the current resource state.
The following command allocated the best-matching resources for the
specification contained in test.yaml
resource-query> match allocate test.yaml
INFO: =============================
INFO: =============================
The output format of an allocation or reservation is a tree shape where the root resource vertex appears in the beginning. Each resource is annotated with the allocated or reserved count and exclusive vs. shared access modes.
For example, core15[1:exclusive]
indicates that the 1 unit of core15
has been
exclusively allocated. Similarly, memory0[8:exclusive]
shows that the 8 units
(i.e., GB) of memory1
have been exclusive allocated.
Please note that the granularity of exclusive allocation/reservation is the whole resource pool vertex, not anything less. Thus, if you want a more fined-grained exclusive memory allocation, for instance, you should first model your memory pool vertices with smaller memory unit (e.g., 256MB).
By contrast, the following command reserved the best-matching resources
for test.yaml
. Notice the output difference: SCHEDULED AT=Now
resource-query> match allocate_orelse_reserve test.yaml
INFO: =============================
INFO: =============================
used in the above examples are the following:
version: 9999
- type: node
count: 1
- type: slot
count: 1
label: default
- type: socket
count: 2
- type: core
count: 5
- type: gpu
count: 1
- type: memory
count: 6
duration: 3600
- command: [ "app" ]
slot: default
per_slot: 1
Internally, here is how resource-query
uses our scheduling infrastructure
for matching. Upon receiving a match
command, it creates a Jobspec object
and simply passes it into a traversal interface of our infrastructure
to traverse in a predefined order the resource graph
data store previously populated in accordance with a GRUG file.
While traversing, the traverser calls back a callback method of the selected matcher plugin on certain graph visit events. The matcher callback plugin represents a resource selection policy. It evaluates the visiting resource vertex and passes its score to the infrastructure, which then later uses this score information to determine the best-matching resources to select.
Currently, resource-query
supports only one traversal type as our scheduling
infrastructure implements only one type: depth-first traversal on the dominant
subsystem and up traversal on one or more auxiliary subsystems.
The traversal capabilities will be expanded as more advanced types will be
designed and developed.
The resource graph data are managed and organized around the concept of subsystems (e.g., hardware containment subsystem, power subsystem, network subsystem, etc). A subsystem is a subset of resource vertices and edges within the graph data, which forms certain relationships. A matcher subscribes to one of more these named subsystems as its dominant and/or auxiliary ones on which matches are performed.
While testing has mostly been done on the hardware containment subsystem
to meet our shorter-term milestones, resource-query
do offer options for
choosing a predefined matcher that is configured to use different
combinations of subsystems.
Further, resource-query
provides an option for using different
resource-matching selection policies--e.g., select resources with high or low
IDs first. For more information about its options, please type in
resource-query --help
. In addition, resource-query> help
will print out
a message that explains its various cli commands.
GRUG is a GraphML-based language for specifying a resource-graph generation
recipe. resource-query
can read in a GRUG file and populate its store
of the resource graph data conforming to Flux's resource model
The goal of GRUG is to help Flux scheduler plug-in developers easily determine
the representation of this resource graph data (e.g., granularity of resource
pools, relationships between resources, and subsystems/hierarchies to use to
organize the resources) that are best suited for their scheduling objectives
and algorithms. Without having to modify the source code of resource-query
and our scheduling infrastructure, developers can rapidly build and test
various resource-graph representations by writing or modifying GRUG text files.
GraphML is an easy-to-use, XML-based graph specification language. GRUG uses the vanilla GraphML schema with no extension, and thereby familiarity with GraphML is the only prerequisite for fluent uses of GRUG. We find that the following on-line GraphML materials are particularly useful:
GRUG describes a resource-generation recipe as a graph. A vertex prescribes how the corresponding resource pool (or simply resource as a shorthand) should be generated; an edge prescribes how the corresponding relationships between two resources should be generated. The edge properties also allow a small recipe graph to generate a large and more complex resource graph store.
A multiplicative edge has a scaling factor that will generate the specified number of copies of the resources of the target resource type of the edge. An associative edge allows a source resource vertex to be associated with some of the already generated resources in a specific manner.
The scheduling infrastructure walks this recipe graph in
the depth-first manner and emits/stores the corresponding resources and their
relationship data into its resource graph store.
The recipe graph must be a forest of trees whereby each tree represents
a distinct resource subsystem or hierarchy. The terms, hierarchy
and subsystem, are often used interchangeably.
A conforming GRUG file is composed of two sections: 1) recipe graph definition and 2) recipe attributes declaration. We explain both in the following subsections.
