You think about using AutoLayoutKit in one of your shiny new swift-only Apps? Well, now you can.
Introducing Manuscript, the fancy successor of AutoLayoutKit written in pure Swift. (Carthage compatible, still under development)
For a very basic running example check out the example app. Clone the repo and run pod install
from the Project directory first.
Let me give you a quick example on how easy it is to create NSLayoutConstraints in code using ALK.
[ALKConstraints layout:childView do:^(ALKConstraints *c) {
[c make:ALKCenterX equalTo:self s:ALKCenterX];
[c make:ALKCenterY equalTo:self s:ALKCenterY];
[c set:ALKWidth to:30.f];
[c set:ALKHeight to:30.f];
Curious what the same code looks without ALK? Check out this.
Entering Version 0.6.0, the basic sample from above can be improved even further.
[ALKConstraints layout:childView do:^(ALKConstraints *c) {
[c centerIn:self];
[c setSize:CGSizeMake(30.f, 30.f)];
ALKConstraints.layout(titleLabel) { c in
c.make(.trailing, equalTo: self, s: .trailing, minus: 10)
__block NSLayoutConstraint * heightConstraint = nil;
[ALKConstraints layout:self.view do:^(ALKConstraints * c) {
heightConstraint = [c set:ALKHeight to:100.f];
var leadingConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint? = nil
ALKConstraints.layout(titleLabel) { c in
leadingConstraint = c.make(.leading, equalTo: self, s: .leading, plus: 10)
Using iOS 11 Safe Area
In case of iOS version less than 11, default
methods will be used as fallback.
All Safe Area methods uses times value as 1.0.
[ALKConstraints layout:titleLabel do:^(ALKConstraints * c) {
[c make:ALKLeading equalToSafeArea:self.view s:ALKLeading plus:8];
[c make:ALKTrailing equalToSafeArea:self.view s:ALKTrailing minus:8];
ALKConstraints.layout(titleLabel) { c in
c.make(.leading, equalToSafeArea: self, s: .leading, plus: 8)
c.make(.trailing, equalToSafeArea: self, s: .trailing, minus: 8)
AutoLayoutKit is available through CocoaPods, to install it simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "AutoLayoutKit"
Florian Krueger, [email protected]
AutoLayoutKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.