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FluentBit move fractional seconds #6073

LHozzan opened this issue Sep 20, 2022 · 12 comments

FluentBit move fractional seconds #6073

LHozzan opened this issue Sep 20, 2022 · 12 comments


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LHozzan commented Sep 20, 2022


I am not sure, that this is bug or feature or problem somewhere else, but I discovered, that FluentBit moving with timestamp, see this examples:

Example #1:
Raw record (exact line from log file):
2022-09-07T11:52:55.505530838Z stdout F [2022-09-07 11:52:55] Working on ADDED configmap monitoring/prometheus-stack-kube-prom-grafana-overview

FluentBit processing (processed line on FluentBit output, CSV format):

"[2022-09-07 11:52:55] Working on ADDED configmap monitoring/prometheus-stack-kube-prom-grafana-overview",

Jump is 4 fractional seconds in the future.

Example #2:
Raw record:
2022-09-07T11:52:55.505561119Z stdout F [2022-09-07 11:52:55] Found 'data' on configmap

FluentBit processing:

"[2022-09-07 11:52:55] Found 'data' on configmap",

Jump is 6 fractional seconds in the future.

Example #3:
Raw record:
2022-09-07T11:52:55.505566066Z stdout F [2022-09-07 11:52:55] Writing grafana-overview.json

FluentBit processing:

"[2022-09-07 11:52:55] Writing grafana-overview.json",

Jump is 54 fractional seconds in the past.

Expected behavior
FluentBit will not change timestamp fractional seconds.

Your Environment

  • Version used: 1.9.5 / 1.9.7
  • Configuration: docker image fluent/fluent-bit on containerd
  • Environment name and version (e.g. Kubernetes? What version?): Kubernetes 1.24.3
  • Server type and version: AWS c5.xlarge (CPU: 4, Memory: 8GB)
  • Operating System and version: gardenlinux v: 576.11.0 (Debian 11 derivate)
  • Filters:
    • lua
    • kubernetes
  • Plugins:
    • systemd
    • tail
    • opensearch

Additional context

When you have few log records per seconds, this probably not hit you, but when you have million and above log records from exact pods, output is unusable, you need fractional seconds scale. In this scenario records are mixed over time due to moved fractional seconds from (for me) unknown reason.

I wrote small script to generate marked lines and from output it seems, that ordering isnt correct:

Have we something set wrong on our side? If yes, can you please pointing me to the right direction? Is this really bug?

Thank you!

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Are you parsing the timestamp from the raw record? If not it will be using the local time.

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LHozzan commented Sep 21, 2022

Hi @patrick-stephens .
Thank you for feedback.

Yes, we have parser and as you can see from last field, FluentBit processing it correctly.

As you can see on example 1:

  • in raw record is timestamp 2022-09-07T11:52:55.505530838Z
  • FluentBit read it correctly and correctly write it to the last field ("2022-09-07T11:52:55.505530838Z")
  • BUT as timestamp send to OpenSearch 1662551575.505530834 (2022-09-07T11:52:55.505530834Z)

Can you or somebody explain, why FluentBit sent timestamp
instead of

Why he not send, what really read? Why he modify it by from my perspective totally random pattern?

If you have few log records per seconds, this problem you probably not spot. But when you have large K8s cluster and components, which can generate millions of log records per second, fractional seconds is crucial for us. I mean, if FluentBit randomly change timestamp, log records are for debugging useless, because you dont know, which event is cause of which consequence ...

For example, in raw log records should be:

2022-09-07T12:10:00.000000001Z stdout F WARN ...
2022-09-07T12:10:00.000000002Z stdout F INFO ...
2022-09-07T12:10:00.000000003Z stdout F INFO ...
2022-09-07T12:10:00.000000004Z stdout F INFO ...
2022-09-07T12:10:00.000000005Z stdout F ERROR ...

but FluentBit can sent to OpenSearch:

2022-09-07T12:10:00.000000007Z stdout F ERROR ...
2022-09-07T12:10:00.000000009Z stdout F INFO ...
2022-09-07T12:10:00.000000013Z stdout F WARN ...
2022-09-07T12:10:00.000000024Z stdout F INFO ...
2022-09-07T12:10:00.000000033Z stdout F INFO ...

and now we are lost :(. We dont know, which events cause what consequences ...

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What's your parser config?
What field is it using for the timestamp and is it parsing the fractional seconds?

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LHozzan commented Sep 22, 2022

Hi @patrick-stephens .

I am not sure, that I understand you, so, maybe I am wrong.

Parser config:

    Name        kube-tag
    Format      regex
    Regex       ^(?<pod_id>[^_/]+)\.(?<namespace_name>[^_/]+)\.(?<pod_name>[^_/]+)\.(?<container_name>[^/]+)$
    Time_Format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%Z

We using @timestamp field.