A recipe graph definition is expressed as GraphML's graph
consisting of two nested elements: node
and edge
. A node
prescribes ways to generate a resource pool and an edge
for generating relationships
(RFC 4).
For example, in the following definition,
<node id="socket">
<data key="type">socket</data>
<data key="basename">socket</data>
<data key="size">1</data>
<data key="subsystem">containment</data>
<node id="core">
<data key="type">core</data>
<data key="basename">core</data>
<data key="size">1</data>
<data key="subsystem">containment</data>
the node
elements are the generation recipes for a socket and
compute-core resource (i.e., scalar), respectively. And they belong to the
containment subsystem.
<edge id="socket2core" source="socket" target="core">
<data key="e_subsystem">containment</data>
<data key="relation">contains</data>
<data key="rrelation">in</data>
<data key="gen_method">MULTIPLY</data>
<data key="multi_scale">2</data>
Here, this edge
element is the generation recipe for the relationship between
the socket and core resources. It specifies that for each socket resource,
2 new core
type resources (i.e., MULTIPLY and 2) will be generated, and the
relationship type is contains
and the reverse relationship is in
A resource in one subsystem (e.g., power subsystem) can be associated with another subsystem (e.g., containment subsystem), and associative edges are used for this purpose.
<node id="pdu_power">
<data key="type">pdu</data>
<data key="basename">pdu</data>
<data key="subsystem">power</data>
<edge id="powerpanel2pdu" source="powerpanel" target="pdu_power">
<data key="e_subsystem">power</data>
<data key="relation">supplies_to</data>
<data key="rrelation">draws_from</data>
<data key="gen_method">ASSOCIATE_IN</data>
<data key="as_tgt_subsystem">containment</data>
Here, this edge
element is the generation recipe for the relationship between
and pdu
resource. It specifies that a powerpanel
resource will
be associated (i.e., ASSOCIATE_IN
) with all of the pdu
resources that have
already generated within the containment
The forward relationship is annotated as supplies_to
and the reverse
relationship as draws_from
Oftentimes, association with all resources of a type is not sufficient to make
a fine-grained association. For the case where the hierarchical paths of
associating resources can be used to make associations, ASSOCIATE_BY_PATH_IN
generation method can be used.
<edge id="pdu2node" source="pdu_power" target="node_power">
<data key="e_subsystem">power</data>
<data key="relation">supplies_to</data>
<data key="rrelation">draws_from</data>
<data key="gen_method">ASSOCIATE_BY_PATH_IN</data>
<data key="as_tgt_uplvl">1</data>
<data key="as_src_uplvl">1</data>
Here, the method is similar to the previous one except that the association is
only made with the node
resources whose hierarchical path at its parent level
(i.e., as_tgt_uplvl
=1) is matched with the hierarchical path of the source
resource (also at the parent level, as_src_uplvl
This section appears right after the GraphML header and before the recipe
graph definition section. To be a valid GRUG, this section must declare all
attributes for both node
and edge
elements. Currently, there are 16
attributes that must be declared. 5 for the node
element and 11 for the edge
elements. You are encouraged to define the default value for each attribute,
which then can lead to more concise recipe definitions. A graph element will
inherit the default attribute values unless it specifically overrides them.
The 16 attributes are listed in the following:
<-- attributes for the recipe node elements -->
<key id="root" for="node""root" attr.type="int">
<key id="type" for="node""type" attr.type="string"/>
<key id="basename" for="node""basename" attr.type="string"/>
<key id="size" for="node""size" attr.type="long"/>
<key id="subsystem" for="node""subsystem" attr.type="string"/>
<-- attributes for the recipe edge elements -->
<key id="e_subsystem" for="edge""e_subsystem" attr.type="string"/>
<key id="relation" for="edge""relation" attr.type="string"/>
<key id="rrelation" for="edge""rrelation" attr.type="string"/>
<key id="id_scope" for="edge""id_scope" attr.type="int"/>
<key id="id_start" for="edge""id_start" attr.type="int"/>
<key id="id_stride" for="edge""id_stride" attr.type="int"/>
<key id="gen_method" for="edge""gen_method" attr.type="string"/>
<key id="multi_scale" for="edge""multi_scale" attr.type="int"/>
<key id="as_tgt_subsystem" for="edge""as_tgt_subsystem" attr.type="string">
<key id="as_tgt_uplvl" for="edge""as_tgt_uplvl" attr.type="int"/>
<key id="as_src_uplvl" for="edge""as_src_uplvl" attr.type="int"/>
The root
attribute specifies if a resource is the root of a subsystem.