Here is processed record from OpenSearch from my test cluster (FluentBit in this scenario feeding directly OpenSearch, no another component on the way):

If you need any additional information, please, let me know. My goal is understand, why this "jumps" occurring OR fix the problem.

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  • Could you share your config file and lua script to clarify the pipeline ?
  • How did you get CSV output ? using out_file plugin ?

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LHozzan commented Oct 3, 2022


Thank you for your feedback.

Could you share your config file and lua script to clarify the pipeline ?

Sure, see below:


    Flush                         1
    Log_Level                     info
    Daemon                        off
    Parsers_File                  parsers.conf
    HTTP_Server                   On
    HTTP_Port                     2020
    storage.type                  filesystem
    storage.path                  /var/fluent-bit/state/flb-storage/
    storage.sync                  normal
    storage.checksum              off
    storage.backlog.mem_limit     50M
    storage.max_chunks_up         1000
    storage.metrics               on

@INCLUDE _input-tail.conf
@INCLUDE _input-systemd.conf
@INCLUDE _filter-kubernetes.conf
@INCLUDE _filter-de_dot.conf
@INCLUDE filter-*.conf
@INCLUDE _output-opensearch-*.conf
@INCLUDE output-*.conf


    Name    lua
    Match   kube.*
    script  /fluent-bit/etc/dedot.lua
    call    dedot


    Name                kubernetes
    Match               kube.*
    Kube_Tag_Prefix     kube.
    Regex_Parser        kube-tag
    Kube_URL            https://kubernetes.default.svc:443
    Kube_CA_File        /var/run/secrets/
    Kube_Token_File     /var/run/secrets/
    Merge_Log           true
    Keep_Log            On
    K8S-Logging.Parser  On
    K8S-Logging.Exclude On
    Labels              On
    Kube_Meta_Cache_TTL 60s
    Annotations         Off


    Name                systemd
    Tag                 systemd.*
    Systemd_Filter      _SYSTEMD_UNIT=kubelet.service
    Systemd_Filter      _SYSTEMD_UNIT=containerd.service
    Systemd_Filter_Type Or
    Read_From_Tail      On
    Path                /run/log/journal
    Strip_Underscores   On


    Name              tail
    Tag               kube.<pod_id>.<namespace_name>.<pod_name>.<container_name>
    Tag_Regex         /var/log/pods/(?<namespace_name>[^_/]+)_(?<pod_name>[^_/]+)_(?<pod_id>[^_/]+)/(?<container_name>[^/]+)/.*
    Path              /var/log/pods/*/*/*.log
    DB                /var/fluent-bit/state/flb_kube.db
    Exclude_Path      /var/log/pods/*/*/*.gz,/var/log/pods/*/*/*.zip
    Skip_Long_Lines   Off
    Buffer_Chunk_Size 32k
    Buffer_Max_Size   128k
    Refresh_Interval  30
    Rotate_Wait       10
    Read_from_Head    false
    multiline.parser  cri, go, java


    Name                opensearch
    Match               kube.*
    Host                ${FLUENT_opensearch_HOST}
    Port                ${FLUENT_opensearch_PORT}
    HTTP_User           ${FLUENT_opensearch_USER}
    HTTP_Passwd         ${FLUENT_opensearch_PASSWORD}
    Logstash_Format     On
    Logstash_Prefix     containers
    Replace_Dots        On
    Retry_Limit         25
    Trace_Error         On
    Suppress_Type_Name  On
    Include_Tag_Key     Off
    Time_Key_Nanos      On
    Generate_ID         On
    tls                 On
    tls.Verify          On
    tls.ca_file         /fluent-bit/ssl/root-ca.pem
    tls.crt_file        /fluent-bit/ssl/admin.pem
    tls.key_file        /fluent-bit/ssl/admin-key.pem
    Buffer_Size         1024kb


    Name                opensearch
    Match               systemd.*
    Host                ${FLUENT_opensearch_HOST}
    Port                ${FLUENT_opensearch_PORT}
    HTTP_User           ${FLUENT_opensearch_USER}
    HTTP_Passwd         ${FLUENT_opensearch_PASSWORD}
    Logstash_Format     On
    Logstash_Prefix     systemd
    Replace_Dots        On
    Retry_Limit         25
    Trace_Error         On
    Suppress_Type_Name  On
    Include_Tag_Key     Off
    Time_Key_Nanos      On
    Generate_ID         On
    tls                 On
    tls.Verify          On
    tls.ca_file         /fluent-bit/ssl/root-ca.pem
    tls.crt_file        /fluent-bit/ssl/admin.pem
    tls.key_file        /fluent-bit/ssl/admin-key.pem


function dedot(tag, timestamp, record)
  if record["kubernetes"] == nil then
    return 0, 0, 0
  return 1, timestamp, record

function dedot_keys(map)
    if map == nil then
    local new_map = {}
    local changed_keys = {}
    for k, v in pairs(map) do
        local dedotted = string.gsub(k, "%.", "_")
        if dedotted ~= k then
            new_map[dedotted] = v
            changed_keys[k] = true
    for k in pairs(changed_keys) do
        map[k] = nil
    for k, v in pairs(new_map) do
        map[k] = v