If root, 1 must be assigned.
, id_start
and id_stride
specify how the id field of a
resource will be generated. The integer specified with id_scope
defines the
scope in which the resource id should be generated. The scope is local to its
ancestor level defined by id_scope
. If id_scope
is higher than the most
distant ancestor, then the id space becomes global.
For example,
if id_scope
=0, the id of the generating resource will be local to its parent.
If id_scope
=1, the id becomes local to its grand parent. For example,
in rack[1]->node[18]->socket[2]->core[8]
configuration, if id_scope
is 1,
the id space of a core
resource is local to the node
level instead of the
socket level.
So, 16 cores in each node will have 0-15, instead of repeating 0-7 and 0-7,
which will be the case if the id_scope
is 0.
Example GRUG files can be found in conf/
shows how one can model
a resource graph in a coarse manner with no additional subsystem-based
organization. mini-5subsystems-fine.graphml
shows one way to model
a fairly complex resource graph with five distinct subsystems
to support the matchers of various types.
utility can be used to generate a GraphViz dot file
rendering the recipe graph. The dot file can be converted
into svg format by typing in dot -Tsvg -o output.svg
Usage: grug2dot <genspec>.graphml
Convert a GRUG resource-graph generator spec (<genspec>.graphml)
to AT&T GraphViz format (<genspec>.dot). The output
file only contains the basic information unless --more is given.
-h, --help
Display this usage information
-m, --more
More information in the output file
Scheduler resource selection policy implementers can effect their policies
by deriving from our base match callback class (dfu_match_cb_t
) and
overriding one or more of its virtual methods. The DFU traverser's
run ()
method calls back these methods on well-defined graph vertex visit
events and uses both match and score information to determine best matching.
Currently, the supported visit events are:
- preorder, postorder, slot, and finish graph events on the selected dominant subsystem;
- preorder and postorder events on one or more selected auxiliary subsystems.
shows three demo match callback implementations.
They only override dom_finish_vtx ()
, dom_finish_graph ()
dom_finish_slot ()
to effect their selection policies, as
they just use one dominant subsystem: containment
For example, the policy implemented in high_first_t
preference towards higher IDs for resource selection; for example, if node0 and
node1 are both available and the user wanted only 1 node, it will select node1.
The following is the source listing for its dom_finish_vtx ()
. It is invoked
when all of the subtree walk (on the selected dominant subsystem) and up walk
(on the selected auxiliary subsystems) from the visiting vertex have been completed
and there are enough resource units to satisfy the job specification (i.e.,
method argument resources
84 int dom_finish_vtx (vtx_t u, subsystem_t subsystem,
85 const std::vector<Flux::Jobspec::Resource> &resources,
86 const resource_graph_t &g, scoring_api_t &dfu)
87 {
88 int64_t score = MATCH_MET;
89 int64_t overall;
91 for (auto &resource : resources) {
92 if (resource.type != g[u].type)
93 continue;
95 // jobspec resource type matches with the visiting vertex
96 for (auto &c_resource : resource.with) {
97 // test children resource count requirements
98 const std::string &c_type = c_resource.type;
99 unsigned int qc = dfu.qualified_count (subsystem, c_type);
100 unsigned int count = select_count (c_resource, qc);
101 if (count == 0) {
102 score = MATCH_UNMET;
103 break;
104 }
105 dfu.choose_accum_best_k (subsystem, c_resource.type, count);
106 }
107 }
109 // high id first policy (just a demo policy)
110 overall = (score == MATCH_MET)? (score + g[u].id + 1) : score;
111 dfu.set_overall_score (overall);
112 decr ();
113 return (score == MATCH_MET)? 0 : -1;
114 }
The scoring API object, dfu
, contains relevant resource information gathered
as part of the subtree and up walks.
For example, you are visiting a socket
vertex and dfu
contains a map of
all of the resources that are at its subtree, which may be 18 compute cores
and 4 units of 16GB.
Further, if the resource request was slot[1]->socket[2]->core[4]
the passed resources
at the socket
vertex visit level would be core[4]
The method then checks the count satifiability of the visiting socket
child resource and then calls choose_accum_best_k ()
within dfu
API object to choose the best matching 4 cores among however many cores
available. (line #105).
choose_accum_best_k ()
uses the scores that have already been calculated
during the subtree walk at the core resource level. Because the default
comparator of this method is fold::greater
, it sorts the cores in
descending ID order. This way, the cores with higher IDs get selected first.