    Name          rewrite_tag
    Match         kube.*
    Rule          $kubernetes['labels']['app_kubernetes_io/name'] "^(ingress-nginx)$" nginx false

    Name          parser
    Match         nginx
    Key_Name      log
    Parser        k8s-nginx-ingress
    Reserve_Data  True

    # Sanitizing garbage from penetration tests
    Name          modify
    Match         nginx
    Condition     Key_value_equals upstream_response_length -
    Set           upstream_status 999
    Set           upstream_response_time 0.009
    Set           upstream_response_length 9


    Name                opensearch
    Match               nginx
    Host                ${FLUENT_opensearch_HOST}
    Port                ${FLUENT_opensearch_PORT}
    HTTP_User           ${FLUENT_opensearch_USER}
    HTTP_Passwd         ${FLUENT_opensearch_PASSWORD}
    Logstash_Format     On
    Logstash_Prefix     nginx
    Replace_Dots        On
    Retry_Limit         False
    Trace_Error         On
    Suppress_Type_Name  On
    Include_Tag_Key     Off
    Time_Key_Nanos      Off
    Generate_ID         On
    tls                 On
    tls.Verify          On
    tls.ca_file         /fluent-bit/ssl/root-ca.pem
    tls.crt_file        /fluent-bit/ssl/admin.pem
    tls.key_file        /fluent-bit/ssl/admin-key.pem


    Name        kube-tag
    Format      regex
    Regex       ^(?<pod_id>[^_/]+)\.(?<namespace_name>[^_/]+)\.(?<pod_name>[^_/]+)\.(?<container_name>[^/]+)$
    Time_Format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%Z

    Name        syslog
    Format      regex
    Regex       ^\<(?<pri>[0-9]+)\>(?<time>[^ ]* {1,2}[^ ]* [^ ]*) (?<host>[^ ]*) (?<ident>[a-zA-Z0-9_\/\.\-]*)(?:\[(?<pid>[0-9]+)\])?(?:[^\:]*\:)? *(?<message>.*)$
    Time_Key    time
    Time_Format %b %d %H:%M:%S

    Name        k8s-nginx-ingress
    Format      regex
    Regex       ^(?<host>[^ ]*) - (?<user>[^ ]*) \[(?<time>[^\]]*)\] "(?<method>\S+)(?: +(?<path>[^\"]*?)(?: +\S*)?)?" (?<code>[^ ]*) (?<size>[^ ]*) "(?<referrer>[^\"]*)" "(?<agent>[^\"]*)" (?<request_length>[^ ]*) (?<request_time>[^ ]*) \[(?<proxy_upstream_name>[^ ]*)\] (\[(?<proxy_alternative_upstream_name>[^ ]*)\] )?(?<upstream_addr>[^ ]*) (?<upstream_response_length>[^ ]*) (?<upstream_response_time>[^ ]*) (?<upstream_status>[^ ]*) (?<reg_id>[^ ]*).*$
    Time_Key    time
    Time_Format %d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z

How did you get CSV output ? using out_file plugin ?

Yes, config below:

    Name file
    Match *
    Format csv
    Mkdir true
    Path /var/fluent-bit/state/rawdata

Meantime I have a little progress. In scenario, where only FluentBit and OpenSearch are deployed, looks much better and in OpenSearchDashboards is now "correctly ordered" records. Looks like:

Unfortunately, these jumps still occurred:

Hope that helps.

If you need another additional information, please, let me know.

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nokute78 commented Oct 5, 2022

@LHozzan Thank you for information I can reproduce it.
Could you use code = 2 at lua script ?

 If code equals 2, means the original timestamp is not modified and the record has been modified

I think data conversion lua <-> C causes this issue.