If the visiting vertex satisfies the request, it sets the score
of the visiting vertex using set_overall_score ()
method at line #111.
In this case, the score is merely the ID number of the visiting vertex.
Similarly, dom_finish_graph ()
performs the same logic
as dom_finish_vertex ()
but this has been introduced so that
we can perform a selection for the first level resource request when
the entire graph has completed (e.g., cluster[1]
) without having to
introduce special casing within dom_finish_vtx ()
Finally, dom_finish_slot ()
is introduced so that the match callback can
provide score information on the discovered slots using its comparator.
Note that, though, there is no real slot
resource vertex in the
resource graph, so you cannot get a postorder visit event per each
slot. Instead, the DFU traverser by itself will perform the satisfiability
check on the child resource shape of each slot. But this matcher
callback method still provides the match callback class with an
opportunity to score all of the the child resources of the discovered
The examples in dfu_match_id_based.hpp
uses choose_accum_all ()
method within the scoring API object to sort all of the child resources
of slot
according to the selection policies.
The Scoring API classes and implementation are entirely located in
The resource section of a job specification can be fully or partitially
hierarchically specified. A fully specified request describes the resource
shape fully from the root to the requested resources with respect
to the resource graph data used by resource-query
. A partially specified
resource request omits the prefix (i.e., from the root to the highest-level
resources in the request). For example, if the resource
graph data used by resource-query
is the following,
then, the next fully hierarchically specifies the resource request:
version: 9999
- type: cluster
count: 1
- type: rack
count: 1
- type: node
count: 1
- type: slot
count: 1
label: default
- type: socket
count: 1
- type: core
count: 1
By contrast, the following partially hierarchically specifies the resource
shape, as it omits from the cluster
and rack
version: 9999
- type: node
count: 1
- type: slot
count: 1
label: default
- type: socket
count: 1
- type: core
count: 1
Because the latter does not impose higher-level (i.e., cluster
levels) constraints, node
type resources will be evaluated by the match
callbacks and all of them will be compared at once to select the highest scored
node. On the other hand, with the higher-level constraints of the former
specification, resource-query
will choose the highest-scored node at the
level in the same manner as how it enforces the lower-level constraints
(e.g., socket
You can implement a wide range of resource selection policy classes using the DFU traversal, in particular in combination with other mechanisms (e.g., choosing a different set and order of subsystems). DFU, however, is a simple, one-pass traversal type and hence there are inherient limitations associated with DFU, which may preclude you from implementing certain policies.
For example, DFU cannot currently handle the following job specification even if the underlying resource graph store has a rack that contains those compute nodes that can satisfy either type of node requirements: one with more cores and burst buffers (bb) and the other fewer cores with no advanced features.
version: 9999
- type: cluster
count: 1
- type: rack
count: 1
- type: slot
count: 2
label: gpunode
- type: node
count: 1
- type: socket
count: 2
- type: core
count: 18
- type: gpu
count: 1
- type: memory
count: 32
- type: bb
count: 768
- type: node
count: 1
- type: slot
count: 2
label: bicore
- type: socket
count: 1
- type: core
count: 2
In general, to be able to handle a jobspec where resource requests
of a same type appears at the same hierarchical level (in this case compute
type under the rack
level), the traverser must be able to perform
a subtree walk for each of them to evaluate a match. However, DFU does not
have an ability to repeat certain subtree walks and thus it cannot handle
this matching problem.
Note that DFU can solve similar but slightly different matching problem:
different node
types are contained within differently named rack
For example, the following jobspec can be matched if the
underlying resource model labels the type of the rack with the beefy compute
nodes as rack
and the other as birack
version: 9999
- type: cluster
count: 1
- type: rack
count: 1
- type: slot
count: 2
label: gpunode
- type: node
count: 1
- type: socket
count: 2
- type: core
count: 18
- type: gpu
count: 1
- type: memory
count: 32
- type: bb
count: 768
- type: birack
count: 1
- type: slot
count: 2
label: bicorenode
- type: node
count: 1
- type: socket
count: 2
- type: core
count: 2
When more advanced classes of resource selection policies are required, you need to introduce new traversal types. For example, an ability to traverse a subtree more than once for depth-first walk--e.g., Loop-aware DFU--can solve the examples shown above. We designed our scheduling infrastructure to be extendable, and a part of our future plan is to extend our infrastructure with more capable traversal types.
If you are interested in our earlier discussions on the different classes of matching problems, please refer to this issue