I tested following config.


    parsers_file parsers.conf

    Name tail
    Path a.log
    Read_From_Head on
    multiline.parser cri

    Name lua
    Match *
    script a.lua
    call a

    Name stdout
    Match *


function a(tag, timestamp, record)
    return 1, timestamp, record


2022-09-07T11:52:55.505530838Z stdout F [2022-09-07 11:52:55] Working on ADDED configmap monitoring/prometheus-stack-kube-prom-grafana-overview

Output is

[0] tail.0: [1662551575.505530834, {"_p"=>"F", "time"=>"2022-09-07T11:52:55.505530838Z", "log"=>"[2022-09-07 11:52:55] Working on ADDED configmap monitoring/prometheus-stack-kube-prom-grafana-overview", "stream"=>"stdout"}]
$ ../../bin/fluent-bit -c a.conf 
Fluent Bit v2.0.0
* Copyright (C) 2015-2022 The Fluent Bit Authors
* Fluent Bit is a CNCF sub-project under the umbrella of Fluentd

[2022/10/05 20:47:09] [ info] [fluent bit] version=2.0.0, commit=8a4ded6f66, pid=16631
[2022/10/05 20:47:09] [ info] [storage] ver=1.2.0, type=memory, sync=normal, checksum=off, max_chunks_up=128
[2022/10/05 20:47:09] [ info] [cmetrics] version=0.4.0
[2022/10/05 20:47:09] [ info] [input:tail:tail.0] initializing
[2022/10/05 20:47:09] [ info] [input:tail:tail.0] storage_strategy='memory' (memory only)
[2022/10/05 20:47:09] [ info] [input:tail:tail.0] multiline core started
[2022/10/05 20:47:09] [ info] [sp] stream processor started
[2022/10/05 20:47:09] [ info] [input:tail:tail.0] inotify_fs_add(): inode=4730770 watch_fd=1 name=a.log
[2022/10/05 20:47:09] [ info] [output:stdout:stdout.1] worker #0 started
[2022/10/05 20:47:09] [ info] [output:file:file.0] worker #0 started
[0] tail.0: [1662551575.505530834, {"_p"=>"F", "time"=>"2022-09-07T11:52:55.505530838Z", "log"=>"[2022-09-07 11:52:55] Working on ADDED configmap monitoring/prometheus-stack-kube-prom-grafana-overview", "stream"=>"stdout"}]

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LHozzan commented Oct 5, 2022

Hi @nokute78 .

Thank you for your effort I really appreciate it.

Just for clarify: Mean you this file


function dedot(tag, timestamp, record)
  if record["kubernetes"] == nil then
    return 0, 0, 0
  return 1, timestamp, record

function dedot_keys(map)
    if map == nil then
    local new_map = {}
    local changed_keys = {}
    for k, v in pairs(map) do
        local dedotted = string.gsub(k, "%.", "_")
        if dedotted ~= k then
            new_map[dedotted] = v
            changed_keys[k] = true
    for k in pairs(changed_keys) do
        map[k] = nil
    for k, v in pairs(new_map) do
        map[k] = v

change to this state:

function dedot(tag, timestamp, record)
  if record["kubernetes"] == nil then
    return 0, 0, 0
  return 2, timestamp, record --[[ previous 1, now 2]]

function dedot_keys(map)
    if map == nil then
    local new_map = {}
    local changed_keys = {}
    for k, v in pairs(map) do
        local dedotted = string.gsub(k, "%.", "_")
        if dedotted ~= k then
            new_map[dedotted] = v
            changed_keys[k] = true
    for k in pairs(changed_keys) do
        map[k] = nil
    for k, v in pairs(new_map) do
        map[k] = v


Many thanks!

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LHozzan commented Oct 6, 2022

Hi @nokute78 .

You have right! If I change this Lua script and change this code as above, FluentBit not modify @timestamp and let exact value, like in time field.

Just for my curious: Is this problem in our script and we dont understand documentation or is this bug in FluentBit and can occur anytime in future, when somebody attempt to use Lua script to modify his workflow and timestamps?

Thank you very much for assistance with debugging, I really appreciate it!

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nokute78 commented Oct 7, 2022

@LHozzan Thank you for testing. I'm glad to hear that.

Is this problem in our script and we dont understand documentation or is this bug in FluentBit and can occur anytime in future, when somebody attempt to use Lua script to modify his workflow and timestamps?

Current Lua API can cause rounding error and it cause this issue.
I think it needs to change API, but it will cause breaking change.

Lua supports Number type and it is double-precision floating-point type.

Fluent-bit supports flb_time and it is a wrapper of timespec. It represents a timestamp using integer types.

struct timespec {
    time_t   tv_sec;        /* seconds */
    long     tv_nsec;       /* nanoseconds */

Floating-point types can cause rounding error.
Following code can reproduce issue.

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
  int a = 1662551575;
  int b = 505530838;
  double val = (double)a + ((double)b/(double)1000000000);

  printf("val=%.9lf\n", val);

  return 0;

The same result in golang.

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LHozzan commented Oct 10, 2022

Thank you very much for explanation! I really appreciate it!

This solution is actually working for us and not bring any overheat or any limitation. Please, consider my problem as a solved.

Current Lua API can cause rounding error and it cause this issue.
I think it needs to change API, but it will cause breaking change.

If you wish, you can close this issue, or let it opened for somebody, who will have similar problems :).

I hope, that this problem will disappear over time ...

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